My happy lil hooper 💫
Thoroughly enjoyed our hoopers classes with @houseofherders_gemma !
I love doing something just for us, especially when Rowan is so obviously in to it! She's always keen to work, but I've never seen her as amped up and sassy to train as she has these past 6 weeks💜
#dogtraining #hoopers #smalldogtraining #toypoodle #scottishdogwalker #scottishdogtrainer
Stop the roller coaster, I want off 🥴🌦
📧 [email protected]
📣 @walkingwithpurpaws
#dogwalksglasgow #glasgowdogwalks #dailydogwalk #dogwalkerglasgow #dogwalkerglasgowcity #glasgowdogs #dogsofglasgow #dogtraining #puppytraining #glasgowdogwalker #glasgowcitydogwalker #dogwalkingservices #dogwalkingglasgow #smalldogtraining