Wishing all my Family, Friends and Clients a very happy and healthy 2025..
Thank you so much to everyone who has supported me this year, making my dreams become reality!
My thank you to my Merrivale Supporters was in the guise of a Raffle ...
The winners were as follows:
The top prize went to Nicky Stephens and a treat for Thumbelina from Sam Cyster Equine Sports and Rehabilitation Massage Therapist
Next up was Natalie Mitchell, who won 2bd prize of an hour's lesson at Merrivale Arena
3rd Prize went to Eleanor Neville. Eleanor won a Β£20 Gift Voucher to spend at Mole Valley Farmers
4th Prize drawn was Eve Nicholas, who won a 1 hour Arena Hire session here at Merrivale Arena
5th prize went to Sue Wiliams, Sue won a Β£10 Gift Voucher to spend at Hog House Animal Feeds
6th prize was kindly offered for re draw.. thank you Eve Nicholas. New winner, who won an hour's Arena Hire session at Merrivale Arena, was Tiffany Peters
7th Prize of Horse and Rider Yummy Treats, went to Kimberley (Dixie-Rose) Kitchen
And the final prize went to Harriot Lowe, Harriot won a Naf drinks bottle and some chocs!
Well done everyone!
Happy New Year and see you all soon!
Karen Lord X###
I know the photo isn't horsey, it isn't festive and it has nothing to do with what I do... but I love this picture .. credits to whoever took/photoshopped it.. nothing like a barn door in the wilds!