So very very sad to hear that dearest Ivo passed over the Rainbow 🌈 Bridge this morning.... he slipped peacefully away in his loving owners arms at home... run free little Ivo, run free with Riley & Kira, I will never forget the three amigos❤️🐶 will be sadly missed 😢 😞 xx xx
Early morning Dip for us all....
Devastated to let you all know, Kira has crossed the rainbow 🌈 Bridge.... Run free Kira, give Riley a big nuzzle cuddle from us.... will miss you dearly xx 😔💔 xx
Swim time...
Ella loves a swim....
This is my Old girl...she is 12, and been recently diagnosed with Altzeimers...she has these vacant moments, also forgets where I am and wanders off, she has also lost hearing (however seems slightly better when food is on offer)... not many people know this can happen with dogs. I assure you though, she is a very happy girl ❤❤