Finavon Dog Agility

Finavon Dog Agility Specialising in dog agility training; hoopers; dog agility hire. Positive, fun and safe methods used to teach dogs and handlers.

It’s not always about the “cool skills on the equipment” I realised recently that Wild wasn’t keen to go into the soft c...

It’s not always about the “cool skills on the equipment”

I realised recently that Wild wasn’t keen to go into the soft crate when Sizz was in it and she charged out whenever I opened it.
Then I realised I hadn’t put the time into training this with her.
I had got so used to Sizzle and Minx being able to share the soft crate and come on individually on cue that I somehow just expected Wild to manage that too - not smart, of course it needs training 🤦🏼‍♀️😳

Loads of skills in the session today.

Individually - send to bed or send to crate for discrimination skills.
Then repeat but sending one dog to bed and the other to crate.
Release one of the dogs and the other needs to stay where they are for self control.
Send both dogs into the crate - Wild in first and then Sizz in. And then Sizzle first and Wild joins her (that took a bit of work).

Then both in the crate and release one dog on name.

We made super progress and more to do.

Then I’ll see if we can transfer to the training arena. Then I’ll take it different places. Then maybe I can use it on training workshops or at a competition (with the crate in an allowed location!)

I love this type of session and the dogs really enjoyed it too) they got fed lots of tasty treats, what’s not to like).

Foundations foundations foundations!!!

Perhaps I should run a workshop on this type of thing 🤔


Agility Team Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿
Fundraising Raffle

A maximum of 300 tickets will be sold and I have 10 tickets to sell. £20 per ticket.

Numbers available from me are


Prizes will be bundled to create 9 bundles each with 17 prizes in each!!!

Please contact me to purchase a ticket. Your support is greatly appreciated.

