The Boo-Dan Way

The Boo-Dan Way Over 30 years experience and recommended by Vets, Rescue agencies and other pet professionals, actually it's fun to teach them stuff too. Stuff like...


We believe that 100% "positive reinforcement"systems are unbalanced because they fail to take into account the natural way in which dogs learn and communicate. In the natural world dogs will learn from each other, by establishing a functional leadership hierarchy. Together we will teach your dog not just to “Stop” doing things you DON'T like, but how to do things you DO like. Training is so much m

ore than learning efficient ways to correct and Manage your dog. Where to walk next to you so there not pulling your arm out of its socket,
How to say hello without putting feet on you,
NOT get up on the counter when they want something, but to ask for it. (You are still allowed to say no, by the way. “No.You can not have the cheesecake I am saving for the party.)
Coming when called. Right Now. Instead of chasing a bicycle or barking at the back fence.
Paying attention to and following you instead or dragging you to every interesting item on the ground,
Going to bed/place and STAYING there when the doorbell rings instead of barking and lunging,

I'm here to help and guide you to success,

If you practice what I teach you in the lesson, and are still having trouble, tell me! E-Mail, text, send a video, or even call me and let me know, then if I can’t solve it via email, or a chat, I’ll come over. I dont charge you by the visit, my programs are constructed to estimate what it should take to teach your dog the items we discussed at the assessment at the level of reliability and distraction you chose,

That’s the beauty of this. If you are doing what Ive shown you and your still having trouble, Im only a phone call or short trip away.

Our new website is now live Please share the link for me 😀

Our new website is now live

Please share the link for me 😀

We are Steve and Dan, the dynamic duo behind "The Boo-Dan Way." With a passion for dogs and a wealth of experience in training and caring for them, we are dedicated to making a difference in the lives of both canines and their human companions.

Welcome to our dog training group sessions at 18:30 in Milland every week!Join us for a fun and interactive training exp...

Welcome to our dog training group sessions at 18:30 in Milland every week!

Join us for a fun and interactive training experience where you and your furry friend can learn and grow together.

Our group sessions provide a supportive and social environment for both dogs and owners to connect with fellow dog lovers in the community.

During our sessions, our experienced trainers will guide you through a variety of training exercises and techniques, tailored to meet the needs of each individual dog.

Whether you're looking to improve basic obedience, work on specific behavioral issues, or simply want to enhance the bond between you and your dog, our group sessions offer a structured and effective approach to training.

In addition to the training exercises, our group sessions also provide an opportunity for your dog to socialize and interact with other dogs in a controlled and supervised environment.

This helps them develop important social skills and learn how to behave appropriately around other dogs.

Our training sessions take place every week at 18:30 in Milland, providing you with a consistent and convenient schedule to fit into your busy life.

We believe that regular training sessions are key to achieving long-lasting results and progress in your dog's behavior.

So why wait?

Join our group training sessions today and start building a strong foundation of obedience, communication, and trust with your beloved canine companion.

Together, we can unleash the full potential of your dog!

Great group training session this evening. The sunshine even came out Really well done everybody

Great group training session this evening. The sunshine even came out

Really well done everybody


**Regular Slots Available**

🐾 Monday morning solo slot

🐾 Monday lunch time group slot

Experienced, Friendly and Reliable
DBS checked, Insured and Dog First Aid Certified.

Please DM for more information


🐾 Calling all dog lovers! 🐶🌟

Join us for our exciting and fun-filled group dog training classes, where obedience meets agility in the perfect blend of learning and play!

Introducing "Obi-gility" – the ultimate training experience for your furry friends!

📅 Starting on Wednesdays in May at 18:30

📍 Location: Milland, West Sussex.

🐕🎉 What can you expect from our Obi-gility classes? 🎉🐾

1️⃣ Expert Guidance: Our professional trainers will guide you and your pup through a variety of obedience and agility exercises, ensuring a well-rounded training experience.

2️⃣ Fun and Socialisation: Your dog will have a blast interacting with other furry friends, building social skills and enhancing their overall confidence.

3️⃣ Obedience Training: From basic commands to advanced techniques, we'll help your dog master essential obedience skills, making them a well-behaved companion.

4️⃣ Agility Challenges: Watch your furry friend leap over hurdles, weave through poles, and conquer thrilling obstacle courses, boosting their physical fitness and mental agility.

5️⃣ Bonding Time: Strengthen the bond between you and your dog as you work together as a team, fostering trust and understanding.

