🌞🌞 Heatwave in the UK 🌞🌞
Last week (not even on the hottest day) I recorded temperatures in these hideys in the sun. The results speak for themselves!
Temperature in the shed with air con unit was 25 degrees Celsius.
Outside in the shade was 24 degrees.
As you can see, inside a hutch, eglu or in a run was more than 10 degrees higher and in high risk category for guinea pigs and other small animals! Every year many Guinea pigs die of heatstroke, please please prepare now for the coming heatwave.
Indoor pigs should be moved to the coolest room (i.e one not facing the morning sun) and be offered ice packs, large tiles to cool down on, watery veg.
Outdoor pigs should be moved either indoors (anywhere temporary is better than being left out! The bath, a run indoors on a blanket, a dog crate... or find a shaded area that doesn’t get the sun.
These hideys are, quite literally, death traps. Piggies being prey animals will still hide in them as they feel safe, regardless of the temperature! A damp sheet over the run or a reflective sun cover will give them better protection.
Invest in a min / max thermometer, it is surprising how hot they get. Heatstroke is a killer, by the time you see the symptoms it’s usually too late.
I don’t wish to scaremonger but act now! Freeze some bottles of water ready to use, find the coolest spot you can move them to, and don’t let your pets become a very sad statistic.
Temperatures over the next few days are forecast to be much much higher than when I did this test!