Thanks to team sponsors
Lochinvar Log Cabins


• A 2-night stay at Lochinvar Log Cabins with hot tub (kindly donated by lochinvar log cabins)
• A Voucher for 4 at Blairgowrie Golf Club worth £600 (kindly donated by Blairgowrie Golf Club)
• A 3m Non-Slip Tunnel with 4 Sandbags (kindly donated by Naylor Agility)
• 2 White Dog Agility Jumps (kindly donated by Naylors Agility)
• A 2-night stay in a Tralee Bay Coastal Parks Studio Cabin
• An Audit spot in Anna Hinze ‘Bang It Seesaw Class) value of €149 (kindly donated by Anna Hinze)
• An Audit spot in Alenka Skrabec’s Joyful Jumping online course (kindly donated by Alenka Skrabec)
• A Bespoke Training Course designed by Neil Ellis for you and your venue size (kindly donated by Neil Ellis)
• A 121 Training Session with Glenheart Agility (kindly donated by Charlotte Yeaman)
• A 1-2-1 training session with Koston Agility (Kindly donated by Dominik Venn)
• A 121-agility lesson with Rachel Gilmour
• A 121-agility lesson with Nic Jones
• A 121-agility lesson with Lila Zachwatowicz
• 2 x £25 Voucher for online training with Helen Postle (kindly donated by Helen Postle)
• 121 Agility Session with Becky Sinclair at Why Not Agility (kindly donated by Why Not Agility)
• A 121 Zoom session with Kamal Fernandez (kindly donated by Kamal Fernandez)
• Toni Dawkins Online Start-line Course entry
• 121 Jump Skills Training at Larkhall Drills venue on astro with shock absorbing underlay
• A 60-90 mins in-person (Livingston based) consult to tackle any general obedience or behaviour issue, or advanced obedience/ Schutzhund sport concerns (kindly donated by Waggy Races Dog Training & Walking)
• A 60 mins virtual (Zoom, WhatsApp, video etc) consult to tackle any general obedience or behaviour issue, or advanced obedience/ Schutzhund sport concerns (kindly donated by Waggy Races Dog Training & Walking)
• 2 x mantrailing sessions (either 2 progression sessions or 1 introduction and 1 progression) in Glasgow, Ayrshire or Falkirk (kindly donated by Big City Life Dog Training and Mantrailing)
• An Online Tricks Package with Trickstars University (kindly donated by Nicola Smith)
• A prize from AgilityWise
• A 3 Metre Naylors Tunnel
• 4 x £50 Naylors Agility Gift Voucher to be used online for any Naylors purchase (kindly donated by Naylors Agility)
• A Full set of Practice Measuring Hoops incl Small, Med & Inter (kindly donated by Faye Nemeth)
• 2 x A-Frame Stride Regulators
• A Tractive Dog Tracker with 1 year’s subscription from Tractive Direct
• A Katie Loxton set incl. Weekend Bag, Clutch Bag, Hat, Scarf and Gloves (worth over £150) (kindly donated by Lorraine McDougall)
• Alpaca walking for 4 people at Balnuith Alpacas (kindly donated by Alison Wiseman)
• A Tour of award-winning Errington Cheese
• One Running Technique Session (to be taken as part of a group) from Hands On Massage and Movement
• 2 x Gift Vouchers for ESP Physio (kindly donated by ESP Physio)
• 1 Hour Personal Training Session, online or in Glasgow (kindly donated by MP Personal Training)
• £50 Amazon Voucher (kindly donated by Paper Shredding Services)
• 2 x £60 Point of Light voucher that can be used for any of the services provided by Point of Light (kindly donated by Point of Light)
• A Blow Dry and Style Voucher for Gibson Hair in Kirkcaldy
• A Voucher for Beauty by Louise in Kirkcaldy
• £40 off an adults Drybones Changing Robe
• A £25 Flanci Voucher
• An Annual digital subscription to The Herald Digital E-edition
• A Body Shop Gift Set
• A Tropic Gift Set
• 2 Hand Knitted Hats ( kindly donated by Morag Kelly)
• Hunter & Gather Human Food Supplements
• 2 x Vouchers for CSB Photography allowing the winner to claim ANY photos of their own dogs from the 2025 season. Code can be used multiple times and will be valid until December 2025.(Kindly donated by Chloe Brown)
• A photoshoot with Bears Trails photography & 3 free high resolution images emailed to winner (Kindly donated by Ollie Turnbull)
• Vouchers for a photography session with Hannah Paterson (kindly donated by Hannah Paterson)
• Photoshoot with Furever Frames incl 3 photos (kindly donated by Furever Frames)
• Photoshoot with Lonan Images (kindly donated by Lonan Images)
• Photoshoot with Hollycraig photography with 5 free high-resolution photographs emailed to the winner (kindly donated by Fiona Flood)
• £50 off voucher for any portrait by Leah Gardner Art (kindly doing by Leah Gardner
• A5 Hand painted pet portrait in acrylics and ink, from photographs of your pet. (Kindly donated by Thurston Artwork)
• A4 Watercolour Painting of your dog by Art from NORA (kindly donated by Margaret Donaldson)
• Entry for 2 free runs at SBCC Champ show
• 2 x Free camping and entry for 1 dog at Gleniffer DTC Show
