Crofton Dog Training Club

Crofton Dog Training Club What makes owning and walking a dog pleasurable? A dog that is a delight to be with; a well-trained dog. Welcome to the Crofton Dog Training Club.

We have over 40 years experience in dog training, up to Open Obedience Competition Level. Our primary aim, through the use of gentle stimuli, is to create Happy, Healthy pet dogs who are a Pleasure to live with and Accepted by today’s society. With this in mind we train to the Kennel Club Good Citizen Scheme in all Levels; Puppy, Bronze, Silver and Gold. This is achieved using Positive Reward base

d training. The use of treats, toys and kindness are compulsory, as is responsible caring dog ownership. We are registered and fully insured with the Kennel Club.


Congratulations to all. Three KCGCDS test have taken place over the last few days, judged by the ever patient Alison D, and Angela J, to whom we send many thanks for their time and patience. Below are some of the dogs who took part and passed.


Lauren & Enzo L
Niamh (yh) & Reggie Cp
Max & Henry Cp
Michelle & Gracie Cksp.


Bill & Fudge Cp
Keira & Callie X
Lola-May (yh) & Morris Ch.

GOLD: 3/5

Bart & Lilly Cksp
Gemma & Crunchie L
Lesley & Wiz Bc

Congratulations to all from all the trainers what ever the result, you have all worked hard over the last couple of weeks. Once again many thanks to both judges.


Congratulations to all. Two KCGCDS tests were held this week, a Bronze (Wed.24/7/24) judged by Alison D. Silver (Thurs. (25/7/24) judged by Angela J. We are very grateful to both judges for their patience and time. Below are the names of some of those who passed.

Bronze: judge Alison.

Steven & Nellie JR
Karen & Bindi JR
James & Buddy GDo
Megan & Reggie CkPo
Ricky & Quinn Stx
Alison & Dougie FCRet.
Beth & Holly Ldoo
Lola-May & Morris Ch
Paul & Oscar Wk. CKsp.

Silver: judge Angela

Chriss & Hunter W
Trisha & Rosie ECksp.
Emily & Mable Ckpo
Daniel & Holly Ldoo
Kerry & Maggie GRet.

Congratulations from all the trainers, to everyone who took part, no matter what your result you should be proud of coming so far in the training of your dogs. Special congratulations go to both Lola-May & Megan, who are both young handlers. Once again thanks to Alison & Angela for your time.


Congratulations to all, from all the trainers.

We held 3 tests on sat 25th May 24, judged by Velma, whom we would like to thank for her time and patience. Below are lits of some of those who passed.


Peter & Arya Hky
Bill & Fudge ckp


Cordelia & Monty Lb
Sylvia & Sunny Shelty
Dee & Oliver Dbm.
Sarah & Karina Lbx
Jo & Chrunchie RFLb.
Lisa & Fergus Wk Csp


Lisa & Finn Wk Csp
Roger & Sarah Hky
Christina & Jaxx Viz
Tina & River Pt.
Sue & Merlin Xb
Andy & Hugo Ch.
Andy & Gary Ch.

Well done to everyone no matter what your result, it was a long, hot day and you all worked really hard.


We held a small KCGC bronze test last night, under the very watchful eye of Angela our judge, for whom we thank for her time and patience. Below is a list of some who passed.

Keira & Callie Stf x
Naomi & Tesha spck
Emily & Mabel Ckp
Cordelia & Monty Lb.

Congratulations to all from the trainers, you have all worked hard,


Congratulations to all, from all the trainers, what ever your result. The first KCGCDS Bronze test for this year, took place last night 28/2/24, judged by Alison D. for whom we are very grateful for giving her time. Below is a list of some of those who passed.

Rod & Odin KK
Chris & Hunter Wm
Kieran & Buster Lb
Lisa & Fergus Cksp
Phil & Oreo MiniSch
Sylvia & Sunny Shel
Sarah & Karine Labx
plus the youngest handler in the club at the grand age of 5
Tilly & Sootie

Once again congratulations to all, on wards and upwards Silver next.


We have just held our 2 end of year parties, and were privileged to have a representative from this years charity( veterans with dogs: chosen by the you) attend on each night, Mark (W) and Sarah (T). This year we managed to raise the amount of £2020 for the charity, well done to all.
The trainers would like to wish all members a very Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year. See you in the new year.


