🖤💪🏼Transformation Tuesday!💪🏼🖤
I believe in sharing failure stories just as much as success stories. We all have them and its how we learn so we can improve. We are not alone on our bad days, horses like to test us and that’s okay!
The pictures below are of my horse, RB, around 12 months apart.
I bought him in February 2020, just before lockdown hit. He was a 5 year old that had previously competed BSJA, but with the circumstances at the time I was forced to stick to schooling and hacking local. We used the time to get to know each other and build a bond, he was great🥰
When we could finally venture out I took him to multiple venues practicing his show jumping, he was doing brilliantly, impressing me and anyone who watched/taught us🤩
Then 💥 the photos on the left happened…
He suddenly hated jumping, anywhere I took him we would get eliminated. Often being clapped out of the arena for the spectacular rearing performance he would put on. I tried to push him through the “phase” with no success, then I was convinced he was trying to tell me he was in pain☹️
I tried everything, checked everything. Different heights, different rider(a professional)… was it just me?? Checked his back, tack, teeth, feet, got him scoped, etc. … you name it, I checked it! Then i’d run out of all ideas, and energy. I was disheartened to have still made no progress, so I gave him a couple of months off…
I brought him back into work, with no idea what to expect. It was like we’d hit a reset button. He started off a little cheeky but soon settled back into a ridden life, and has been going from strength to strength since! We have since worked hard to build on his skill and technique to get him back to where he was❤️
He is now back in full time work, competing regularly and bringing home the ribbons! I’d be lying if I said I didn’t cry the first time I got him round a full course again🙈
I want to share our story to hopefully inspire someone else to just keep going, and don’t give up on them, as I very nearly did. Eliminate any health problems and with a little determination you will get there!🏆
And don’t forget… I’m always here to help!🖤