Hey everyone, I will be returning back to work tomorrow! I can’t wait to see everyone again 🐶
My knees unfortunately are no better & I didn’t get the outcome I was hoping for after the 2 week rest break but I’m going to look at seeking further treatment to get them put right!
I will be taking it easy with walks etc so I don’t cause anymore damage to my knees in the meantime. All group walks will be held in the secure dog park so the dogs can enjoy a good run & play off lead. This also means I can get the dogs straight out the van into the park without putting too much strain on my knees walking around. Solos will go ahead as normal.
I have to try & limit the amount of time I’m kneeling down on my knees i.e. taking photos, cleaning the dogs etc but I will still be doing the best I can!
Please just bear with me over these next few weeks. Thank you so much for everyone’s patience & support during this ❤️🩹