It’s around this time of year that I look back at creating not only a business, and entire industry of secure dog walking fields, but how my customers saved me.
8 years ago I was struggling financially. My main business was slowly dragging itself out of a deep hole and I couldn’t take any money out to live on. Then this idea presented itself.
I started the Group, expecting maybe 20 people to be interested and within 24 hours I had 350 members. Then I opened Libby’s Run and it was SO busy that I was overwhelmed. Then 6 months later I’d made enough profit to open Harry’s Run.
You lot, my wonderful customers, helped me hone the system. You gave me genuinely positive and constructive feedback and had patience while I got it all worked out.
It gave me a living, kept the roof over my head and now, all these years later it gives me a ‘pension’ I didn’t think I’d have and means that despite my recent health problems I didn’t have to sell and downsize. It’s also, hopefully, giving my daughter a future as well.
This is what it means to ALL small, local, businesses to have support from their customers.
There is a reason why Dodside Dogruns is, says I modestly, the best and it’s the people, and their dogs.
Thank you again.
Scotland's original and best dog walking field. Enclosed, secure and exclusive to you. Quiet, calm and inexpensive