Doherty Dog Services

Doherty Dog Services Doherty Dog Services-
Dog Training
Group Dog Walks
Folkestone, Kent

Our Dukey dog 🐶 Huge thanks to  for this gorgeous shot of DDS CEO Duke Silver. We met up with Jess for a family photo sh...

Our Dukey dog 🐶
Huge thanks to for this gorgeous shot of DDS CEO Duke Silver. We met up with Jess for a family photo shoot and of course our eldest child Duke was with us 🩵 Jess also does pet photoshoots and we would highly recommend her, it's lovely having some professional shots of all our boys! Have you ever done a photo shoot with your dog? Let us know in the comments - and tell us what you used to keep your dog still for long enough to get the perfect shot 😂

Does your adult dog still like to play with others? Our boy Duke doesn't mind most other dogs but can take them or leave...

Does your adult dog still like to play with others?
Our boy Duke doesn't mind most other dogs but can take them or leave them!

Duke Silver would like to remind our UK followers to VOTE in the general election today! Sadly you can't vote for Duke t...

Duke Silver would like to remind our UK followers to VOTE in the general election today! Sadly you can't vote for Duke to be our next prime minister, though he would probably do a better job than the last few PM's we've had...

Huge shout out to our fabulous dog walker Claire who has done a smashing job of holding down the fort whilst we've been ...

Huge shout out to our fabulous dog walker Claire who has done a smashing job of holding down the fort whilst we've been getting used to life with two small humans. She's an absolute superstar, and the dogs love her too! Thanks for everything you do for team DDS Claire 🐶❤️

Laura and Dan are now officially on paternity leave after the arrival of Baby L. We're all doing great and enjoying the ...

Laura and Dan are now officially on paternity leave after the arrival of Baby L. We're all doing great and enjoying the newborn bubble! Dan will be returning to walks on Monday 17th June, Laura will be back to in person training in September and we'll be taking a break from social media until we're ready to be back! 🐶❤️

We are really lucky that our three old son and our  Dukey dog get on so well. These are just some of their shared intere...

We are really lucky that our three old son and our Dukey dog get on so well. These are just some of their shared interests:
- Sticks
- Stones
- Muddy puddles
- Holes
- Peanut butter
- Running, but to nowhere in particular
- Pulling stuff off trees
- Eating stuff that isn't food
- General gross stuff

Today they spent 30 minutes just flicking this manky old bit of wood around the garden together, both happy as larry. If only I could be so easily amused... 🐶❤️


🐾 Calling all dog lovers! 🐾

Is your pup's recall not quite up to scratch? 🐶✨ Say no more! We've got just the thing to help you and your furry friend become the ultimate dream team. 🌟

Introducing our Perfect Recall Guide- your go-to guide for mastering your dog's recall like never before! 📚🐾 Get ready to unleash the power of a rock-solid recall and enjoy off-leash adventures with confidence. 🌳🐾

Inside, you'll find:
✅ Proven techniques to strengthen your dog's recall
✅ Fun games and exercises to practice together
✅ Expert tips for overcoming common recall challenges

Click the link below to subscribe and start your journey to recall success today. 📲🚀


We have a trio of lovely cockers looking for their forever homes 🐾🐾🐾

To read more about Holly (**RESERVED**), Archie and Penny (**RESERVED**) and apply visit:

🐾 This week, we're diving into the world of gundog breeds in our latest blog post! 🐶 From their hunting origins to their...

🐾 This week, we're diving into the world of gundog breeds in our latest blog post! 🐶 From their hunting origins to their lovable personalities, we're covering it all. 🌟 Whether you're considering adding a gundog to your family or just love learning about different breeds, this one's for you! 📖 Check out the full post at the link below and unleash the joy of gundogs! 🐾

Gundog breeds - Spaniels, Labradors, Setters and more- learn more about their appearance, behaviour and if they make good pets.

Three happy lads exploring the forest... And one heavily pregnant, nauseous me 😂

Three happy lads exploring the forest... And one heavily pregnant, nauseous me 😂


Going out on a limb today to share some information that I think is really important. And many of us won’t share this because it makes us vulnerable and a target in many cases.

“You’re just not using the right tools”

“Positive only has limitations”

“You need a better trainer”

These are ALL comments I have seen and been subject to. What is REALLY being said here is that in order to change some behaviours there are those out there willing to do MAJOR emotional and physical harm to your dog. This isn’t an option for me and many other behaviour specialists and trainers.

Quality of life means that your dog isn’t living in constant fear or anxiety anticipating that they will be subject to pain and discomfort and in many cases, abuse. When we move towards using tools and methods to change behaviour that compromise welfare we really need to consider quality of life.

So, with that I say there are limitations for behaviour change. EVEN if you are going the direction I’m warning against. Don’t forget, dogs aren’t washing machines in which we simply replace a part and voila, they are “fixed”. It doesn’t work that way.

Have we introduced you to our lovely dog walker Claire yet? Claire joined us in February running group walks alongside D...

