Pooches Galore

Pooches Galore Pooches Galore provides dog training and behaviour services to dog owners around the Harrogate area.

Always lovely to be in the top 3 :)

Always lovely to be in the top 3 :)

⭐️TESTIMONIAL⭐️ We cannot recommend Kim enough if your dog suffers from separation anxiety, her support and guidance has...

⭐️TESTIMONIAL⭐️ We cannot recommend Kim enough if your dog suffers from separation anxiety, her support and guidance has given us our lives back (literally!) Our dog Turbo struggled to do 10 minutes alone by himself and he would scream the house down. Kim stepped in and gave us not only the skills and training to help Turbo feel comfortable by himself but also provided us with the knowledge and up to date science on how to boost Turbo's overall confidence. Kim's training is full of green flags; a big one for us was Kim's honest and realistic approach regarding training goals and expectations - unlike some questionable trainers who promise quick fixes through very questionable methods... but Kim is there to support you all the way. Kim being on hand via WhatsApp meant we felt fully supported between meetings and was always available if we had a wobble. Turbo can now do 4.5 hours home alone snoozing away on the sofa. We cannot thank Kim enough and our investment in her help means we can have a happy home alone pooch AND a social life again, wahoo!





On 10th September 2023 the Home Secretary, Suella Braverman, posted on her Twitter page:-

“The American XL Bully is a clear and lethal danger to our communities, particularly children. We can’t go on like this. I have commissioned urgent advice on banning them”

This was followed on 15th September 2023 by the Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak, who said he would ban the breed under the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 “by the end of the year”. DEFRA subsequently issued a statement that evening saying that the Environment Secretary will:-

1. Convene experts to define the American XL Bully ‘in the next week’
2. The Government will then lay a Statutory Instrument to ‘add it to the list of dogs banned under the Act. This will make it an offence to own, breed, gift or sell an XL Bully’ by the end of the year

DEFRA went on to say that there will be a transition period requiring owners to ‘come forward’ and that details of this will be provided ‘in due course’.

The UK’s Chief Veterinary Officer, Christine Middlemiss, is quoted on the BBC as saying on 16th September 2023 that the transition (which she called an “amnesty”) will require owners to register their dogs and take action including requiring the dog to be neutered, on a lead and muzzled in public, as well a requirement for the dog to be insured.

It's hard to be too precise about the next steps but the following is our ‘best guess’, pending further Government announcements:-

Q) Do owners of XL Bullies have to do anything now?
A) No, but it would be advisable to get your dog used to wearing a muzzle, as well as to get it trained, neutered, and insured.
N.B. When your dog is neutered, please ask the vet to make a record of your dog’s microchip number. For insurance it is likely to be third-party liability insurance required, not healthcare.

Q) How do I know if my dog is going to be on the banned list?
A) We shall have to wait to see the definition that is adopted.

Q) How can I get my dog exempted?
A) We’re not sure yet, but it seems as though it’ll be by an owner-led registration scheme which will probably require you to complete an application form, provide evidence of compliance with the conditions and pay for the details to be on the Index of Exempted Dogs.

Q) What if someone misses the deadline to have the dog exempted?
A) The owner (+ if different the person in charge of the dog) will be committing an offence punishable by a prison sentence of up to 6 months and/or an unlimited fine. The dog will be seized by the Police and there is likely to be a presumption that it shall be put down unless you can prove that it is not a danger to public safety. You may also be required to prove that there was good reason why you failed to comply with the amnesty.

Q) What will be the conditions.
A) If it follows the current position for an exempted dog, the requirements will be:-

• The dog is neutered
• The dog is microchipped
• Third party insurance is obtained (+ continues to be in force)
• A certificate of exemption is issued
• Keep the dog at the same address as the registered keeper except for up to 30 days in 12 months
• Notify the Agency of any change of address
• Notify the Agency of the death or export of the dog
• Keep the dog muzzled and on a lead when in a public place
• Keep the dog in sufficiently secure conditions to prevent its escape

Breach of any of these conditions will mean that the dog is no longer exempted.

Q) What are the offences likely to be?
• Having possession or custody of the dog if it has not been exempted within the amnesty period
• To breed (or breed from) the dog
• To sell or exchange the dog
• To make or offer to make a gift of the dog
• Allow the dog to be in a public place without being muzzled and kept on a lead
• Abandon the dog or allow it to stray

Q) Will a rescue be able to rehome an XL Bully?
A) When the ban comes into force, unless the existing rules are changed, a rescue won’t be able to rehome an XL Bully unless it is going to someone who already has or has had responsibility for the dog, and in any event this would have to be approved by a Court.

This summary was produced on 16th September 2023 but this is a fast changing situation so you must not rely on it as legal advice.

⭐️HAPPY NATIONAL DOG DAY⭐️ Give your dog an extra treat today - they deserve it!

⭐️HAPPY NATIONAL DOG DAY⭐️ Give your dog an extra treat today - they deserve it!


