Taydogs Dog Training

Taydogs Dog Training Senga is a full member member of APDT UK accredited trainer (00773 ) Taydogs Dog Training has been operating for over 20 year's.

using praise & .reward based training for pups & adult dogs. 1-2-1 also available, also clicker training. We meet every Tuesday & Wednesday evenings. &

Booking essential.

1-2-1 also available. Help is available for new pups/problem dogs, please phone, before the problem gets out of control. Always happy to give advice FOC. My aim is to help owners bring up a happy, healthy pup/dog .


FRIENDLY REMINDER......if your dog is under the weather, you must contact me before returning to class. even if you have been to your vet and they say they are alright to attend class.

Everyone should be doing the same and hopefully that way no one will leave my class with a dog that has picked something up from class.


Just because 🤣🤣🤣🤣




Love this-

Did I ever tell you guys about two owners that took the wrong pup home?😂😂😂Edited to add. One pup was male & the other fe...

Did I ever tell you guys about two owners that took the wrong pup home?😂😂😂

Edited to add.
One pup was male & the other female—🐾🐾

21 Interactive Games all filled with treats ready for the dogs🐾🐾

21 Interactive Games all filled with treats ready for the dogs🐾🐾

Sorry I’m a wee bit late with these cuties

Sorry I’m a wee bit late with these cuties

Another 12 extra large blankets going off too help folk keep warm in the Ukraine.Picture with dog to show how big bag is...

Another 12 extra large blankets going off too help folk keep warm in the Ukraine.
Picture with dog to show how big bag is🐾🐾

Thank to Pearl Taylor for the hours of work she puts into Crocheting these beautiful blankets.

Wool running very low so if anyone has any wool they don’t want plz pm me and I can arrange collection /dropoff.

Huge thanks to everyone that collected wool for us.


Walk with me; don’t just walk me. Slow down and see the world as I do. I know you’ve got things to do, places to be. But out here, with the ground beneath our feet and the sky above us, there’s a whole world worth noticing.

The autumn chill is in the air today, crisp and full of new smells. It’s different from yesterday, and different from the day before. Every day is new. The leaves crunch under my paws, and I stop to breathe in the rich, earthy scent of them. To you, it might just be a pile of leaves, but to me, it’s a story—one I can’t help but dive into, nose first.

There’s a squirrel somewhere nearby, I can sense it, darting up a tree, its tiny heart beating fast. And the wind carries whispers of things far away: a family cooking dinner, the trace of a cat that passed by early this morning, and the faint perfume of flowers holding on to their last bit of summer. It’s all here, swirling around us if you just take the time to notice.

You tug on the leash, eager to move on, and I can tell you’re thinking about something far away from here. But when we walk, truly walk, you and I can be in this moment together. Feel the cool air brush against your skin, let it wake you up. Notice how the sun filters through the branches, casting shadows that dance on the pavement. Hear the crunch of the leaves beneath our steps, like a secret rhythm just for us.

To you, it might be just another walk, a daily routine to tick off the list. But for me, every step is an adventure. Each scent is a clue, each sound a piece of a puzzle. When you walk with me, really walk with me, you’ll see it too. The world is bigger than what we’re rushing toward. It’s right here, in the small moments, in the quiet spaces between your thoughts.

So, slow down. Breathe. Let the chill fill your lungs and the colours fill your eyes. Walk with me, don’t just walk me. See the world as I do, if only for a little while. It’s all waiting for you, just beneath the surface.
Natalie P
Picture created with AI



Evie is a 12-week-old puppy and was on holiday in St Andrews with her family. Eight days ago, on Wednesday the 4th of September she received a fright at the beach from another dog and ran away.

Despite the best efforts of her owners, Gill & Karen she wasn’t to be found.

A local team helped search for the first few days with a handful of sightings reported around the golf course and across the main road near the Balgove Estate. The sightings soon dried up and Evie’s owners made the decision on Saturday the 7th that they needed more help and more resources on the ground.