Have we introduced you to our lovely dog walker Claire yet? Claire joined us in February running group walks alongside Dan. She's a huge dog lover and has her own German Shepherd 🐶 Claire is fully insured and will soon be first aid trained like the rest of the team. She works Monday- Friday and has a few spaces available for friendly, sociable dogs in her groups. Message us for more info on group walks and to book your free meet and greet with Claire 🐶❤️

This post on herding breeds will be the first in our new series on different types of dogs. We’ll discuss the breeds tha...

This post on herding breeds will be the first in our new series on different types of dogs. We’ll discuss the breeds that make up this type of dog, what they were bred for and their typical behaviours. We’ll also look at the pro’s and con’s of living with these types of dogs as pets.

What herding breeds were bred for and typical behaviours. The pro’s and con’s of living with these types of dogs as pets.

Happy 6th Gotcha Day to this little farm dog, who has been stealing Dan's spot in the bed since day 1 🐶❤️

Happy 6th Gotcha Day to this little farm dog, who has been stealing Dan's spot in the bed since day 1 🐶❤️


Dog Training Classes suitable for puppies and dogs of all ages

1 space left for 9:40am

1-1 time available from 10:40am

Relaxed and practical sessions, tailored to make life easier for both you & your dog - in an amazing venue

Cues, Lead Walking & Recall Guidance & Dog ‘Talk’ - canine body language

Support between sessions too

Maximum 3 dogs per class

6 sessions

All in Littlebourne

🐾 Thursday morning starts 25 April

To book or find out more feel free to call or email
07484 767650
[email protected]

If we've walked or trained your dog over the past few years, would you mind leaving us a review please? We're not far of...

If we've walked or trained your dog over the past few years, would you mind leaving us a review please? We're not far off having 50 5* reviews on facebook and your help getting to 50 would be very much appreciated! Thanks from all the DDS team 🥰

Ready for the Easter weekend with your dog?Here's our top tips for a fun and safe bank holiday weekend 🐰🐶

Ready for the Easter weekend with your dog?
Here's our top tips for a fun and safe bank holiday weekend 🐰🐶

Fun ways you can enjoy Easter with your dog, safety considerations and how to prepare your dog for visitors over the bank holiday weekend.


‘My dog is naughty/bad/untrainable/dominant/stupid’

I hear this most weeks on intake forms. Usually I get pretty excited to see these cos I know I’m gonna get to change a dog and owners life!

So often we write our dogs off as any adjective that fits the above and honestly, I’m yet to meet a dog who fits any of those adjectives (and I have worked with 10k plus dogs over the ten years I’ve been doing this!). I do however week in week out meet dogs with health issues that contribute to their slow progress in terms of training. Did you know dogs don’t show pain or discomfort how we do? We often think ‘oh he isn’t limping or yelping so he is fine’.

Please read the examples below ⬇️

🐾 A huntaway cross who I work with who bit his owner. Reluctant to have his feet cleaned, got spicy over any intense handling, had periods of seeming insanity and relentless barking and being unable to calm down. Huntaways are vocal dogs… but…

Turns out he had hip dysplasia. This dog didn’t limp. He wasn’t lame in any way. He chased his ball and sprinted and jumped and had no issues physically on the surface however under that behaviour was pain.

🐾 A French bulldog. Resource guarding to the extreme. Bit his owners while resource guarding the knot pattern in their wooden floor. Also bombed around without a worry in the world and had no outward signs of pain.

Turns out he had a severe spinal condition causing intermittent excruciating pain.

🐾 A young spaniel owned by a very good friend who was having confidence issues. She would ‘tap out’ of training on the regular and my friend went from ‘this is my ticket dog who will represent my country’ to ‘is this even possible?’

Dog had hormonal issues and likely spikes of hormones left right and centre. A carefully timed spay and she is now grade 6 in agility.

🐾 A friends Border Collie. Owned by a very experienced and talented agility handler and trainer. Regularly ‘checked out’ of training sessions, seemed to not be able to learn things that were moderately straightforward. Described by other trainers as ‘oh she is just a border collie it’s what they are like’.

Turns out she is mostly deaf.

🐾 A black Labrador. Always social and friendly and attended brilliant puppy classes and adolescent classes. Had the best start training wise you can imagine. He started showing some intermittent aggression to his owners in the home and aggression to other dogs out and about.

Turns out he had bilateral elbow dysplasia.

🐾 Young German Shepherd. Always energetic and silly in her behaviour but suddenly got worse. Excessive zoomies, inability to settle, increased reactivity to other dogs, reluctant to get in the car, obsessive destruction at home.

Turns out she had an infection in her va**na that was causing discomfort and exacerbating all those teenage behaviours to the point of being unmanageable.

🐾 My own dog! My NSDTR started missing his dog walk contact early last year. I was tearing my hair out trying to fix it.

Turns out he had a minor iliopsoas strain and some physio fixed the issue for us.


All these dogs have one thing in common. They are not stupid or untrainable or naughty or dominant. They are uncomfortable and that is triggering extreme behaviour fallout.

None of the above issues would be resolveable with training. All of the issues will be resolveable with training ONLY when the pain is resolved. Some of them will have drastic improvement from the moment the pain or discomfort is managed!