• Free entry for one dog at Kingdom of Fife DTC March show (kindly donated by KOF)
• Free camping at Kingdom of Fife DTC August Show (kindly donated by KOF)
• Judges package for Warrior Agility Show (includes 2 nights camping plus 1-day free runs for 1 dog) (kindly donated by Warrior Agility)
• Free camping spot at Woodside show in May 2025 (kindly donated by Woodside DTC)
• 2 x Vouchers for 3 nights camping and four runs at any Phase Purple Show (kindly donated by Faye Nemeth)
• 2 x £25 vouchers for Showtime Online (kindly donated by Susan Mallabar)
• Free camping and entry for one dog at Avon DTC Show (kindly donated by Avon DTC)
• 2 x Free entry for 1 dog to a Red Dog fun show (kindly donated by Red Dog)
• 1 Hour Hire of Astro Arena at Finavon Dog Agility
• One hour venue hire at Ogilvie Dogs (kindly donated by Ogilvie Dogs)
• 1-hour private hire for 1 or 2 people at Larkhall Drills venue on astro with shock absorbing underlay
• Venue hire at Hawthorn Farm Agility
• Voucher for Unleashed Dog Parks
• 2 x Free sessions at Fairbridge Enclosed Dog Park (kindly donated by Fairbridge Enclosed Dog Park)
• 4 x Free sessions at an Unleash The Dogs secure dog field (kindly donated by Unleash the Dogs)
• 6 x Vouchers for 15kg Skinners Dog Food (kindly donated by Skinners)
• Voucher for 2.5kg bag of Skinners Field and Trial (kindly donated by Susan Kapadia)
• 2kg Bag of VetSpec Omega 3 Joint Mobility Dog Food
• 2kg Bag of VetSpec Healthy Dog Dog Food
• Platinum Dog Food Selection
• Top Spec Vouchers
• Prize from Platinum Pet Food (kindly donated by Platinum Pet Food)
• Pro Canine Voucher
• New Home, Party Season Survival and Boredom Buster Foraging Kit (kindly donated by Pet Remedy)
• Stinky Beasties Goody Box incl charcoal biscuits, neem shampoo & tick repellant (kindly donated by Susan Kapadia)
• £40 Anco Treat box. Can be customised to dog size/ allergies etc (kindly donated by Waggy Races Dog Training & Walking)
• IJK Pet Supplies Goody Bag (incl items such as toy, natural treats, poo bags, etc) (Kindly donated by Jaime McCulloch)
• Natural Treat Box (kindly donated by Only Natural Treats)
• Box of dog treats (kindly donated by Kirsty Dall)
• Mixed small hamper (kindly donated by The Animal Zone)
• £10 voucher for The Highland Dog Deli
• Rùn Dog Food Energy Bars Product Bundle (kindly donated by Lucy Millar at Rùn Dog Food)
• Pooch H***h Bone Broth Hamper (kindly donated By Pooch H***h)
• Millie’s Wolfheart Treat Hamper
• £50 Voucher for Christine’s K9 Creations (kindly donated by Christine’s K9 Creations)
• £25 voucher for Christine’s K9 Creations
• £50 Pets at Home voucher (kindly donated by Wilson McIntyre Haulage)
• £25 Pets at Home Voucher
• Voucher for Resin By Beki dog bowl (kindly donated by Resin by Beki)
• Voucher for Resin By Beki crate tag (kindly donated by Resin by Beki)
• £25 voucher for The Spoilt Dog Collar Company
• Biothane/Hexa Collar and Lead (kindly donated by Unleashed)
• Voucher or Bespoke Bling Biothane Collar (kindly donated by Cloud Nine Collars)
• Holler and Hoot lead with attached flat collar (kindly donated by Orielle Watt)
• Holler & Hoot Dog Product (Kindly donated by Orielle Watt)
• Voucher for dog toy or lead (kindly donated by Ayeson Dog Toys)
• Fleece tuggy with toy of choice or 2 x Scentwork ‘Gizits’ (kindly donated by Team Pat Tuggies)
• SWAG Toy of choice
• Prize from Happy Go Lucky Dog Company (kindly donated by Happy Go Lucky)
• Fen Forest Pet Products Dog Toy (kindly donated by Fiona Spraggins)
• Selection of dog toys (kindly donated by Ruff Raggies)
• Voucher for a McTog Waterproof Jumper (kindly donated by Glenndarcy)
• 3 x Design On Dogs fleece jackets (kindly donated by Designs on Dogs, Clarkston)
• £15 off a Drybones Dog Coat
• 3 x Saltire Vet Bedding Mats (kindly donated by Dogeria UK)
• Dog bed (kindly donated by Harbro)
• Voucher for Handmade By Fifi Dog Beds (kindly donated by Handmade By Fifi)
• 2 x Fleece Blankets (kindly donated by Anne Kent)
• £25 discount voucher for TransK9 (kindly donated by Trans K9)
• Multi purpose disinfectant product (kindly donated by Top Dog Turf)
• Box Of Chocolates form award winning Scottish company Chocolatia
• Knitted Collie (kindly donated by Elaine Jones)
• Door Mat (kindly donated by Siobhan Butterfield)
• Collection of Candles
• Fortnum and Mason Gift Box (4 bottles of wine)
• Tobermory Gin and Tonic Gift Set
• Bottle of Oban Little Bay Whisky (kindly donated by Oban Distillery)
• Bottle of Black Velvet by Aelder - premium dark fruit liqueur
• Bottle of Gin (kindly donated by Gillian Graham)
• Gin Book and Jigger
• Bottle of Champagne
• Bottle of tequila (kindly donated by Elaine Brownlie)
• Bottle of Campbeltown Glen Scotia Whisky
• Multiple other assorted bottles


