Our annual online pet show and raffle is live and we have made very few sales so far. All the proceeds will be going to St Francis Animal Welfare who do such a fantastic job with rescuing animals in Hampshire (3 of our cats are from there) and we’d love to make their lives a little easier this Christmas and ensure the pets in their care are spoiled as they deserve to be.
The pet show is open to ALL pets, customers past and present. Rosettes will be awarded for each category from first to sixth place plus all first place winners will be entered to win Best in Show. The categories are:
🏆 Loveliest Ladies (females only)
🏆 Marvellous Males (males only)
🏆 Sweet Dreams (pets asleep)
🏆 Celebrations (pets at Christmas/birthdays/halloween)
🏆 Silliest Expressions (the goofier the better)
Entries for both the pet show are £1.50 each entry or 4 entries for £5. Entries close at 12pm on Friday 20th December with winners to be announced that evening.