As your faithful companion enters the golden years of their life, ensuring their well-being becomes even more paramount. Regular exercise, like daily walks, remains an essential part of your senior dog's routine, fostering vitality, mental stimulation, and a stronger bond between you. In this compre


How lovely is this review!? It really makes my day knowing that people really do value the service I provide and understand just how much I care 🤍
Most importantly, I already miss Stan & Millie, when can I see them .galore 🤣

⭐️PUPPY TRAINING⭐️ loved my first session with Chester! He’s a super clever puppy who is going to keep his owners on the...

⭐️PUPPY TRAINING⭐️ loved my first session with Chester! He’s a super clever puppy who is going to keep his owners on their toes!

⭐MY FAVOURITE TREAT BAGS ⭐ I am a huge fan of a treat bag, I like to have one for every occasion! My Doggone good treat ...

⭐MY FAVOURITE TREAT BAGS ⭐ I am a huge fan of a treat bag, I like to have one for every occasion! My Doggone good treat bag is my work horse - use it all the time, roomy, snap close and on a belt. It ticks all the boxes! I keep a smaller one in the car which I can hook onto my jeans or pop into my handbag if we are going out and about. Finally I do like a treat bag that doubles up as a handbag - I see these all round and I can see why they are a firm favourite.

Have I missed your favourite off the list - what is your fav?

⭐️BAN ON SHOCK COLLARS⭐️ from February 2024 these horrific devices will be banned! Something that I started to think wou...

⭐️BAN ON SHOCK COLLARS⭐️ from February 2024 these horrific devices will be banned! Something that I started to think would never happen and at the same time has happened way too late… now for prong collars and choke chains to go!

⭐️TATTIE’S STORY⭐️ Today we will be attempting 2 hours absence. Tattie used to cry and howl after 35 seconds alone. It h...

⭐️TATTIE’S STORY⭐️ Today we will be attempting 2 hours absence. Tattie used to cry and howl after 35 seconds alone. It has taken 2 years of sometimes inconsistent training to get here but I am so happy we persisted. Some thought I was mad and I was offered many opinions on how fix the problem, including one friend suggesting I give Tattie up. Having Kim as my behaviourist not only provides me with a an evidence-based way of getting there but also gives me a much needed hand to hold throughout the process. She manages my anxiety just as much as Tattie’s. I am finally readjusting to my new found freedom and dinner out with friends is in the not too distant future.

I’m so proud of Sally and - send them good luck messages and I can’t wait to see her popping the champers later!


The model of aggression and dominance has infected human society. But new research shows how wrong we got it.

⭐️CRUFTS⭐️ Had the best day out with Emma from .wagharrogate - we battled the snow and didn’t come home bankrupt which i...

⭐️CRUFTS⭐️ Had the best day out with Emma from .wagharrogate - we battled the snow and didn’t come home bankrupt which is always a bonus! Really just looking for things for Millie which was sadly lacking but I’m not letting that stop me!

⭐️SEPARATION ANXIETY HELP⭐️ I think nearly everyone I work with on separation anxiety has done some of their own researc...

⭐️SEPARATION ANXIETY HELP⭐️ I think nearly everyone I work with on separation anxiety has done some of their own research into it. They might even have gone so far that they have tried to design their own plan - but it just hasn't really worked.

Planning separation anxiety training is a very nuanced skill and working out what the dog can achieve is where understanding how to do this it the key to successful training.

In our online separation anxiety course we go through everything you need, it might be things you already know (but a refresh is always useful) or it might be brand new information.

BUT... in addition it will also give you how to build a plan, templates for your daily training and how to make sure it is all working.

Interested??? Of course you are! Get in touch now to find out more!

Doing it yourself not for you? Well in that case I can hold your hand every step of the way - writing your plans, watching your videos and helping you every step of the way!

When a certificate sums up a lifetimes work - couldn't be prouder of my CCAB status!

When a certificate sums up a lifetimes work - couldn't be prouder of my CCAB status!

⭐️DROP IT V LEAVE IT⭐️ Two cues that are often interchanged are leave it and drop it. But they mean very different thing...

⭐️DROP IT V LEAVE IT⭐️ Two cues that are often interchanged are leave it and drop it. But they mean very different things to your dog and by keeping the two cues distinctive from one another not only helps your training but can also save your dogs life!

⭐️LEAD TYPES⭐️ The equipment we use on our dogs is so important not only for training outcomes but also for your dogs sa...

⭐️LEAD TYPES⭐️ The equipment we use on our dogs is so important not only for training outcomes but also for your dogs safety. There are simple swaps that we can make to help our dogs walks be safer and more comfortable.

⭐️HOW TO GET THE MOST FROM YOUR DOG TRAINER⭐️⭐️ Ask questions - sometimes we are worried about giving you too much infor...

⭐️ Ask questions - sometimes we are worried about giving you too much information and leaving you feeling overwhelmed. Therefore, sometimes we might give you what we think you need or want but please ask us questions. Most of us are desperate to talk about the why's and wherefores of our training plan and could talk for hours on it! Equally if you don't understand something ask - we have a million ways to explain everything and again we are more than happy to tell you each way in depth!
⭐️Come prepared - We will bring plenty of high value treats and toys for our training session but if you know your dog loves something in particular please bring a lot of it! We will be doing more training in our hour session than you would normally do so be prepared. Bring your dogs favourite toy even if you don't know if it will be needed and anything else you think we may or may not need - you can always take it home!
⭐️Try to have clear aims as to what you are expecting from our sessions, it helps me to focus on the right exercises for you.
⭐️Do you homework - we can tell when you haven't! Ultimately we will run the training session whether you have done it or not, but we can get through a lot more if you have worked hard between sessions.
⭐️Stay in touch - all my packages offer unlimited WhatsApp support between sessions, it is included in the price! So keep in touch!