Two very good friends in Stewart and Lynsey had been there continuously from day one and reached out to someone they knew in James for further help and asked him to lead the search. At this point he realised the urgency of the situation and organised help from Missing Pets Dundee & Angus, Dana’s Angels, Search Dogs for Lost Dogs and Missing Pets Perth & Kinross. This combined with a group of family friends and local helpers set about helping.

Search Dogs for Lost Dogs immediately attended, and Dani with K9 Nova and Kay with K9 Piper were able to pick up several strong trails and give the team areas of the golf course to focus on.

The team split into three and sat silently in their cars observing. We really need to say a huge thank you to the staff on the golf course for all their help, with many of them coming in on days off to help search.

In the early hours of Sunday morning at about 0400 James heard barking coming from the direction of the main road, in particular from the North West corner of the Balgove Estate close to where a local Postie had reported a sighting a few days earlier.

The silent search continued, and the team returned in greater numbers on Sunday. Volunteers from Dundee and Fife came together to silently watch various areas around the golf course, the main road and The Balgove Larder & Estate.

They were having no luck until around 11pm when James, Stewart, Scott & Vic were standing by the side of the main road close to a gate into the estate. They were discussing strategy, and something bolted around the corner from the main road, straight between them and through the gate. They were able to get a torch on it and they were 90% sure it was Evie. They left the area quietly after alerting the owners and the team and gave her time to destress.

The following evening it was decided to bring search dog Raven out of retirement to help and she searched the area. Stewart and James ran her all over and she gave us 100% confirmation that it was indeed Evie that had ran between them the previous night. She also indicated a few other areas where Evie’s trail was strong, leading from the Balgove Estate back and forward to the beach.

We thought at this point that the estate was her safe space, but she was crossing the road at night to check for her humans near the loss point on the beach.

We are into Monday now and team slept when they could and returned in the evening, once again silently watching from their cars and vans. Back near the gate James managed at around 0130 on Tuesday to get a positive sighting of Evie using a thermal scope and confirmed that she was indeed starting to calm down.

Everyone at Balgove Estate was just magnificent, in particular Louisa who ordered all work in the area stopped and instructed all of her staff to avoid the area until Evie was secured.

The following morning in went our first trap along with live cameras. Volunteers from Dana’s Angels led by Elaine, and from Missing Pets Dundee & Angus kept watch once again all night. The following day Search Dogs for Lost Dogs returned, it was decided to keep Nova away as her and Raven are good friends, and we were worried that Nova would just follow Raven’s scent. Instead K9 Piper led Dani and Kay into the woods around the Balgove Estate where Dani was able to find a set of fresh tracks made by Evie, around an area where there was some water.

The trap was moved, live cameras repositioned, and we waited once again. Every time the camera notified us of movement, we all jumped, but sadly Evie was not interested. On Wednesday night Scott was scoping around looking for a place to put another live camera, when he spotted Evie sitting watching him, not far from The Larder. Once again, we withdrew and allowed her more time to destress, but we were massively encouraged as she wasn’t running from humans anymore. Instead, she was getting curious. The stress hormones had started to subside, and we knew we were getting close.

Then today the plan was to put in a second trap which was kindly dropped off by Chrissie from Missing Pets Perth & Kinross.

James was meeting Karen and the trap was going to be set near The Larder. Peter and Barry who work on The Estate both saw Evie and called it in. We positioned Karen in the middle of a wooded area close by with James watching on from a distance. Sure enough, Evie made an appearance. She was chasing birds and watching her mum. For the first time in 8 days Karen set eyes on her little baby girl, but she was an absolute superstar and had nerves of steel. She sat there and let Evie watch her, not making eye contact, instead just letting her get used to her.

Then Evie moved and ended up heading out towards Bell Brae, chasing wildlife. We received a phone call from a member of the public and Karen raced around to make sure that Evie wouldn’t get onto the road. No need, she headed back into The Estate.

Karen and James had a meeting with Louisa to update her on the search within her grounds and it had not long finished when another phone call came in saying that Evie had headed back to Bell Brae. They raced around in their vehicles and spotted her as soon as they stopped. She was heading down towards the main road at the roundabout in rush hour traffic.

