Jester is on one tonight. He has been sat on the dog bed, then chasing the cats, invading my sofa space and climbing the cat tree! He’s a funny bunny!
Things you may not know about Love2pets.. We will give up our chair for your dog, we are animal mad, we are at 134-136 Bristol Road, Gloucester, GL1 5SR. We will source you the best products for your budget. We have lovely loyal customers. We need your support, so please share our posts and pay us a visit! #love2pets #petshopgloucester #gloucesterdogs #dogsofgloucester #shoplocalbusinesses #wildbirdfoodgloucester #rawdogfoodgloucester #wildbirds
This is the adorable Arthur. He is celebrating his 1st Birthday. He is proudly sat in front of his party bags, which were lovingly filled and supplied by Love2pets. Let us k ow if you have any special requests. We will always do our best to accommodate. #love2pets #petshopgloucester #shoplocalbusinesses #gloucesterdogs #dogsofgloucester #gloucester
With loads in store and discounts galore, we look forward to welcoming you.
#love2pets #petshopgloucester #rawdogfoodgloucester #dogsofgloucester #shopgloucester #shoplocalbusinesses #gloucester #
We have absolutely everything you need for the Big Garden Birdwatch #biggardenbirdwatch2025 #love2pets #petshopgloucester #shopgloucester #wildbirds
#love2pets #petshopgloucester #shopgloucester #dogsoffacebook #gloucester #HappyNewYear #coldweather
Visit us at Newent Market.
Here until 1pm. The shop is open as usual. #love2pets #petshopgloucester #treatboxesgloucester #gloucesterquayschristmas #dogtreatboxes #gloucesterdogs #supportlocalbusinesses #shoplocalthischristmas
Mark and Ethan enjoying their time at Love2pets. Happy Christmas x #christmasfun #love2pets
The race to get our Black Friday deals at Love2pets! 😂😂
Back Friday preview. Had these in today. £44.99 - 15% making them £38.24 in our Black Friday deal, which is on from tomorrow and all weekend while stocks last. As you can see from one happy customer. They are a big hit. Available in grey (as Pictured), Navy blue and Teal! Pop in to get yours.
See us at Newent Market Tomorrow. The shop is open as usual at : 134-136 Bristol Road, Gloucester, GL1 5SR