Your gundog’s love of scent isn’t just a quirk - it’s a window into their world. For gundogs, sniffing isn’t just fun, it’s a natural behaviour that provides both mental stimulation and emotional fulfilment.
By using scent as a self-rewarding activity, you can turn something they already love into a powerful training tool. With a little patience and practice, you’ll not only enrich your dog’s life but also build a stronger bond between you.
Step One: Find an Engaging Scent Spot
Choose a scent-rich area like a woodland path, your garden, or a spot where wildlife passes. Let your dog explore at their own pace, sniffing and investigating. Be patient and supportive, showing them it’s okay to slow down and enjoy the moment.
Step Two: Observe and Share
Watch your dog’s body language as they absorb the scents – they might pause, tilt their head, or root their nose to the ground. These signs show they’re deeply engaged. Stay close to offer calm support and build trust while sharing this moment together.
Step Three: Introduce a Cue
When your dog is fully focused, gently say “sniff” in a calm, encouraging tone. Repeat the word as they engage with the scent. Practise this in different places with varied scents to help them generalise the cue.
Step Four: Combine with Other Behaviours
Once “sniff” is reliable, pair it with cues like “wait.” For example, ask your dog to “wait” and release them with “sniff” as a reward. This builds the value of “wait” by linking it to an enjoyable, natural behaviour.
Remember to start small. Teach “wait” in a controlled environment first, then gradually add the challenge of combining it with scent work. This way, your dog can succeed at each step without feeling overwhelmed.
With practice, the “sniff” cue will become a wonderful tool in your training toolkit. In Part Two of this blog which will be published next month, we’ll dive deeper into breed-specific hunting techniques, covering Hunt Point Retrievers (HPRs), Spaniels, and Retrievers.
Want to learn more about the essential role hunting plays in your gundog's life and how you can work together to channel their instincts in a positive way? Head to https://www.teachyourgundog.co.uk/blogs/news/how-to-get-your-gundog-to-hunt-with-you-part-one