🎁 Sign up now for our Obi-gility classes and give your dog a pawsome opportunity to learn, grow, and have a tail-wagging good time!

Limited spots available, so reserve your spot today!

For more information or to register, contact us at [email protected] / 07989 168 262

🐾 Don't miss out on this incredible training adventure – join us and let the Obi-gility journey begin! 🐶🌟

Over 30 years experience and recommended by Vets, Rescue agencies and other pet professionals,

🐶🚫 Sometimes, it's absolutely okay to say NO to our furry friends! 🙅‍♂️🐾✋ Hey there, fellow dog lovers! Let's have a lit...

🐶🚫 Sometimes, it's absolutely okay to say NO to our furry friends! 🙅‍♂️🐾

✋ Hey there, fellow dog lovers! Let's have a little heart-to-snout about setting boundaries with our adorable four-legged companions.

We all know how irresistible those puppy eyes can be, but it's important to remember that it's perfectly fine to say NO to your dog once in a while. Here's why:

👉 Firstly, saying no helps establish a healthy and balanced relationship with your pooch. Just like humans, dogs need boundaries to understand what is acceptable behaviour and what isn't.

Setting limits not only helps them become well-behaved canine citizens but also keeps them safe.

👉 Secondly, saying no teaches your dog valuable life lessons. They learn that they can't always have what they want, and that's okay!

This helps prevent them from becoming overly demanding or entitled. Plus, it can be quite amusing to witness their adorable puzzled expressions when they realize they can't always get their way.

👉 Lastly, saying no to your dog allows you to take care of yourself too. It's essential to prioritise your own well-being and not feel guilty about it.

Whether it's saying no to sharing your food, going for a walk when you're tired, or simply needing some personal space, remember that it's perfectly okay to take care of yourself while still being a loving and responsible pet parent.

So, next time your furry friend gives you those irresistible puppy eyes, don't hesitate to say no if necessary. It's all part of being a responsible and loving dog owner! 🐾❤️

Hey there, dog lovers!Listen up, because I've got something important to say about walking your reactive dog! We all kno...

Hey there, dog lovers!

Listen up, because I've got something important to say about walking your reactive dog!

We all know that walking a reactive dog can sometimes feel like walking a tightrope. You follow all the lead laws, you keep control of your dog, but still, people give you the stink eye because your furry friend can't help but bark its little head off. It's like they expect your dog to be a social butterfly or something!

And let's not even get started on those off-leash dog owners who act like you're the problem. Like, hello, you're just doing your best to keep your dog safe and follow the rules!

But here's the deal: you're not doing anything wrong. In fact, you're doing everything right by advocating for your dog and keeping them out of harm's way.

So, to all those judgmental folks out there, here's a friendly reminder:

1. Give us some space, people! Don't approach without asking if it's cool.

2. Hold your judgment and take a walk in our shoes (or our dog's paws) before you start pointing fingers.

3. Instead of offering unsolicited advice, try being understanding. Trust me, we've heard it all before!

Now, let me tell you, I am cheering you on so hard in this wild journey. It's not always easy, but together, we can conquer it!

And if you're struggling with reactive dogs, I've got a little something for you. Head over to The Boo Dan Way at They've got some great resources to help you out.

Remember, you're not alone in this. There are people out there who understand and empathize with what you're going through.

Keep your chin up, and keep on walking!

Sending you all the doggy love,

The Boo Dan Way

Really good group walk today on chaple common near Liphook,  2 collies,A Doberman , A Spanial and a French bulldog x all...

Really good group walk today on chaple common near Liphook,

2 collies,
A Doberman ,
A Spanial
and a French bulldog x

all walked beautifully and passed a lot of dogs successfully,

well done guys !!

Hey guys,here’s some notes i was gonna send to one of you but it would probably be quite relevant for all of you,Plus it...

Hey guys,

here’s some notes i was gonna send to one of you but it would probably be quite relevant for all of you,

Plus it’s something good for you all to Practice…

You will need a clicker and some really high value treats.

Essentially every time your dog looks at another dog or a thing that it’s interested in, bikes , joggers , deer etc,

I want you to click the clicker a couple of times, then reward your dog as soon as they look away from the distraction and look at you instead.

overtime and multiple repetitions your will look at the distraction and then look at you for the reward

The clicker is not only to let the dog know it’s done a good thing and a reward is in the way but also to deliberately make a noise to redirect the dogs attention to you and away from the thing they’re looking at,

so remember

1) as soon as they look at the thing you click a couple of times,

2) as they look at you, you feed.

