Earth Animal Communication

Earth Animal Communication I offer 1-1 animal communication teaching, along with group workshops to develop and deepen your rel

One of my paintings...

One of my paintings...

I'm thinking about those colour-filled summer days to come....

Would you like to learn how to hear and communicate with your animal companions? I've two dates for my "Sacred Communica...

Would you like to learn how to hear and communicate with your animal companions? I've two dates for my "Sacred Communication with Animals - First Steps workshop" coming up which you might like to check out via the link. This is a one day, on-line workshop where I teach you the first steps of being able to communicate with animals. You will also have the opportunity to practise what you've learnt with my animals via distance communication. If you have any questions, please message me.

Sacred Communication with Animals- First Steps A one day, live on-line workshop via Zoom Available Dates: Saturday 5th April 2025 and Saturday 14th June 2025 Timing: 9.30am – 4.30pm (with am & pm breaks & lunch) Cost: £90 Since animal communication first began to become popular a decade or so ago...

Hello everyone, there is a new cycle of The Semi-Circle group starting in February 2025. It is a monthly group throughou...

Hello everyone, there is a new cycle of The Semi-Circle group starting in February 2025. It is a monthly group throughout the year, with an intake every 6 months. If you are wanting to dive deeply into the esoteric process of inner transformation, if you want to expand your capacity to connect with the Sacred land and with animals then you can read more about the group here.
If you want to come along or if you have any questions, please get in touch.

Uncategorized The Semi-Circle: Esoteric and Metaphysical Group ByClare RP December 30, 2024 I wanted to share a little about the Semi-Circle group – why it came into being and what it’s about. For as long as I can remember there have been 3 key words that have woven themselves around, through an...

It's been a couple of months or so since I last wrote a post. I've been musing over what to write - something that is au...

It's been a couple of months or so since I last wrote a post. I've been musing over what to write - something that is authentic in regards to the animals that I've conversed with and what they have to say as well as something that you may find interesting too! My dilemma has been that so many animals are asking for us humans to 'wake up' and to change our attitudes and behaviours towards them and want me to talk about this, but I find that mostly, humans want to hear the amazing stories and insights that animals can offer them. And so I don't write. The other day I talked with someone about a difficult animal communication case that she was struggling with. The animal was acting out quite aggressively and it was thought that the animal was likely possessed by a spirit. When I listened to some of the background of the case it felt to me that it was just as likely that the animal had been soaking up a mixture of the conscious and unconscious dynamics of the family, reached a threshold and then 'acted it out'. This could be partly as an 'extreme' mirroring event or because the animal couldn't contain the emotional and psychic tension within the collective field of the family any more. This is an example of how our animals and many of the wild animal collectives really do need us to become more aware of how we affect them. I don't know what will happen with this case, it might not go well for the animal.
I have 4 dogs and I know each of them are constantly 'reading' the emotional, mental and psychic field of the family. Constantly. They notice any changes and respond according to their personality type and history. George, in the photo, is particularly sensitive - within a few seconds he notices if the emotional field of the family has changed. It affects him deeply and in this way he is a brilliant teacher, but he also brings home to me so clearly how important human self-awareness and 'self-collection' is to our animals. This is why learning animal communication is as also about learning about ourselves and thus really belongs as part of a larger spiritual practise.

Our dear Rusty, approaching 17 1/2 yrs, died peacefully in his sleep early this morning. For over a decade he had been h...

Our dear Rusty, approaching 17 1/2 yrs, died peacefully in his sleep early this morning. For over a decade he had been helping to teach students animal communication by offering to be one of their 'practise sessions'. He always took this task quite seriously as he knew how important it was to help humans understand that other animals have a voice too. Although always so independent, at the last stages of his life he needed us to be very close to him and so one of us stayed constantly with him as he was fading. He would occasionally reach out a paw and check we were still there. Last night he was cuddled beside me in bed, and he slipped peacefully away. How we all miss him. ###

I often get asked to help people deal with the blocks they encounter when learning animal communication and to come up w...

