As promised. The latest update on Stacey Equestrian, we are now at the end of an era. It has been one of the most times we as a family have had to endure! We have tried to find somewhere to keep Stacey Equestrian, our yard and horses all together as one, but to no avail.
The move at the end of June from our home and yard of 30 years was made more difficult and emotional as Richard’s mum was taken very ill and a lot of our time was taken up in hospital. And now with our final move in July, Richard is saying goodbye to his mum who sadly passed a few weeks ago. As you can imagine, it has been very tough!
But getting back to Stacey Equestrian, our spirits have been lifted with the most heartwarming messages of your times at Rosehill, whether they be on instagram, Facebook, private messages or even written on your envelopes, they have been most welcome!
Our heartfelt love to all of you for your support over the years 💖 THE STACEY FAMILY