Come and run on the green carpet at Finavon Dog Agility.
Sunday 9 March
Courses designed especially for Finavon by EO 2025 judges Zsusa Veres. So courses will be G7 level. Open to any grade dogs as long as they are suitably skilled.

Course running - 2 attempts at each course plus the chance to train (timed training)

The format will be
1) Run jumping course
2) Train 1 minute max
3) Run jumping course second time

Small will complete all of 1,2,3; then medium, then intermediate, then large

Then same for agility but starting with medium, then intermediate, then large, then small

£60 per space
Timings will be confirmed once I have numbers.


Advance or proof your weave skills.

Suitable for dogs doing 6 pole open weaves up to those competing in any grade.

Will group into dogs needing open weaves and those wanting closed.

Sunday 2 February in the afternoon

We host our First EO Style Simulator today. We have courses from Belmiro Sousa, Judge for EO 2025Good luck and enjoy!We ...

We host our First EO Style Simulator today. We have courses from Belmiro Sousa, Judge for EO 2025

Good luck and enjoy!

We also have courses from Zsusa Veres, another EO 2025 judge, which I will use at another planned event. Watch this space …..

At the EO Simulator show on 18 January you can use stride regulators or mat or target for your contacts. The run would c...

At the EO Simulator show on 18 January you can use stride regulators or mat or target for your contacts. The run would count as NFC but aids can be used as it may help you at this point in the season.

Food cannot be used. No toys in the ring.

Excited for a busy week of different shows this week!

Thanks to those who offered to help. It is scrimes I am short of again so perhaps folk can help out a bit 🤞🏻🙏🏻🤞🏻


Please please please when you hire the venue have a check for fluff from your toys and stuffing from your jacket or dog treats before you leave.

I’ve had to do too much clearing up recently. If things are not left clean and tidy then prices will need to go up.

Really what I want is folk to leave it tidy.

Also, remember to check your dog’s paws and nails regularly during your session. I firstly don’t want dogs continuing to train with scrapes pad or worn nail for their well-being; and secondly cleaning blood off the Astro and equipment is rather a nightmare.

I do my best to keep things clean and tidy but I need users of the venue to do their bit too!!

Thank you.


EO Style Show
Saturday 18 January

Although entries are rather low, we are going ahead. I appreciate how difficult it is to plan your preparations for 2025 so I don’t want people to miss out on this opportunity.

Although entries are officially closed, I have arranged for late entries to be accepted so hopefully we can entice a few more people along 🤞🏻

Thanks to those who have entered so far. I’m excited to use the courses from EO Judge Belmiro Sousa. ☺️

Entries can be made on Plaza.


The KC Show on 16/17 January closes tomorrow. This will definitely go ahead.

The EO Simulator show on 18 January also closes at the end of tomorrow (Friday 3 January). Currently entries for the EO simulator are really low so this might have to be cancelled. If that happens I plan to use the courses from Belmiro Sousa and run a course running event. You’d get to run each course twice (1 jumping and 2 agility) and would cost £40. A full refund on Plaza entries would be given. Hopefully those entered in the show would still support the course running as you’d get extra runs!
Really hoping we can still go ahead as the show but I can’t afford to make a loss.

For those of you who were at the Finavon KC Show on Friday 29 November we were lucky enough to have photographs taken by...

For those of you who were at the Finavon KC Show on Friday 29 November we were lucky enough to have photographs taken by One Man & his Nikon at the show.

Liam did very well to get the photographs as the lighting indoors is very challenging.

Here is the link to Dropbox where you can see the photos.

Liam can organise photo shoots if wanted in the south Aberdeenshire/Angus area.

Shared with Dropbox


Course running 15 December

Pre-comp and G1-3 at 11:30-1:30

G4-7 at 2:00-4:00

Times depended on numbers of dogs.
Max 6 dogs


Edit- sorted for scrimes for November now thanks

Help for January would be awesome please!