I often get asked to help people deal with the blocks they encounter when learning animal communication and to come up with a solution for them. If only life was that simple! There are many ways we consciously and sub-consciously block ourselves from being able to hear non-human animals. Animal communication is a process by which you develop your psychic sensitivity to the animal realm. This in itself can create a myriad of challenges as the development of that psychic sensitivity can easily overtake and overwhelm the mental and emotional ability of the individual to be able to process and deal with what they are receiving and this is often when the blocks come down. This is why I have found that it takes more than just developing a psychic link with an animal as this can lead to unexpected experiences as well as projection and fantasy. Better to work with the individual as a whole, helping them to develop, clear out and strengthen their emotional, mental and feeling centres in conjunction with teaching the technical process of connecting with an animal. Animal communication is still a niche subject, one which seems to either get relegated to the lower ranks of 'spirituality' or overly sentimentalised with a "Doctor Dolittle" attitude, but in my view it really is worthy of being warranted with a much deeper respect and gravity. After all we humans are just one species of so many that live on this beautiful planet of ours...

Jerry is in the twilight of his life now. Yesterday, I came across this 2nd photo, taken not long after he came to live ...

Jerry is in the twilight of his life now. Yesterday, I came across this 2nd photo, taken not long after he came to live with us some 11 yrs ago. The 1st photo was taken today.
The time I share with him now is very special as I know that soon our physical time together will come to an end. I asked him, just now before posting this, what if anything he'd like me to write. This is what he said:-
"Love is the most powerful force. It binds us all together. I came into your life to bring this to you in every way that I could - in every look, every wag of my tail, in my energy, in my play, in my presence and in my devotion to you. It is love that binds us all together and it is this love that humans have so many problems with. I would like to say this to humans - pay attention to the many ways we bring love into your life, so often our attempts go unnoticed or misunderstood. You put so much of yourselves onto us that you don't really see us for who we really are. When you let go of that, then you will begin to know us and feel just how important the power of love is. These are not just my words, they are my essence and that of so many you share your lives with." Jerry.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Hi Everyone, if you want to dive deep into your inner sacred nature with the mystery school traditions of ancient Egypt,...

Hi Everyone, if you want to dive deep into your inner sacred nature with the mystery school traditions of ancient Egypt, Greece & the Pythagorean and Hermetic streams as your guide, then you may be interested in The Semi-Circle. The next cycle of monthly meetings starts on Tuesday 13th August.
To find out more, here's a short video:

The Semi-Circle is a monthly, 90 minute Zoom group dedicated to teaching esoteric and spiritual knowledge from the mystery schools of ancient Egypt, Greece, ...

Hello Everyone, just to let you know that in August we start the next 6 monthly cycle of my online spiritual & esoteric ...

Hello Everyone, just to let you know that in August we start the next 6 monthly cycle of my online spiritual & esoteric group: The Semi-Circle.
Having immersed myself in the rich and deep wisdom of the mystery school traditions of Ancient Egypt, Greece, the Pythaorean stream and Hermetica for over 30 years, I bring what I have learnt into a modern day context and teaching, relevant for the human psyche of today. If you want to dive deep into these traditions with me as your guide than join us in August. You can find out more about the group here:

Next Series of meetings start Tuesday 13th August 2024 The formation of this group, which I have named “The Semi-Circle”, has been brought about following my experiences over the decades, of observing gaps in the foundational structures and knowledge within those who are seeking spiritual unfold...

I've lost count of the times I've been left in a state of awe and wonder when working deep within the realms of nature a...

I've lost count of the times I've been left in a state of awe and wonder when working deep within the realms of nature and animals. Even so, each time I feel this 'emersion into the Sacred' it feels completely new. I've been pondering on a simple telling of such an experience - not that one can really say anything about such things, but with the acceptance that words can only do scant justice to this, let me relate a recent experience with Sally, our duck.
She was sharing with me her natural love of water. This is obvious to see - every time we fill up her water pool with fresh water, her delight in playing and washing and preening herself in it is clear for all to see - and we are equally delighted - just by watching her. This, is a gift and sharing in itself. But, more than this, she began sharing with me about her (and others of her kind) affinity with the element of water. She began showing me how she interacts with this element in various different ways. She showed me how she can feel into the nature of water - not just within her bathing pool - but within the greater 'pool' of water that is....everywhere. She showed me specific ways in which she can determine the health of Earth's waterways by her contact with the water in her pool. She showed me how, through water, she can connect with others of her kind. She showed me much more, something I'll share in another post perhaps.

