It’s Official
- Bluma has been confirmed in pup. - Due 11/12 April, 2024.
Sire: Pointmore Covey Rise UG QC (Kaiser)
Dam : FlorenceAlba Vom Bluma
This is a repeat mating after a very successful litter in 2022. Many of the pups went to hunting and Trialling homes and have excelled in the field from a very early age. Great noses with fantastic natural ability. Others went to families who have enjoyed their pups in different lifestyles. They all had superb temperaments and trainability.
I have many that have called but if interested please message me or phone 0428 297923. asap to confirm a you know what! Expecting solid liver, white and liver ticked.
I will not be answering questions in comments as I had a hit last time after a complaint was made to Facebook. I know who it was. 🫵😤