Helpers at our January shows can get £15 off hire at Finavon Dog Agility.

We are struggling for scrimes for the show on Thursday (tomorrow) and Friday. I can do much of it but I cannot do all of it.

It would be amazing to have folk who could help out with this job please 🙏🏻

Helpers from the October show can also claim the hire.

International Style Competition - European Open FormatSaturday 18 January 2025Entries via Agility PlazaCourses designed ...

International Style Competition - European Open Format
Saturday 18 January 2025

Entries via Agility Plaza

Courses designed by Belmiro Sousa (EO Judge 2025) specially for this competition.

Open to grades 1-7 BUT courses will be set at A3 (equivalent to C6/7). It is combined 1-7. Great practice for all but especially helpful for those planning to try out for GB or Scottish teams in the future.

Dogs must not wear a collar

The format is
Jumping 1
Agility 1

All dogs will run all 3 courses. The final will be reverse order of J1 and A1 combined result.
Any dog that has not been eliminated in one of the rounds will be eligible to win the prizes in the final. Double E you will run the final but not eligible to gain prizes.

Rosettes for all classes and trophies for winners of the final.

Then on Sunday 19th January there is a course running session (payable and bookable separately) to allow you to practice or try different handling options on the same agility courses.

Send a PM to book the course running practice.

Still welcoming any prizes to create a bundle for the final winners. 🙏🏻

Entries are open for our January KC ShowThursday 16 January G1-3Friday 17 January G4-6Entries via Agility Plaza. And don...

Entries are open for our January KC Show

Thursday 16 January G1-3
Friday 17 January G4-6

Entries via Agility Plaza.

And don’t worry G7 people …… watch for the next announcement. Keep Saturday 18 January clear.

Looking for some help for the KC Show on Thursday 28 November and Friday 29 November. Could do with folk to help Scrime ...

Looking for some help for the KC Show on Thursday 28 November and Friday 29 November.

Could do with folk to help Scrime please 🙏🏻

And while I’m asking: can anyone help with show manager role for 16 or 17 January. 🤞🏻🤞🏻


Thank you to everyone who came to the Course Running Sessions yesterday. All dates will have groups from Pre-comp up to ...

Thank you to everyone who came to the Course Running Sessions yesterday.

All dates will have groups from Pre-comp up to G7 other than Sunday 19 January which is only for dogs that would benefit from practicing higher grade skills.

£35 per space

The remaining dates (including a new date for December - by request) are

Saturday 23 November

Sunday 15 December - NEW DATE

Sunday 5 January

Sunday 19 January - this will be using the International Courses that were used the previous day for the EO Style Competition. So they will be set at A3 (G6-7 plus) level.

Send a PM to book as I will be balancing the groups carefully.

Please note: Payment in advance and booking a space is commitment to pay. You can sell on your space if you cannot attend but only to a suitable person to fill the space (to be agreed by myself).

The October KC Show at Finavon Dog Agility was a great success. Thanks to the many people who helped and huge thanks to ...

The October KC Show at Finavon Dog Agility was a great success. Thanks to the many people who helped and huge thanks to our judges Scott Kydd and Chloe Samantha Brown for setting fab courses.

Next a shout out for the many successes of folk who train with Finavon Dog Agility.

On Thursday
Maureen and Struan ran 3/3 clear rounds; and won up to Grade 3
Helen and Angus put in a fab clear with good drive
Cindy and Chi had some super runs
Amy and Tatty ran at their first KC show
Chris and Anna won G3 jumping (Chris was subbing for the injured Caroline!)
Carrie and Abby won G2 agility.

And the highlight was Lesley and Gyp winning G2 agility. Yeah. Photo below.

On Friday
Macy and Syd won an agility to take them a step closer to G7
Katrina and Wild won two agility classes which takes Wild into Grade 7 and eligible to run in champ classes!
Dorothy and Turbo had some great runs

Get in touch to enquire about training. We have a few spaces for competing dogs on a Wednesday at 10:30 am.


The Coach House, Milton Lane, Milton Of Finavon





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