How could this not leave me in a state of wonder and awe?

The purposes, gifts and wisdom of other species is vast, simply vast. It is to our great detriment and loss that we humans seek to reduce other creatures to simple biological systems, with rudimentary intelligence and value. If only humans knew....

Would you like to learn or deepen your meditation practise?I'm starting a course of 6, monthly meditation classes next W...

Would you like to learn or deepen your meditation practise?

I'm starting a course of 6, monthly meditation classes next Wednesday 3rd April, from 4.15pm-5pm, via Zoom.

You will be guided into experiencing different types of meditation, as well as energy and sacred practises - with the aim of helping you to access more clearly and deeply the wisdom & resources you hold within.

Meditation & energy practises are, I have found, a vital cornerstone in any path of spiritual unfoldment or when wanting to work with animals, animal communication and essentially when seeking to connect with the subtle Nature realms.

The cost of these 6 classes is only £30.

If you're interested or would like further information, then please message me. I look forward to welcoming you into our first class next week. Clare x

As well as animal communication I also love to paint. This is my latest painting: "The Night Seer", which is part of my ...

As well as animal communication I also love to paint. This is my latest painting: "The Night Seer", which is part of my collection of art work for this year's exhibition at the Ebenezer Gallery, Polperro, Cornwall. I love Tawny owls....

My latest painting: "The Night Seer". I love owls and we are blessed with so many Tawny owls here. I see them regularly at dusk or dawn - those silent, wise beings who see so much....
I'm going to be taking this painting down as part of my collection of artwork for this year's exhibition season at the Ebenezer Gallery, Polperro, Cornwall. If your in the area, why not come in and take a look...If you click on the image you'll see the whole painting.

Connecting, communicating and communing with Nature is the most glorious experience. It genuinely opens up and transform...

Connecting, communicating and communing with Nature is the most glorious experience. It genuinely opens up and transforms our personal life into a who new way of perception, being, embodiment and action. This may sound a bit grand, but in my experience, it's true. Life is truly lived in a different way, one's experience of Life is completely changed. This doesn't mean to say that we don't face our own personal challenges and trials nor does it mean we bury our head in the sand about what's going on in our world at the moment. Actually, in some ways it's the opposite. It does mean though that in spite of what is happening, or perhaps more accurately, in response to what is happening - we open ourselves in readiness to work ever more humbly, consciously and powerfully with the sacred realms of Nature both physical and subtle, ever eager and willing to hone our own skills and alignment to our inner Sacred Nature so that we have the capacity, clarity and stamina to do what we are called to do. This, is the deeper work of Earth Animal Communication.

Do you need help in navigating your pathway into the Sacred Land? That Sacred place within you that contains the deepest...

Do you need help in navigating your pathway into the Sacred Land? That Sacred place within you that contains the deepest facets of your Soul agreement for this incarnation, as well as all the gifts and powers of the Soul that you need to accomplish this.
The more we consciously we journey into this deep and Sacred Land within, the Sacred Land without opens up to us, in mutual resonance. Thus, we are more equipped and able to connect to, communicate with and co-work alongside the realms of Nature both physical and subtle. The work - that so many of us are drawn to, but don't know how to respond....

The Semi-Circle is a group designed for this work. The link below will take you to my website for further details along with a short video.

Starting Tuesday 13th February 2024 The formation of this group, which I have named “The Semi-Circle”, has been brought about following my experiences over the decades, where I have observed gaps in the foundational structures and knowledge within those who are seeking spiritual unfoldment. Thes...