Congratulations everyone for your hard work. Two KCGC tests took place this week, a Bronze judged by Alison D and a Silver judged by Angela J., both of whom we are so grateful for giving their time. Below are the names of some of those who passed. However, what ever the outcome of your test, you all did the CDTC proud.

Bronze: 8/11/23

Kerry Maggie GRt.
Ellia Sootie Lbx
Jane Nylah X
Paula Lilly FBd x
Jill Roan R.Lb
Ian Flint Lb
Dee Oliver Dm
Graham Meg Lbx

Special congrats go to Ellia, who at 7 is one of our youngest handlers.

Silver; 9/11/23

Judith Breeze WhV
Tina River P.
Gemma Crunchie RLb
Trisha Bella Cksp
Sarah Freddie Cksp
Ellie Bertie Cksp
Christina Jaxx Viz.

Once again well done everyone, and thanks so much to both judges for their time,


CONGRATULATIONS ALL: We have just conducted 2 nights of Silver KCGCDS tests, Wed. 13th and Thurs. 14th (9/23), judged by Alison, who has the patience of a saint, (and she needed it). Over 20 dogs took part between the 2 nights and below are the names of some of those who passed.

Becky Isla Cksp
Helen Nuno Eng.S
Carol Luna(tic) Gsd
Paula Ada SBT
Kieran Karina Lab X
Jessica Milo XX
Andy Gary Chow
Andy Hugo Chow


Tracey Lovebug DaxH
Claire Mabel Chow X
John Pogo Dax X
Jill Luna Lab
Benjamin Karina Lab X (young handler)
Lisa Finn Cksp
Bart Lilly Cksp
Hayley Sidney Ckpo
Claire Bodie Viz.

Once again congratulations from the trainers to everyone who took part, what ever the outcome your dogs really tried hard. Again thank you so much Alison, you worked your socks off over the 2 nights judging, and got the gnat bites to prove it.


Congratulations to all !!
On Wednesday 12/7/23 a KCGCDS Bronze test took place, judged by Alison D, whom we would like to thank for giving her time to come and judge. Below is a list of those who passed.

Sarah & Freddie Cksp.
Ellie & Bertie Cksp.
Jessica & Milo XB
Dave & Teddy Lab x
Bethany & Harvey Ckp
Sophie & Ellie Ckp
Hayley & Sidney Ckp
Tony & Jaxx HViz
Mike & Reggie XB

Commiserations go to the 3 who were not quite ready. One of whom was ( a young handler), Lucy & Bruce, you may not have managed to pass this time, only failing on one exercise, but you tried. All of you should be really proud of what you have achieved thus far.

Once again congratulations to all those who passed from all the trainers, you have worked hard., and many thanks to Alison.


Congratulations to all:

On Thursday 15th June '23, a Bronze GCDS test took place under the watchful eyes of our judge, Angela J, who we thank so much for giving her time to judge. Below is a list of some of those who passed.

Judith Breeze (whHv)
Kieran Karina (Labx)
Bart Lilly (Cksp)
Jill Luna (Lab)
Trisha Bella (Cksp)
Claudine Frankie (EBD)
Gemma Crunchie (Lab)
Claire Bodie (HV)

Well done to every one, whatever the out come, on such a hot night, your dogs all tried their best.


On Sunday 23/4/23, Bronze, Silver and Gold level tests were taken, judged by Velma, who had travelled quite a distance, for which we are eternally grateful. Congratulations to all who took part, it has been hard work, no matter what the outcome, feel proud of yourselves and your dogs they really tried their best for you.


Benjamin Karian Lb.
Andy Hugo Ch
Andy Gary Ch
Jo Crunchie Lb.
Tina River Ptr.
Helen Nuno Sp.
Cody Mj Bc.


Roger Sarah Hky.
Kay Treacle Wtx
Ellen Gus Jrx
Liana Beau NEB
Mia Bruce NEB
Suzanne Merlin Malshi
Lesley Wiz Bc


Mark Margo Cpoo
Lesley Mo Bc
Carol Sarah HKy

Congratulations every one, and thanks for your time judging Velma.


