What other pets do you keep? Here are some of my American cichlids, with Big Bad Barry the Oscar fish being the star attraction! He’s recovering from HITH at the moment but is still as feisty as ever! This lot are masters at digging and spitting sand everywhere. 😅
I do have a couple more tanks with other American cichlids and I’ve got mudskippers, but I’ll save those for next time! 😉
They’re not the smartest creatures… 🙈😂
Thankfully it’s a silk plant so won’t cause any damage to her. Plastic plants sometimes have sharp edges which can cause injuries.
Taking a gulp of air for the camera. 😅
These guys are never kept together but their tubs are being cleaned and it seemed like the perfect opportunity for some group photos! They are all siblings and are now big enough to swim the nest. ☺️💗
Another little one waiting to be collected this afternoon. So cute! 🥹💗
Baby leucistic ☺️💖
Ready in the next few weeks but there is a waiting list and only a few remaining.
Moments after this… they hatched! ☺️✨
Two tiny ones, literally on the verge of hatching last week. 🥰
It only takes a few to start moving and then it sets the rest of them off. 😅 Quite a few have hatched so far but we’re not done yet! 😳
I wouldn’t usually hatch this many (I prefer to keep 40-50 eggs) but they were already close to hatching when they came to me. 🙈