😻UPDATE all numbers sold in less than an hour.. Thanks everybody and good luck😻
Each number costs £2 and you can pick as many numbers as you like – half the total monies collected will be donated to GCR, and the other half is the winnings. If the number drawn is a number which hasn’t been purchased, there will be a rollover of the winnings to the following week.
The numbers are 1-59. Please leave a comment below with your chosen numbers, and send the total cost for your numbers via Paypal to: [email protected]
Please include your full name and chosen numbers in the Paypal payment message, and select that you’re paying ‘friends/family’.
IMPORTANT: Full payment must be received by 5pm on Friday to enter the draw.
Good luck!
1…. Mary Short
2…. Becky Middlemas
3…. Paula Louise Muirhead
4…. Karel Adriana
5… Matt Timpson
6…. Fiona Cunningham
7…. John Brock
8…. Mary Short
9…. Fran Greenwood
10…. Norma Norma
11…. John Brock
12…. Fiona Cunningham
13…. Sara Killick
14…. Matt Timpson
15…. Paula Louise Muirhead
16…. Kate Aldred
17…. Becky Middlemas
18…. Julie thepug
19…. Julie Lomas
20…. Helen Harrabin
21…. Helen Harrabin
22…. Helen Harrabin
23…. Mary Short
24…. Matt Timpson
25…. Kate Aldred
26…. Matt Timpson
27…. Paula Louise Muirhead
28…. Fiona Cunningham
29…. Julie Lomas
30…. Fran Greenwood
31…. Betty Watson
32…. Sharon mowatt
33…. Paula Louise Muirhead
34…. Matt Timpson
35…. Liz Malley
36…. Betty Watson
37…. Liz Malley
38…. Becky Middlemas
39…. Julie Lomas
40…. Fiona Cunningham
41…. Chris Fuga
42…. Chris Fuga
43…. Chris Fuga
44…. John Brock
45…. Karel Adriana
46…. Mary Short
47…. Chris Fuga
48…. Becky Middlemas
49…. Chris Fuga
50…. Fran Greenwood
51…. Liz Malley
52…. Liz Malley
53…. Betty Watson
54…. Paula Louise Muirhead
55…. Sharon mowatt
56…. Kate Aldred
57…. Mary Short
58…. Becky Middlemas
59…. Liz Malley