Whisker fatigue. It really is a thing. Charlie cat would eat out of rusty tin can when I first got him, now he’s all about the flat dish. I suppose hunger vs discomfort is also a thing.
Whisker Fatigue: Your Cat's Food Bowl May Be Harming Its Health:
Whisker fatigue, also known as whisker stress, is a condition that can occur when a cat's whiskers are repeatedly touched while eating or drinking.
This can happen when a cat eats from a bowl that's too deep or high-sided, causing the whiskers to brush against the sides. It's basically constantly getting sensory input.
Since a cat’s whiskers are packed with sensory receptors, this repetitive stimulation can lead to discomfort and even stress.
Cats experiencing whisker fatigue may become reluctant to eat, act fussy around their food, or pace nervously near their bowl. Switching to shallow, wide dishes can help alleviate this problem by allowing the whiskers to avoid unnecessary contact, ensuring a more comfortable mealtime for your feline friend.