3) don’t use any commands just the clicker and rewards, no words

Let me know how you get on and remember it takes a lot of repetition


How’s everyone doing today after last nights epic storm, hope all the dogs coped ok

Wow !! Sunshine for our group walk today,  really nice session starting at bramshott , around Waggoners wells and back u...

Wow !! Sunshine for our group walk today,

really nice session starting at bramshott , around Waggoners wells and back up again,

📢 Hey guys and girls! 🐾Looking for a fun and effective way to train your furry friend? Look no further than The Boo Dan ...

📢 Hey guys and girls! 🐾

Looking for a fun and effective way to train your furry friend? Look no further than The Boo Dan Way! 🐶

Join our weekly walk and train groups starting from May.

We have openings on Tuesdays at 13:30 and Thursdays at 17:00. 🕒 For just £18 per dog, you can enjoy a local experience in Haslemere, Liphook, Milland, and Petersfield. 🏞️

Our sessions cover a range of skills including socialising, focus, recall, loose-lead walking, engaging with other dogs, and more! 🐾 Plus, we'll help you with basic cues and provide valuable advice in a low-pressure environment. 🎓

Whether you're looking to reinforce your training or seeking expert guidance, our weekly sessions are perfect for you. 🐕 Just comment "walk" on this post to secure your spot or ask any questions. 📝

Don't miss out on this pawsome opportunity! 🐾 Join The Boo Dan Way today and unleash the full potential of your furry companion. 🐾

A tailored, balanced training program is considered the best approach when training your dog because it takes into accou...

A tailored, balanced training program is considered the best approach when training your dog because it takes into account their individual needs, behaviour, and temperament. Here's why:

1. Customised Approach: Every dog is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. A tailored training program considers your dog's specific personality, breed traits, and learning style.

This allows you to address their specific needs and challenges effectively.

2. Balanced Techniques: A balanced training program combines positive reinforcement with appropriate corrections or negative consequences when necessary.

It focuses on rewarding desired behaviours while discouraging unwanted behaviours.

This balanced approach provides clear guidance to your dog and helps them understand what is expected of them.

3. Effective Communication: Dogs thrive on clear communication. By incorporating a balanced approach, you can effectively communicate with your dog using a variety of methods.

Positive reinforcement rewards and motivates them, while appropriate corrections help them understand boundaries and consequences.

This helps establish a clear line of communication and fosters mutual understanding.

4. Addressing Limitations: Purely positive methods have their limitations. While positive reinforcement is highly effective, it may not be enough in certain situations.

Some dogs may require additional guidance or corrections to understand what is not acceptable behaviour.

A balanced approach allows you to provide appropriate feedback and address challenging behaviours more effectively.

5. Safety and Control: A balanced training program prioritises safety and control.

It helps you establish clear rules and boundaries, ensuring your dog's safety and the safety of others around them.

By teaching them to respond to instructions and understand limits, you can prevent potentially dangerous situations.

6. Building Confidence: A balanced training program helps build your dog's confidence by teaching them appropriate behaviours and boundaries.

They learn to trust and rely on your guidance, which ultimately leads to a more confident and well-adjusted dog.

However, it's essential to remember that using corrections or saying "no" should be done in a fair and appropriate manner.

It should never involve physical harm or intimidation. Positive reinforcement should always be the foundation of your training program, with corrections used sparingly and thoughtfully.

In conclusion, a tailored, balanced training program provides a comprehensive and effective approach to training your dog.

By considering their individual needs, using a combination of positive reinforcement and appropriate corrections, and maintaining clear communication, you can help your dog become a well-behaved and happy companion.


How’s everybody’s week been,


Really nice group walk at bramshott today , well done 👍😀


What’s the biggest issue you’re facing with your dog at the moment ?

Our full rescue dog training programs are truly exceptional, offering a comprehensive range of support to ensure the suc...

Our full rescue dog training programs are truly exceptional, offering a comprehensive range of support to ensure the success of both dogs and their owners.

With our 121 sessions, we provide personalized training sessions that are tailored to meet the specific needs of each individual dog.

These one-on-one sessions allow for focused attention and guidance, ensuring that the training is effective and efficient.

In addition to the 121 sessions, we also offer buddy walks and group walks. Buddy walks provide an opportunity for dogs to socialize and interact with other dogs in a controlled and supervised environment.

