Here's hoping the KC move foward on this soon
This may be of interest to some of you to sit and read and maybe even share.
For many years I have asked the UK Kennel Club why they don't ask for DNA proof of parentage before issuing any paperwork.
Over the years their response has gone from, no response at all, to a very honest 'it will restrict our revenue and put people off'. It won't of course put people off that are genuine in their breeding ethics.
So recently I was so pleased to see an e mail land in my mail from the KC.
The e mail questioned the parentage of Athena and Captain's pups and informed me it was not possible to produce sable pups from 2 none sable parents.
I was delighted.
Delighted to see that they are in fact starting to check on parentage.
Fiona Gierus, helped put an e mail together to explain why it was possible - thank you Fiona.
We have been DNA profiling our parents for many years and so it was very easy for me to test one of our sable boys to see if in fact Athena and Captain were the parents.
With the help of Animal Genetics, we were able to provide the proof that Athena and Captain are the parents.
This is a really great step forward from the UK Kennel Club and I hope that it will go some way into 'tidying' up bad breeding ethics that are facilitated for by the current paperwork process used by the UK KC.
I am even more delighted that the UK KC are looking into the possibility of insisting on DNA testing of all pups prior to paperwork being raised.
Below is the back end of an e mail conversation I've recently had with them
Andrea Wood
To:Health Results
Fri, 9 Dec at 10:00
Much appreciated
Do you think that the Kennel Club will ever insist on DNA profiles & proof of parentage for all pups before any paperwork is raised?
This would be the very best way forward to authenticate COI and other important information relating to inherent issues.
I for one DNA profile all of my dogs and have done for years.
Look forward to your response
Kind Regards
Andrea Wood
Show original message
Health Results
To:Andrea Wood
Wed, 21 Dec at 15:57
Dear Andrea,
Thank you for your email. I believe this has been under discussion for the future.
Best regards,
Breeder Services
The Kennel Club
Clarges Street
0129 631 8540