Frog fashion!
You saw it here first! The new 2025 summer trend as modelled by Frogtrap 😆😆
She’s been starting to try and scratch or lick her wound so we’ve had a recovery shirt tailor made for her to make sure she doesn’t do any harm without the cone of shame!!
A compression vest also doubles as a super sexy vest so frog is very pleased 😆🐸
Frog update
Frog is much brighter this morning and walking better!!
Here she first thing this morning having a walk in the garden for a wee! A few signs of her normal sassy pants attitude coming back!
Thank you for all the continued support and encouragement from you all it’s really been amazing and so heart warming for my family 🐸❤️
I took Daphne for a play at Dog Park on Wednesday while we were waiting for Frog to come out of surgery! So lovely to see her with her friends and Frog’s favourite play pal Vinnie!
Much needed therapy in the middle of a really tough week!
She is still the queen of dog park at 9 years old ❤️
Frog 🐸
🐸Here’s my special girl this morning doesn’t she look fantastic!!!!!!
We went into the garden on lead for a wee as she would probably try to run around otherwise!
We are gonna need a lot of cheese for this recovery!
Frog is very hungry but really bright and sassy as normal but not happy with the crate rest!
Frog is home!! ❤️
Her operation was successful with no complications! So the tumour has been removed before it spread so we are all feeling very fortunate, very relieved and very happy to have our wonderful girl home safe!!
Frog is very hungry and not at all happy with being on crate rest she wants to sit on the couch but as she’s had such major surgery she isn’t allowed!
I will update you all through the day after a rather uncomfy second night camping in the lounge with my girl ❤️
Thank you all for the messages and love and support it means so much to my family 🐸❤️
Thank you so much everyone who sent us messages and good wishes for Frog yesterday!
We camped out in the lounge together and of course her ever loyal side-kick Turbo was looking after her! Inseparable since day 1 Frog has always adored her pet pug!!! Nurse Turbo is making sure Frog is very clean and comfy 🐸❤️
Back to basics body language today and my favourite part of a dogs body for telling you what you need to know!
Ears (or wiggies as I call them and I can’t remember why 😆😆)
So on a post I did recently about body language Frog was telling a Rottweiler off as he wanted to play and she didn’t!
And part of the video she pulls her ears back just before she tells him to behave!! And we had a great question asking what was the difference between Frog’s angry ears and silly ears when she plays - as they both involve pulling her ears backwards!
So I’ve put together the following for you to see!
Frog’s normal Earset first then the video of her pissed off and ears pulled back about to correct a dog - then Frog playing with her bestie Mabel and doing lots of silly ears!
So the difference is her ears go up very high when she’s being silly and sassy rather than pulled tightly back to her head.
The other massive difference is what she combines it with! You can see a hard stare and stiff muscles in her face and body in the first clip but bouncy tiptoe flowing movements waggy tail and general clown behaviour in the second clips with Mabel.
So it’s about interpreting the whole of the body language and all elements together rather than just one part!
Ears are brilliant and combined with tail you’re going to get loads of info!!
That is the reason that breeds like Frenchies, Akitas, Huskies and shar-pei can be hard to read for humans and canines - their ears are fixed up and they either have no tail or tails that curve up and over their backs which can read as antagonistic!!
Any questions as always below for me ❤️
Evil Edna is here to inspire our focus on exercise like I was talking about yesterday!
This video was meant to illustrate some fun ways to add spice into your exercise regime with your dog! But instead obviously she steals the show with her terrible attitude 😆😆😆
To be fair it’s her first time in agility class and it was about -3 when we did it that’s why we are both dressed like yetis 😆😆
Anyway - climbing, jumping, weaving or even some basics like sit, down or stay bring some fun, movement and brain work into your walkies! If you’re struggling to add more duration or frequency to your walks then just add more quality!!
Silly easy things like up the pace and walk faster can make it much physically harder for your dog (and you 😆😆) I see so many dog walkers sauntering along and I always think it must be so boring for their dogs!!
When you’re out on your walkies this week try and find some ways to do a bit of agility - jump your dog over a log, onto a bench or weave through trees!! Make it fun and see how more engaging and tiring it is for your dog!! Most of all have fun! Dog walks don’t have to be boring!
Progress video
I know we have a lot of fans of Sarj the reactive gsd and his rehabilitation journey with us this year so here he is today in an agility class! Watching Freddie smash the course and he sits quietly calmly watching!!
Absolutely amazing to see him so happy and relaxed around other dogs ❤️❤️
Back to work
The girls were happy to be back to work this morning! 🥰😆Frog and Daphne having a blast with Freddie 😍
Back to basics for January as I promised yesterday!
1) Exercise! And most importantly is your dog getting enough?
The daily walkies is the most crucial part of your dog’s day so I want you to think about these points!
1) is it enough physically?
2) is it enough mentally?
3) is it varied enough?
If you were a dog and had loads of energy and sat in the house bored all day would the amount of exercise you’re giving your dog be enough for you to be physically and mentally happy??
We tend to do minimum effort in winter months but you know everyone who is on these high cost high demand fitness programmes in January could save themselves loads of time and money by walking their dog more instead! Walking is the best physical and mental exercise for us and our canines and increasing the variety, duration and intensity could change your dog’s behaviour significantly believe me!!
Is your dog getting enough exercise? Don’t want to try increasing it for the next 7 days and let me know the differences you see? Let me know below!!