Have you heard the hype about Omega 3? Not just relevant to humans, the science behind dietary fatty acids is coming on leaps and bounds in the equine world with the predictable accompanying myriad of supplements.
Omega 3 fatty acids are commonly found in quality forage and have an essential role to play in the anti-inflammatory process. Inflammation is a natural response to injury or infection but too much inflammation, or inflammation that lasts too long can cause further discomfort, dysfunction or damage. A diet high in Omega 3 reduces inflammation, helping to improve comfort and reduce inflammation in the respiratory, gastric and musculoskeletal system.
In contrast, Omega 6 fatty acids are all about the pro-inflammatory response, and if the balance between the two types is wrong you can actually hinder rather than help! Ideally they are fed in a 1:1 ratio so picking your supplement well is important.
OmegaPro is a great supplement to support your horse’s wellbeing, especially if they are prone to chronic inflammatory conditions such as dermatitis or asthma.