If your behaviourist or trainer doesn’t immediately advise a veterinary visit if any aggression, excessive ‘naughtiness’ or strange behaviour is present, walk away immediately. Even if you think your dog is fine, visit the vets. Ask for a thorough examination and push for a proper evaluation of your dog from nose to tail and potentially blood tests too. If you’re still not sure, get a second opinion.

You cannot train the pain or discomfort out of your dog. Address THIS first and foremost.

Does your dogs breed matter? Read more below!

Does your dogs breed matter? Read more below!

Understanding your dogs genetics and history is key in meeting your dogs needs. It's also vital in preventing behaviour problems developing.

A liver and white Sprocker? In Folkestone?! There must be someone local who can provide this beautiful Dukey lookalike w...

A liver and white Sprocker? In Folkestone?! There must be someone local who can provide this beautiful Dukey lookalike with a great life 🐶❤️


Dogs behave the way they do for many reasons. They do NOT do things deliberately to be stubborn or ‘naughty’, nor do they aim to assert control. Outdated mythologies and training methods have detrimental effects on well-being and strain the relationship between a dog and their caregiver.

🧬A dog's breed and genetic makeup can play a significant role in determining certain behavioural traits. Dogs have genetic predispositions and breed-specific tendencies that contribute to their behaviour.
Some breeds are predisposed to specific behaviours, such as herding, hunting, or guarding.

The environment in which a dog is raised and lives can profoundly impact their behaviour. Early socialisation, which involves exposing a puppy to a wide range of people, animals, and environments during their critical developmental period, is crucial for building confidence and shaping a dog's social behaviour to reduce fear or aggression.

Overstimulation can cause all kinds of unwanted behaviours as it overwhelms their senses and can lead to hyperactivity or erratic responses. For example, if a dog is exposed to loud noises, multiple people, and various stimuli all at once, or on a daily basis, they might exhibit excessive excitable behaviour, poor impulse control, become agitated and exhibit behaviours like jumping, barking, or pulling on the leash, as their senses are overwhelmed by the excessive input.

Previous experiences and learning consequences can influence a dog's behaviour. Traumatic experiences, in particular, can lead to fear, anxiety, or aggression.

How a dog is trained and educated by their caregiver or handler can significantly affect their behaviour. Consistent, positive reinforcement-based training can lead to desired behaviours, while harsh or inconsistent methods can result in confusion or fear.

A dog's health, including their physical and mental well-being, can influence their behaviour. Illness, pain, or discomfort can lead to changes in behaviour.

A dog's emotional state, including fear, anxiety, and excitement, can affect their behaviour. For example, a fearful dog may display unpredictable defensive reactive behaviours or might avoid any encounters and run away trying to hide. While a confident dog may exhibit playfulness and a relaxed demeanour.

A dog can become frustrated and destructive if their mental and physical needs are not met. This dog, full of pent-up energy and boredom, may become frustrated and exhibit poor impulse control. In their frustration, they might resort to destructive behaviours, such as chewing furniture, digging up the garden, or incessant barking. This destructive behaviour is often an expression of their frustration and an attempt to alleviate their built-up energy and mental stress.

The type of diet a dog receives can significantly influence their behaviour, with high-quality nutrition promoting better energy levels, mood, and overall well-being, while poor diet choices can lead to issues like irritability, hyperactivity, or digestive problems.

As dogs age, they may experience canine cognitive decline, which can manifest as changes in memory, learning, and behaviour. This condition can lead to increased confusion, disorientation, and altered social interactions in older dogs.

It is really important to understand that each dog is unique, and their behaviour can vary widely, even within the same breed. Dogs use body language, vocalizations, and other forms of communication to express their needs, emotions, and intentions. Understanding a dog's communication cues is essential for interpreting their behaviour.

Want to know how to train your dog to do ANYTHING? Then you need to understand reinforcement! You can learn more about r...

Want to know how to train your dog to do ANYTHING? Then you need to understand reinforcement! You can learn more about reinforcement in dog training in my latest blog post

Reinforcement in dog training- how does positive and negative reinforcement work? Why shouldn't we use punishment in dog training?


A 1 hour group walk is £14.50. Get in touch for more info and to book a free meet and greet 🐶❤️

Does your dog growl when you take their bone? Read this weeks blog post all about Aggressive Resource Guarding to learn ...

Does your dog growl when you take their bone? Read this weeks blog post all about Aggressive Resource Guarding to learn more about dealing with this issue with your dog

Aggressive resource guarding- how it occurs, the signs and symptoms to look out for and how you can help your dog overcome resource guarding

Our lovely new dog walker Claire has been learning the robes out on walks with Josie this week. From March 11th she will...

Our lovely new dog walker Claire has been learning the robes out on walks with Josie this week. From March 11th she will be doing Monday - Friday group walks so we have a few spaces available on the Mon and Fri. Get in touch to arrange your free meet and greet with Claire if you're looking for group walks for your dog 🐶❤️



Opening Hours

Monday 8am - 6pm
Tuesday 8am - 6pm
Wednesday 8am - 6pm
Thursday 8am - 6pm
Friday 8am - 6pm
Saturday 8am - 6pm


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