Noise Desensitisation And Body Awareness Game!
Ever wondered how you can help desensitise your dogs to noises and movements and different textures on their paws?
This can be super helpful for dogs who are worried about the noise or movements of the seesaw in agility! As well as a super helpful body awareness games otherwise known as proprioception!
Remix, did his first session today with a foil turkey tin, which makes various noises. When touched, but I also used kibble which I dropped into the tin to create noises which initially he was unsure about but very quickly got the hang of the game and got comfortable eating out of the tin, and then placing his two front feet inside!
Soon, I will aim for four feet inside the tin to help with body awareness but also, as I said previously, great for getting confidence with the surface, texture and sound when touched and moved 🐾
My favourite part of puppy training! Watching them grow I confidence and understanding!
Skills night tonight at one of my weekly groups. All dogs working on a individual skill or behaviour and all focused and doing amazing!
Becca & Roo on the weaves
Amy & Gus on the dog walk
Sarah & Holly on the see saw
Harriet & Dave jump skills (working on Threadle)
Maria & Ted on another jump skill (working on outs)
Love how they all work so well at the same time, and love the progression of this group! My not so baby, baby group 🥲🥲
Such a shame that L.G Agility has had to cancel all its training over the last two days.
The ground is so good under the snow, so looking at getting the snow cleared for lessons on Friday with the hope we have no more etc.
All group classes - I will be inspecting the sand arena over the next day or so with hope we can go ahead with evening classes this week.
I want to thank everyone for your patience and understanding so far!
Built a super exciting fun fast 6-7 course today!
I’m bringing Drift for this one 🤩
Another milestone in Mangos running dog walk training today!
First time today with the dog walk higher, and she rose to the challenge brilliantly 👏🏻 
Mango is having sooooo much fun learning her running dog walk!
Yesterday, we added the second plank, & are now sequencing it before we start building it up 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Her consistency is brilliant 🤩
Another duo I can’t resist a huge shout out to!!
Amy & Gus. Gus is 1 year old now, just starting to pop all his puppy foundations together onto small sequences and oh my goodness… how amazing do they two look!! Super skills and independence!
This is why the correct start to your agility journey is soo important and I love teaching these skills soo much!!
It’s all coming together now for Moose and Emilie 🤩
Dog walks are looking super confident! Such a pleasure to be working with you both and watching you both grow from beginners into a fantastic team 🤩
Keep up your hard work 👏🏻
So proud of Hel & Mango!!! They work so so hard and are now looking incredible!
So much improvement in such a short space of time!
Makes my job so so rewarding 🤩🤩🤩
Viva 💜 Paw Game Sessions 1&2
Following on from the previous video of Drift and his ‘Paws Game’ I’ve had quite a lot of response from people which was fantastic! So nice to reach so many people doing something that is so important to me.
Body awareness games are great for every dog so it is great lots of you want to do more.
Firstly, I must say, I’m NOT a physio or canine conditioning therapist… but as a full time agility trainer, and having a fantastic Physio therapist who my dogs see regularly 🐾 (Tace Allen Sports Injury and Veterinary Physiotherapy) 🐾
I have lots of different things I’m happy to share with you in relation to dogs body awareness to help them in anyway I can. Great trick training to help stimulate your dogs mind too!
🐾 So following on from my previous video, some of you asked what sessions 1 & 2 looked like.
So I’ve videoed my 10 month old little girl Viva to show you how she’s started out learning the same thing.
Ive tried to explain the best I could throughout the video, so some of you may want to have a little go 😊
Happy for everyone to get together in the comments and show your dogs having a go and all chatting a sharing your training
Equally, if you just enjoy watching, that’s totally fine too 🥰🥰
I talk so much about proprioception, body awareness & strength and conditioning as a agility trainer.
Part of my dogs agility fun is to do all these fun games to help keep them fit and healthy, with endless understanding of their bodies so agility is safer & preventing injuries etc.
So, here’s our progress on our latest game.
I’ve named each of his feet 1,2,3,4 and teaching him to think of positioning the foot that I cue on the pod based on having taught him awareness of EACH leg!
This is session 3 on this for us, but wow, he’s picking it up soo fast and what fun watching him learn cool skills!! 🤩 💚 At end of video, we for the first time combined all feet and got 1 foot on each pod 👏🏻
Blue is a young, very happy hyper Labrador who has come to me for basic training.
We have been working on some impulse control and general manners.
A few weeks ago, blue was so over obsessed with toys and mostly his tennis ball that he wouldn’t eat food or take his eyes off it when it was around or even in your pocket.
Obviously this is something we wanted to work on to get him to start having impulse control and reduce that obsessive behaviour.
Fridays session after lots of work and Steve going home and continuing with his homework, blue managed to not only take food while the ball was present…. But he was finally offering us some eye contact and not purely staring at the ball!
Huge step forward here and for me it was important that the dog learnt to make these choices which I believe makes it so much more awarding 🤩