Karen jumped in her car to get ahead of her while James shepherded Evie away from the road. She wandered into an area that was fenced in on 3 sides at the side of the main road and while James guarded the exit, Karen drove around and got out of her car, kneeling down low on the ground. Karen was once again playing it cool, keeping Evie’s attention while keeping an open phone line and getting advice from James.

Traffic began to stop as they noticed the commotion and they offered help, James asked them to be ready to form a rolling road block across the road if Evie made an escape and please don’t chase her. To their credit, every single person did exactly as asked – they all knew about Evie and wanted to do their bit to help. Karen was gently talking to Evie, slowly crawling closer to the fence. ‘Come here my baby girl, it’s time to come home’. ‘Come on Evie, mummy misses you’. Everyone was completely caught up in the moment, and they could see the exact point when Evie recognised her mum. James whispered to Karen over the phone, ‘you’ve got her, get her now’ and Karen leaned over the fence and scooped her baby girl up in her arms. For the first time in 8 days they were reunited.

The onlookers let out a cheer and she was quickly bundled into the waiting car and rushed away after a video call with Gill to celebrate.

This truly was a magnificent team effort and thanks needs to go to everyone who heled and devoted their time. Everyone who helped in those first few days. Everyone from Missing Pets Dundee & Angus, in particular Vic, Nicky and Scott. Dana’s Angels, in particular Elaine, Fiona and Angie, Search dogs for Lost Dogs Scotland with Dani and K9 Nova, Kay and K9 Piper. Missing Pets Perth & Kinross for loaning us equipment and all of Gill and Karen’s friends who helped out, many devoting dozens of hours of their time. Special mention here to Lynsey and Stewart. The Pet Food Store for donating food for the traps.
All the well-wishers, all of the people who reported sightings – you are all wonderful people, and you all helped.
Search dogs for Lost Dogs Scotland with Dani and K9 Nova, Kay and K9 Piper. It turned out that both dogs were bang on with their search and really identified the area where Evie was 🥰

Lastly James and K9 Raven for helping lead the search.


If anyone has any newspaper can they please bring to class thx

Please take care as this can kill 🐾🐾

Please take care as this can kill 🐾🐾

Had company after class last night! Sweetie wrapper for size comparison - teeny tiny!

Had company after class last night!
Sweetie wrapper for size comparison - teeny tiny!


Showing how boy dogs toilet 😂


⛔️⛔️⛔️⛔️⛔️Good luck everyone. Remember we are the only ones that will announce winners we WILL NOT EVER comment YOU ARE A WINNER. Under your post. These are scammers and I’ll try my best to block them, you don’t need to let me know they are there we just need you to be aware and report them ⛔️⛔️⛔️⛔️⛔️




We just want to see your dogs really, if they are doing anything exciting or interesting that would be a bonus.

Liking, tagging and sharing not compulsory but always nice to throw in.

Free delivery included to mainland UK

Competition Finishes on the 27th September

Winners will be announced soon after on this page only.

Note Facebook do not own run or endorse this competition or business

I found this article an interesting read.Does your dog sleep curled up in a tight little ball? Or do they love to sleep ...

I found this article an interesting read.

Does your dog sleep curled up in a tight little ball? Or do they love to sleep stretched out on their side? If you’re wondering what this might tell you about your dog, here’s everything you need to know.

Dogs sleep in all sorts of different positions – and sometimes these can give you clues as to how your dog is feeling.

Just like us, dogs sleep in many different positions and don’t consciously choose how they sleep. But, their favourite sleeping position can sometimes give clues into how they’re feeling. Here are some of the most popular dog sleeping positions and what they might mean.

Side sleeping

If your dog sleeps on their side, it shows they’re comfortable and relaxed in their surroundings. Side sleeping also allows your dog’s muscles to relax fully, so you might see your dog sleeping like this after a long walk or a day at the beach.