This helps them develop social skills and build confidence.

Group walks, on the other hand, allow dogs to engage in physical exercise and mental stimulation while being guided by our experienced trainers.

We understand that questions and concerns may arise during the training process, which is why we offer a dedicated client help line.

Our team of experts is readily available to provide guidance and answer any queries, ensuring that you have the necessary support at all times.
In summary, our full rescue dog training programs are unparalleled in their effectiveness and support.

From personalized 121 sessions to buddy walks, group walks and a help line, we are committed to providing comprehensive assistance to help both dogs and their owners thrive.

For the next 72 hours we are offering a 15% discount on the Right start rescue dog system,

for more info or to book your spot simply comment “ Right start rescue “ and one of us will be in touch,


What breed was the very first dog you had, mine was German shepherds,


The suns a shining , let’s see some photos of
Your dogs out there enjoying themselves

🐶 Attention Struggling Rescue Dog Owners! 🐾🌟 Introducing our "Right Start Rescue Dog System"! 🌟Is your rescue dog giving...

🐶 Attention Struggling Rescue Dog Owners! 🐾

🌟 Introducing our "Right Start Rescue Dog System"! 🌟

Is your rescue dog giving you a hard time?

Are you feeling overwhelmed and unsure of how to help them adjust to their new home?

Don't worry, we're here to assist you every step of the way!

🎯 Our comprehensive program includes:

✅ Personalized 121 training sessions: Our experienced trainers will work closely with you and your furry friend to address any behavioral challenges and provide effective training techniques.

✅ Fun-filled Group Walks: Join our supportive community of dog owners for enjoyable group walks, where your dog can socialize and learn valuable social skills in a controlled environment.

✅ Monthly Workshops: Gain valuable insights and practical tips from our knowledgeable experts through monthly workshops.

Discover effective strategies to overcome common rescue dog issues and build a strong bond with your four-legged companion.

🐾 We understand that every dog is unique, and that's why our program is tailored to meet the immediate needs of you and your precious pup.

We'll work together to create a personalised plan that suits your dog's specific challenges and helps them thrive in their new home.

💖 Don't let the challenges of rescue dog ownership hold you back!

Take the first step towards a happier and harmonious relationship with your furry friend today.

📞 Call us at 07989 168 262

or visit our website

or email me directly at [email protected]

to learn more about our "Right Start Rescue Dog System" and secure your spot.

Remember, a brighter future is just a paw away! 🐾


📢 Greetings to all! I wanted to take a moment to update you on my current situation.

Unfortunately, I have been battling a rather severe case of the flu recently, which has taken quite a toll on me. However, I am thrilled to inform you that I am gradually starting to recover from this ailment.

Although my recovery journey is underway, I must admit that I am still experiencing some challenges.

The flu has left me feeling quite breathless and low on energy. But fear not, for I am determined to bounce back as swiftly as possible. I am eagerly looking forward to regaining my usual vigor and returning to my normal activities soon.

In the meantime, I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you for your patience and support during this period of recuperation.

Your understanding and consideration mean the world to me. Please bear with me a little longer as I continue to gather my strength and restore my vitality.

Rest assured, I am doing all that is necessary to expedite my recovery process. I am taking the required rest, following medical advice, and nourishing my body with the right nutrients. Soon enough, I will be back on my feet, ready to engage and interact with you all once again.

Once again, thank you for your unwavering support and understanding. Together, we will overcome this temporary setback and emerge stronger than ever. Until then, please stay tuned for further updates and rest assured that I am doing everything in my power to expedite my return to full health.

Wishing you all good health and happiness. Let's stay positive and look forward to brighter days ahead! 🌟🌼🌈

What is “ The Boo Dan Way “ The Boo Dan Way is a training method for rescue dogs that focuses on positive reinforcement ...

What is “ The Boo Dan Way “

The Boo Dan Way is a training method for rescue dogs that focuses on positive reinforcement and building a strong bond between the handler and the dog.

This training approach emphasises understanding the individual needs and behavior of each dog to create a personalised training plan.

The Boo Dan Way aims to help rescue dogs overcome any past traumas or behavioral issues by using reward-based training techniques and setting clear boundaries.

It also focuses on teaching essential commands, socialisation, and providing mental stimulation for the dogs.

The ultimate goal is to help rescue dogs become well-behaved, happy, and confident companions.


South Downs National Park


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