⭐️FINDING A GOOD DOG WALKER⭐️ Recently we had a little holiday and my dad looked after Stanley and Millie to help him ou...

⭐️FINDING A GOOD DOG WALKER⭐️ Recently we had a little holiday and my dad looked after Stanley and Millie to help him out I asked Emma from 𝕎𝕒𝕝𝕜 & 𝕎𝕒𝕘] to take Stanley out for a good run every day and she was a star! We are very lucky in Harrogate to have some fab dog walkers all of which I would be happy to recommend. My go to dog walkers are:
⭐️ 𝕎𝕒𝕝𝕜 & 𝕎𝕒𝕘]

I’m sure there are others who escape me now so let me know who are your favourite dog walkers and why

⭐️TALK LESS, MEAN MORE⭐️ One of the problems I have when I train my dogs is that I like to chat to them. They know all m...

⭐️TALK LESS, MEAN MORE⭐️ One of the problems I have when I train my dogs is that I like to chat to them. They know all my secrets!

However, when I am training them I really want them to listen to the cues I am giving them, and if I am chatting too much to them those important cues are going to get lost in all that chat!

If we make what we are saying to our dogs more salient in the environment it will stand out and they are more likely to respond, get rewarded for it and then repeat it in the future.

So, when you are out with your dog be very conscious of how much you are talking to your dog and if this is having an impact on your training!

⭐️GETTING IT RIGHT FROM THE BEGINNING⭐️ Loved working with Zeus, his owner was so keen to get things right from the begi...

⭐️GETTING IT RIGHT FROM THE BEGINNING⭐️ Loved working with Zeus, his owner was so keen to get things right from the beginning with him and it has really paid off! He recalls from dogs, met some cows and learnt what to do with them, we have worked on loose lead walking and made sure he is happy home alone - all in 2 hours!

What are people’s thoughts on this consultation?

What are people’s thoughts on this consultation?

A consultation into a no-dogs area in Jacob Smith Park iin Knaresborough park is set to end today.

⭐HOW TO LEVEL UP YOUR DOG TRAINING⭐ The three D's of dog training are dog trainers bread and butter - it allows us to ma...

⭐HOW TO LEVEL UP YOUR DOG TRAINING⭐ The three D's of dog training are dog trainers bread and butter - it allows us to make everything easier and then add in layers of difficulty! Have a think about how to incorporate them into your dogs training

⭐️WHERE TO START⭐️ whenever we start training something new with our dogs or want to work on a behaviour that needs some...

⭐️WHERE TO START⭐️ whenever we start training something new with our dogs or want to work on a behaviour that needs some help we want to make the environment as easy as possible. Kobe needed some help with loose lead walking and so starting in a large field allows us to have the space to practice in an easier environment than on paths. Once we have the basics nailed then we can work on making the environment more challenging.

Every training journey has to start somewhere… make sure yours is as easy as possible

⭐️NEW PODCAST MINI SERIES⭐️ This time it’s all about how to train your dog! Learning theory underpins everything you do ...

⭐️NEW PODCAST MINI SERIES⭐️ This time it’s all about how to train your dog! Learning theory underpins everything you do with your dog - whether you are teaching them or not! We are going to start with the foundation of all learning : classical conditioning and then start to get into some pretty controversial issues!

Let me know if you have any questions you’d like answering…

Don’t forget to like and share and maybe even review!

⭐️E COLLARS⭐️ It is no secret that I am not even remotely (see what I did there) a fan of shock collars. From the lowest...

⭐️E COLLARS⭐️ It is no secret that I am not even remotely (see what I did there) a fan of shock collars. From the lowest stimulation to the highest I think these are tools that have no use in dog training. I love this quote by Ian Dunbar (pretty much the guy who is responsible for puppy classes) - it is so true. The four quadrants of dog training are equal in their power, if you can train it with positive punishment (adding something aversive to reduce a behaviour occurring) then you can equally train it with positive reinforcement (adding something good to increase the likelihood of a behaviour happening).

One just has a higher chance of fallout than the other.

If you are saying it is an interrupter, just like a tap on the shoulder, or as a cue then you are not understanding how to use it. To add an aversive to the dog you must want a behaviour to change, mainly to see a reduction in the behaviour.

If you are using it as a cue then you need to think about why you think a shock is a good cue? Why can't it be a whistle or a vocal cue? Why does it have to be a shock?

I have a feeling I am going to get a lot of the balanced community saying I don't know how to use a shock collar... but I do... I just choose to use other methods instead.

I have a really interesting podcast series coming up where delve deep into training methodologies - we are just putting the finishing touches to it!


45 Almsford Drive


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