You’ll often see dogs sleeping on their side during the deep sleep phase – when you might also see them twitching and ‘sleep running’ as they dream.

Curled in a ball

Does your dog do the ‘doughnut’? If your dog’s favourite sleep position is curled into a tight ball with their paws and tail tucked in, they might be cold. This position keeps your dog’s body as warm as possible and is how your dog’s ancestors would most likely have slept in the wild.

This position helps dogs feel safe and protected, so is common when dogs are getting used to their new home or if they’re sleeping in a different location.

Head resting on their front paws

Also known as ‘lion’s pose’ or ‘the sphynx’ when your dog sleeps with their head resting on their front paws, they’re usually having a snooze but are still ready for action at a moment’s notice.

Dogs often nap in this pose when waiting for something to happen during the day, rather than when they’re fully relaxed and ready for a proper sleep.

On their belly

If your dog sleeps on their belly with their legs stretched out in front and behind, it’s known as a ‘sploot’ or ‘the Superman’. This position is common in very playful dogs and puppies – who might collapse into this position after an energetic play session.

Sleeping on their bellies is also an effective way for dogs to cool down, so look out for this position during the summer, and make sure your dog has plenty of cool water.

Snuggled under a blanket

If your dog loves to sleep burrowed under their blanket, they might be cold. By creating a cosy nest, your dog feels warm and cosy.

Some dogs may also sleep under their blankets when they’re feeling anxious – so you might see your dog sleeping like this when there are fireworks or other loud noises.

On their back

With all four paws in the air, dogs that sleep on their back feel comfortable and safe in their environment. This position also indicates a high level of trust, because your dog is exposing their vital organs while they sleep.

Sometimes, dogs can sleep on their backs when they’re trying to cool down, so you might see your dog sleeping in this position during the summer or after a long walk.

With a raised head

If your dog likes to sleep with their head propped up on pillows, the side of their dog bed or on their favourite toy, this can often indicate that they’re trying to breathe more easily.

Brachycephalic or short-snouted breeds like Pugs and Bulldogs often sleep like this to relieve pressure on their airways. If your dog likes to sleep like this, listen out for heavy or noisy breathing, and speak to your vet if you’re concerned. If you have dog insurance with Petplan, you can log into My Petplan to speak with a qualified veterinary expert through the Pet Expert Chat service.

Does it make a difference where your dog sleeps?

Yes! Here’s more about what where your dog chooses to sleep might mean.

On the floor: Your dog might be feeling hot and looking for a cool surface to rest on. Dogs that sleep anywhere on the floor also feel safe and secure, because they’re happy to nap anywhere.

In a crate: If your dog is crate trained, they take themselves off to this spot when they’re ready for deep, undisturbed sleep. Their crate can also offer security and comfort if they’re feeling overwhelmed by loud noises, visitors, or something else.

In bed with you: Dogs that sleep in bed often have a strong bond with their owners and might love the extra feeling of warmth and security they get from sleeping with their favourite person.

On the sofa: if your dog can’t resist stretching out on the sofa they might be looking for the extra comfort that this soft surface provides. Or – they might just be trying to get close to you, for extra cuddles!

In the sun: Dogs that sleep in the sun might enjoy the extra warmth, or just love being outside. If your dog loves to sleep in the sun on a hot day, check they’re not overheating, and make sure they’re drinking enough water when they wake up.

Where your dog chooses to sleep can vary for all sorts of reasons, including their mood and the time of year. Your dog’s age can also make a difference.


Cross posting on case anyone is visiting fife
(kirkcaldy in particular)

Visit to vets yesterday with puppies for eye test in Fife.

Asked vet about recent parvo cases They have had several
cases, some fatal.

Cases are in both unvaccinated but also vaccinated dogs.

It’s a new variant of Parvovirus.


Padanaram. Nr Forfar





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Our Story

We meet every Tuesday & Wednesday evenings. Booking essential. Help available for new pups/adult dogs, please phone. Taydogs is fully insured.

Trainer is member of The Association of Pet Dog Trainers.00773