On Friday we rescued the most beautiful little Guillemot. Here is a short video of this little creature at our home, just before we drove him/her over to the only rescue centre that would help - Ash Rescue Centre, Dartmouth. Ash Rescue Centre . Before you look at the video, I want to share with you more about how we came to be able to rescue him/her as this is really the point of this post.
We we out for lunch near Rame Head. After lunch instead of driving straight home we decided to drive around the coastal road near to the fort where we got married. We decided to stop near the fort having turned the car around, driving back to stop in a small carpark. Then we decided to take an impromptu walk down the fairly steep and narrow track which eventually led to a tiny beach we'd never been on or knew existed. Once on the beach we wandered around the shoreline looking for shells and I said we should walk in the opposite direction too instead of immediately walking back up the track. It was here that we came straight up to the little guillemot, sat on the beach, all alone and unable to move. We literally walked right up to him/her. After walking straight up to him/her we walked away for a bit and then came back to see if there had been any change, but no. So, we did the only thing we could do. I took off my scarf and John caught him/her up wrapping them in my scarf and we walked back to the car. The next few hours were spent desperately trying to find a rescue centre that would take in the bird. Late in the evening I tried Ash Rescue Centre and thankfully they stepped in to help.
Take a moment and think about this....Think of all the choices that we made in order to take us directly to this little bird. All of those choices were guided, all we had to do was to not get in the way. To not have our rational mind talk us out of doing what we did. That's all. The rest was taken care of.
When I was sat in the car holding the Guillemot, it was made very clear to me that this guidance is offered tirelessly to humans when there is a creature in need. Always there are unseen helpers trying to match up a human and animal in need or distress. ALWAYS. So often though the human will block this guidance, rationalise it away or even turn away intentionally.
This experience is a wonderful example of how guidance works, from within ourselves and from the subtle realms. This has come up in teaching recently - where a student recounted where she had received a thought in her mind to make contact with an animal via animal communication but dismissed it. A week later the animal had died....
To discern the difference between our imagination, internal guidance and guidance from the subtle & higher realms is key to expanding our work both in animal communication and for our own spiritual unfoldment. In fact they are intimately connected, one can fuel the other. Our commitment to our own spiritual unfoldment can and will greatly assist us in animal communication, as this provides such key principles as: clarity, discernment, trust, the ability and willingness to perceive truth, love and action entwinned and sacred empowerment.

The Semi-Circle  -  a new group for esoteric studies and spiritual unfoldment, starting 13th February 2024."This group i...

The Semi-Circle - a new group for esoteric studies and spiritual unfoldment, starting 13th February 2024.

"This group is dedicated to esoteric studies and the spiritual transformation of the individual, providing a sacred space for learning and discussion, building a tangible sense of a sacred community. A sacred community, comprised of individuals bound together by the desire to dwell within the Sacred Land, within and without, with the Wisdom of the Mystery School tradition to be our guide." - Clare Roper-Paris. See link below for more details.

Learning to speak with any animal is a such a wonderful thing! A key quality to be developed so as to increase consisten...

Learning to speak with any animal is a such a wonderful thing! A key quality to be developed so as to increase consistency and accuracy is discernment. People can struggle with this, which is sometimes why communications so easily go astray, move into projection and fantasy. Often, I see people trying to develop discernment specifically within animal communication. This can help, but often it just isn't enough. What I've found to be much more potent as a starting place is to focus on discernment away from animal communication, within themselves. Focusing instead on how the quality of discernment functions within their own personal lives. What does it feel like on all levels of their being? To become consciously aware of this can be a struggle for people which is another reason why I've set up 'The Semi-Circle'. This monthly esoteric and spiritual group will get to grips with topics such as this. From the esoteric point of view, discernment is a practical function of the Principle of Truth. Each of us has what I call a 'truthometer' within us. This inner mechanism knows what is right for us, what isn't. It knows when something is in deep alignment with our Soul and when it's not. It knows when something is fact, or fiction...The mystery schools of old knew this and represented this Principle within their myths and symbols. So often I've found that engaging in inner work and spiritual development is pivotal to aligning with the work we are called to do, enhancing it and moving it to a much deeper level. If you feel stuck, want to move forwards in your animal communication journey or whatever you feel called to do, but seem to make no headway, or if you simply want to dive deep into the waters of who you really are, then I invite you to take a look at my website page about my new esoteric group, linked below.

Happy New Year Everyone! Here, as promised, is a video about an esoteric & spiritual group that I'm going to start via m...

Happy New Year Everyone!
Here, as promised, is a video about an esoteric & spiritual group that I'm going to start via monthly Zoom meetings, this February 2024. The video will give you an insight into what the group is about and why feel it's important to offer this. Please like and share if you would be so kind, to help get the word out there and do get in touch if this is something you'd like to get involved with.

This is a monthly 90 minute Zoom group dedicated to teaching esoteric and spiritual knowledge to assist people who are engaged in the process of inner transf...



Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Friday 9am - 5pm




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