The Siamese Algae-eater is a great option for large aquariums with a hair or black beard algae problem.
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The Yellow Honey Gourami is a curious, highly interactive fish. It uses its feelers to sense its environment. #tropicalfish #fish #indonesia #aquariumsofinstagram #aquariumfish #tropical #aquariumlife #tropicalaquarium #freshwaterfish #aquariumhobby #freshwateraquarium #gourami #gouramis #gouramifish #gouramisofinstagram #anabantoid #labyrinth #labyrinthfish
Chain loach might just be the fish you have been looking for. These playful shoaling fish only get to 6cm and they love to snack on snails.
AWRL087 #tropicalfish #fish #chainloach #chainloaches
Since you guys have been asking about what these new fish we added to our recently renovated Fluval Shaker are, I thought it would be best to tell you. These wonderful little fish are Bentosi tetra. They are a great little tropical schoaling fish, that get to 5cm in length. Males like to also sparring and flaring each other, making for quite the spectacle.
Blue-eyed Gold Longfin Bristlenose CatfishAncistrus sp.A good algae-eater for the aquarium that will readily breed, males have more pronounced bristles.Algae wafers, catfish pellets,granules, frozen and live foodsCommunity tempreture 23-27°C. size 12cm. AWRL087.
QR code for more information.
Green Phantom Plec L200 a beautiful Center piece for any aquarium grows to 22cm. Feeds on algae catfish pellets and frozen foods. AWRL087
A little hidden gem the Honeycomb Driftwood Catfish only gets to 7 cm and peaceful. AWRL087
Drapefin Barb a little overlooked fish when settled in a well planted tank. The colours come to life as you can see. And this is an ideal community fish that can be mixed with other small fish. AWRL087
We have an amazing selection of Gobies in stock. And next week we will have new fish arriving. AWRL087
We have new rocks and wood in stock come pay a visit.
Don’t forget to get your essentials before we shut for Xmas. Fish love a Xmas meal aswell so treat them to something different 🐟 or maybe a new ornament. Rokers Animal Feeds, Equestrian & Country Store
Have other pets? Also on site Rokers cater for dogs,cats,birds and horses they also have an amazing coffee shop that serves delicious food. Rokers Animal Feeds, Equestrian & Country Store