Some obedience work with Kali earlier ๐พ
Another example of the level of fear in Stitch. When faced with any situation he isn't used to he shuts down. Here you'll see because he has a slip lead on he starts shaking, shuts down and refuses to move. Right after I stopped filming he started screaming, jumped up biting the lead and wrapped it around his paw. Most people would have just stopped as they would feel sorry for him. I felt bad for him but it would be worse had I gave in. Instead I helped him through that situation which to him was very stressful and got him walking on the lead that 10 minutes earlier he shut down because of. This is why it is so important to teach dogs how to deal with stressful situations and not hide them away from them ๐พ
Meet Ivy. She is a Cocker Spaniel aged 1 year and 8 months old. Ivy drags on the lead, has no recall, doesn't listen and is an extreme resource guarder to the point when her owners hang their washing on the clothes horse they have to put a guard around it to stop Ivy taking anything off of it. Ivy's resource guarding became worse when her owners reached out to a Glasgow based con artist who took hundreds of pounds off of them. To start off, they wouldn't come and meet the dog, instead they had a zoom session and didn't even address the resource guarding. Instead they were told to teach place, and while on place they were to put a harness on her, jackets on her and her lead. What did this achieve? It achieved Ivy resource guarding the place mat, the lead, jacket and her harness. It was that bad that Ivy's owners reached out in desperation to the Glasgow based conman as they couldn't get the harness off of Ivy. Over 3 weeks they waited for a reply. He then told them to sign up to his online dog aggression course which cost more money to which was just a video of someone talking about dog aggression.
Now this part is for FF/PP trainers. If you don't know how to deal with resource guarding then please send clients to someone who does. There is nothing wrong with admitting you can't deal with certain issues. There is something wrong with pretending you can and charging a fortune for it then blame the clients. Place training is not how you deal with resource guarding.
This part is for anyone looking for a trainer. If they don't have actual videos of working with the issues your dog has then look for someone else. If the only videos the person has is putting hotdogs in the grass, having dogs on harnesses dragging their owners towards dogs while the trainer is saying beautiful then please look for another trainer. The reason you don't see any progress videos is because those clients you see always end up at another trainer
Anyway, rant over. Ivy is here for 2 weeks to
So this is Stitch. He is a 4 year old French bulldog. He has bitten 5 people including his owners, the vets refuse to see him, his owners have been told to medicate him and neuter him which thankfully they haven't, he won't let anyone including his owners put a muzzle on him, put any sort of collar on him or clean his ears which needs to be done every so often as he gets ear infections. So he came to me last night with no muzzle on, a harness on (because he won't allow collars on so I don't have much control if he lunges at me) and he came with a bite history. Just putting him into a crate last night was challenging, he was really trying to go for it and if you don't believe me just ask Kirsty from KMR K9 who assisted me.
The clips I have posted are from this morning and this afternoon and what I realised is Stitch isn't an aggressive dog, he is just afraid of the world and has realised biting gets his way, whether it be to keep people away or stops people from putting things on him. You'll hear him growling and barking at me opening the crate however he doesn't lunge or try to bite however when I put the bite glove on him he tried to bite it a few times. You'll also see him trembling with fear but then a bit later he comes to me for a pet which he has never done this quickly.
I'm not doing any sort of magic or amazing to see training. All I'm doing for the next couple of days is hanging out with him. Keep an eye out for his progress. I'm not going to lie, it will be a bit challenging without a muzzle or collar on and I don't make many promises but what I can promise is he doesn't need medicated or neutered, he just needs to see the world differently. I am going to reset Stitch and help him gain confidence ๐พ
Who would have thought ecollars would not only give your dog more freedom but would make your relationship happier? This is a video not only of Vinny having fun at the beach but sleeping in a pub while his owners enjoy a pub dinner. People can have their opinions of ecollars but facts don't lie. I personally have yet to see an unhappy dog that has been properly conditioned to an ecollar. Well done Vinny and his owners. Great video. Happy dog, happy relationship ๐พ
Here's a question, how can I get a dog that couldn't be around other dogs to eat with other dogs, relax around other dogs and mingle with other dogs? No it isn't a magic wand. With structure, rules and boundaries. Once I taught Kali how to be calm around them then I teach her the rules of interacting with them.
There are actually 4 dogs in this video that couldn't be around other dogs at one point. If I don't make clear rules then they will make their own and that's where disagreements happen.
This is what's going to seperate our Furever Pawsitive Rehoming Service from others like Dogs Trust, Romanian rescue centres, shelters etc. Had Kali been surrendered to a shelter or dogs trust and passed the assessment she would need to have been rehomed to house with no other pets, kept on a lead at all times and walked in quiet areas. When she leaves us she'll be able to live in a multi dog household (depending on the other dog/dogs), be able to be off lead and be able to go anywhere with her new owners. If you haven't already done it, give our other page a follow and join our adoption list. You will be able to adopt a well trained obedient dog ๐พ
Nothing exciting in this video, it's just a dog that used to explode at anything near the car to the point his owners car would be rocking now just enjoying the view. 2nd clip he lays down and only gets up to turn around. People don't realise how easy this is to actually achieve.
Pote went home today but instead of doing before and after videos I'm going to post his updates from his owners with me not being there ๐พ
Watch these clips of Pote. Pote is terrified of certain sounds and down at the park we were walking by a small building with it's shutters down. The wind blew the shutters and Pote got a fright to the point he put the brakes on and refused to walk past it. Now had he got off the lead he would have went into flight mode. This is where everyone goes wrong, including trainers, especially the social media FF/PP ones. They would go away from the building as it's such a shame for the dog as the dog is clearly stressed. What if you help the dog through that stressful situation instead? One of the reasons why dogs are stressed at so much these days is because we don't teach them how to deal with stress. When a dog starts acting erratic or they go into a state of panic then can't process what is actually going on. So what did I do with Pote? I worked through it and showed him there was nothing to be afraid of. What did Pote do? He followed me and quickly started to relax. It's amazing what you can achieve just by giving a dog the right guidance. I slowed the first clip down so you can see his tail tucked under. The last clip was our session later on, I decided to walk past and Pote maintained his position. My goal is to teach Pote that he doesn't need to go into flight mode when he hears noises. All he needs to do is stay beside me as that's his safe space. Once you can get your dog to stay beside you in stressful situations then your dog will start to process everything going on and will then be able to grow in confidence ๐พ
First clip I'm teaching Yoda to heel off lead alongside the Millie. Second clip I have Hunter and Cheeky which I hadn't given the heel command, I just took their leads off and started walking and the last clip I was doing off lead heel with Kali. How awesome did they all do? ๐พ
Out on a lovely relaxing stroll in the park with Kali earlier ๐พ
Pote started his ecollar journey today. When working with an insecure dog that doesn't like people touching him especially his head (apart from his owners) then how do get a slip lead or ecollar on him? Through desensitizing. I put a short clip of desensitizing Pote to being touched beforehand. Also have a look at his loose lead walking. Most of his walk the lead was around my wrist ๐พ
Meet Pote. He is a 2 year old Cane Corso/Doberman cross. He is with us for 2 weeks for ecollar training. He is quite a fearful dog and dog reactive. In these 2 weeks you'll see a change in him through clarity. In this short clip you'll see he went from pulling to not pulling just through clear communication. His full training videos will be on my subscription page ๐พ