My bestest boy! Hate that he's aging love that he's still loving life and doesn't know he's getting older!
#lovemydog #mysouldog
Gorgeous walks they say a walk os good for the soul yesterday was a soul day for me! My walks were stunning, the dogs were amazing, I sat with myself reflecting and planning and taking it the wonderful energies around me ❤️ #beautiful #cleansingthesoul #livingmybestlifenow #dogsaremytherapy
The winner is... 31 Hayley Loxton-Wood congratulations!
What type of chewer is your dog? Are they a hard chewer (nothing lasts long and they can get through seemingly anything), or maybe they have a chew for seemingly FOREVER and give up quickly on anything to hard! Maybe they don't enjoy chewing all that much but love to lick?
Knowing your dogs chew type is important when chosing appropriate chews!
Did you know that dogs also use chewing as a way to self regulate?
Adding safe chews into their lives can be a powerful way to help them feel calm and relaxed!
Merry Christmas all!
Girls made sure we had an early start this morning and it's now a family affair treating all the dogs!
Have an amazing day whatever it looks like for you!
Her confidence is really starting to get there now and it's lovely to see she was so excited when we went to open the door and I couldn't be happier! We made sure all the dogs were in the back and settled so she could come out and play outside her kennel without upsetting anybody else!
This little lady has been a few times now she is such a sweetheart she just finds leaving a safe space so hard!this is also an issue at home and something her people are working on with her.
Awesome work from these 2 this morning! Brucey boy was alone in class today so we made the most of it and went off site to transfer his skills to the 'real' world!
We worked on his loose lead walking and ignoring other dogs/distractions he did amazing!
Did you know we run a class every Sunday morning as part of our clued up canines membership?
Dogs have had a great time in the snow before tucking up into their nice warm beds #dogsholiday #livingtheirbestlives #winterwonderland #wintershere