Just a quick one to explain why we have a cancellation policy in place, 48 hours is so that if you do need to cancel we have time to cover your appointment. If you do not cancel with 48 hours notice then 50% of cost of the groom shall need to be paid or if you don’t not turn up or cancel on the day 100% of the full groom will need paying before we book anything further. We are self employed, this is our only source of income and when we have people cancel short notice it is a massive blow to our wages.
We have had a couple of negative responses from clients recently regarding not wanting to pay for a missed appointment, you wouldn’t expect to get a free flight if you missed or cancelled the day on or the day before.
Please remember we are a small independent business … we also have bills to pay, being self employed is hard at the best of times, and it’s taken us a lot of love sweat and tears to get scruffs were it is today 🐶