To all of my lovely animal related people on here I’m wandering if anyone is aware of or has any recommendations of anyone or anywhere that does a bit more longer term home boarding for dogs.
I have a really exciting opportunity that’s come up for next summer but it would require me to leave the country for 2 months and sadly despite countless enquiries and attempts at finding solutions I’m not able to take Marley with me.
I understand this is a really long time to be away without him and a pretty big deal to have to find someone capable of having him for that long and someone I’d trust to do it. Im very torn aboht this as I really don’t want to leave him for this long but this opportunity is an internship for my dream job and I just really want to try and make it work so I’m able to go.
I’m not accepting anything or booking anything with this opportunity unless I know I can find the perfect place or perfect person for him to stay with during this time. So if anyone has any ideas or recommendations that would be much appreciated as I need to try and figure it all out relatively soon! ☺️