Congratulations to all
Two KC Bronze tests were run last week. Wednesday 5/4/23 judged by Alison D., and one Thursday 6/4/23 judged by Angela J. We would like to thank both judges for the time, and helpfulness.
Below are some of those who passed.

Roger- Sarah- Hsk
Christina - Jaxx- Vi
Gwen -Molly-Lab
Tracey- Luvbug-Dax

Congratulations from all the trainers, no matter what your result, you all worked very hard. Once again thanks to both our judges.


This years chosen charity was 'Veteran's with dogs'. Last night at our end of year party, where we had lots of fun, we were privileged to have at the party Dr. Mark Fields, who represented the charity. As a club we handed over the fantastic amount of £1,392.00 to Mark for your (the club members) chosen charity 'Veteran's with dogs'.

Wishing you all a very happy Christmas and all the best for the New Year ❤️


On Wednesday 7th /12/22, we held the last of this years KCGCDS tests. We would like to thank Alison so much, for her patience, and she really needed it. Congratulations go to

Ellen and Gus Chw/Jr.
Laura and Martha Cksp.

for passing their Bronze:

Well done every one, and special thanks to Alison.


Congratulations to all. Today, Sunday 20/11/22, Bronze, Silver and Gold KCGCDS tests were held, under the supervision of the ever watchful judge Angela, for whom we are eternally grateful. Below are the lists of some of the dogs who passed their respective level.


Ant & Shackleton p.s.
Jill & Flint L.
Trisha & Rosie Csp.
Charissa & Archie G.R.


Richard & Dotty G. Schn
Kay & Zeus SBT


Megan & Vera WFT.
Maria & Maggee L.
Janine & Nelly Cp.
Jim and Rocksteady Jr.

Once again congratulations to all what ever the outcome, your dogs have worked hard to get where they are. Again thanks go to Angela it was a very long day!


Congratulations all. Tonight 4/8/22 a small group took their KCGCDS Silver level, under the watchful eye of Angela J, whom we can not thank enough for her time and patience. Below are some of those who passed.

Hannah & Keeva Hsky
Jen & Rosie cavj
Lesley & Mo BC.

Well done everyone what ever the out come you all tried hard. Once more thankyou Angela for tonight.



Tonight 20/7/22 a Bronze KC Good Citizen Dog test took place under the watchful eye of Alison the judge. a total of 10 dogs took part, and I am pleased to announce ALL passed.

Jen 7 Rosie CJ
Marcella & Brody CkSp
Liana & Beau NEBd
Mia & Bruce NEBd
Danielle & Bonnie CP
Mandy & Luna CkDo
Sue & Merlin MSh
Richard & Dorothy GShnz
Kay & Zeus SBT
Lesley & Mojo BC

Congratulations from all of the trainers, you all really worked your socks off over the last few weeks. and tonight's result shows it. Our thanks once again to Alison, for her patience.


Congratulations! Tonight, 23/6/22, a KCGC Silver test took place. below is a list of some who passed.

Rob. D. & Max Ld
Janine S. & Nelly Cp
Mark T. & Margo Cvp
Maria. L. & Maggee L
Lou. R. & Blu Ad
Megan. C. & Margo StP.
Chris. P. & Loki mk.

A big thankyou goes to Angela J for judging tonight, as ever patient. Well done everyone what ever your result tonight, you have all worked very hard, and it showed.


Last night, 31/3/22 a KCGCDS Bronze test took place, judged by the ever patient Angela. We the trainers would like to congratulate all those who took part, what ever the out come. You all did extremely well, and have worked hard over the last few weeks. Below is a list of some of those who took part and passed.

Janine & Nelly Cp
Rob & Max Ld
Daniel & Molly Ld
Caroline & Arlo Gd
Kay & Treacle (T) WTxP
Becky & Betsy Cp
Chris & Loki Yx
Megan & Margo SP

Once again thank you Angela, and CONGRATULATIONS all.


Hi folks, Happy New Year to all, hope you had a good Christmas.
We are pleased that, even after all the problems last year surrounding covid, and limitations on lesson, the sum of £750, has been raised and sent to the charity chosen by you the members, to 'The Oakley Waterman caravan foundation'


Congratulations to all, you finally nailed it. Tonight 8th Dec 21, a limited number, Bronze test took place, judged by the very patient Alison. The trainers are happy to announce all passed.

Annie Pearl Xb
Maria Maggie L
Mark Margo Cvp
Carrie Honey Gx

Once again congratulations, you deserved it, and thanks to the ever unflappable Alison.


Congratulations to all! Tonight 2/12/21, a Silver KCGCDS test took place, judged by the ever patient Veronica M. Everyone who took part passed, you deserve it after all the hard work you put in. Below is a list of some of those who took part:

Sharon C. Ida LD
Megan C. Vera WFT
Tania C. Bobby Ckp
Catherine W. Lola Csh.
Claire J. Meg LxM
Irena K. Bella Cp

Once again, congratulations all, and our thanks go to Veronica for giving up her time tonight.


Congratulations. Tonight. 4/11/21, a Bronze KCGC test took place, judged by Alison B. who we would like to thank for her time and patience. Below is a list of some of those who took part and passed.

Tania C. and Billy CP
Claire J. and Megge LxBm
Irena W and Bella ClP
Catherine W and Lola Csh
Martina S and Tom Ldo

We the trainers would like to congratulate everyone for taking part, no matter what the out come, you all worked your socks off. Once again our thanks to Alison our judge for tonight.


Attention dog owners!!


Congratulations to all.

Tonight, (26/8/21) a KCGCDS Bronze test was held. Below is a list of some of those who took place and passed.

Laura - Lottie - Jrx
Jean - Lexi - Ms
Sharon - Ida - Lab x
Megan - Vera - WFT
Hanna - Keeva - Hs
Tania - Bobby - Cp
Karly - Rocky - R

Congratulations to all that took part, what ever the outcome, you ALL have really worked hard. Thanks also go to Angela the judge for once again giving her time.


Tonight (24/8/21) a limited number of KCGC Gold tests were held, adjudicated by Angela. Below is the names of the two that took the test and both passed.

Theo - Sootie - Lx (young handler)
Rob - Banner - Lx

Congratulations to you both, and a big thank you to your judge Angela for all her time.


Hello all,
Even though we have had training restrictions due to Covid, we have managed to get puppies through their KCGC puppy/ foundation course. Below is a list of some who have recently passed. Congratulations from all of us at CDTC

Andrea - Coco -CP
Karly - Rocky - R
Rosie - Polly- XB
Piers - Roxy - BF
Anthony - Morgan - L
Michela - Rodney - BD
Casey - Bu - FB
Gyl - Cooper - CP
Annie - Pearl - XB
Lisa - Lucy - CP

Congratulations to you all


Hello all, due to the lifting of nearly all covid restrictions, we will be returning to the hall next week, 21st and 22nd July. Whilst the use of masks and distancing, have been somewhat removed, we the trainers will be using ours, we can only suggest you may wish to do the same, the choice is yours to make. We will be starting all the classes 15mins earlier (puppy 7;15, mixed B:S:G 8.15, and S:G 9:15) this is so we will still have time to sanitize everything, after use. Hope to see some of you back with us, we have waited a looooong time. Lesley


Hello to all,

Due to the small lifting of Covid restrictions, it has been agreed by all trainers that we undertake to do as much of the puppy work as possible. We are restricting it to the puppies at the moment, as we will only have approx. 1 hour before light is lost. Therefore, there will be a lesson held outside the hall on a Wednesday, and in the garden at Hill head on a Thursday. To all that have started their puppy course, if you would like to either text me, or face book me indicating what night you would like to come I can get things moving asap. We aim to start on Wed 14th and Thurs 15th April respectively. If we find that there are vacant places, these will be filled by those on the waiting list. All other classes will resume as soon as hall restrictions are lifted, or when the nights stretch out.


Have Just been made aware of this folks. please take care.
There is a case of suspected Alabama rot in the local area.
Hillhead Titchfield canal area they think. Please if walking anywhere near that area wash your dogs when you get home.
Wash with luke warm water all over their feet and underbelly.
Alabama rot is fatal in most cases. Please be careful.


Brodrick Hall, Clayhall Road

Opening Hours

Wednesday 7:15pm - 10:15pm
Thursday 7:15pm - 10:15pm


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