Alfs did an appeal to support an injured soldier with a young family, he sadly lost an eye and a leg. He needs a prosthetic eye and leg. The ones supplied by the government are not great and he is currently unable to work. Alfs sent him£1000 towards a prosthetic eye, If you would like to help this young family, please send £££ to
Alfs Herts Sort 55 50 44 Acct 72569522
Please mark injured soldier.
We are not collecting as Alfs Humanitarian as we are forbidden by the Charities Commission to support the military.
Thank you
Everyone’s little makes a lot, we can’t help everyone, but we could with your help, change this families life.
Alfs UKRAINE £10 Cards
Thank you from the children of Ukraine, you made a difference.
Thank you
Ginger Boys Update
The passengers have all been evicted, now flea and egg free, they must feel so much better. How different do these boys look, now called Beau and Charlie, no longer scaredy cats, learning to love life. Thank you to the foster family for loving them so.
The rather beautiful Mable is nearly ten years old and would make a great companion. Vet checked yesterday and now looking for her own sofa. Please call Alfs on 07714 999581 home check and vet reference are required.
Please share, thank you, she is gorgeous
The boys are so scared, but starting to settle, the fleas are dying so the only way is up for these two handsome boys.
How quickly these four have settled, the little one missing is safe and had put herself back to bed in her carrier. These hand rears are just scrumptious. How lucky public found the bin bag and took them to the vets. Your donations make this possible. Thank you. or BACS
Alfs Herts Sort 55 50 44 Account 72569522
These three bengals were five, sadly one died within 24 hours and the other was badly deformed, couldn’t pass through to the birth canal and poor Mummy had to have an emergency c.section to remove the last kitten. Alf’s hand reared them for the first week and then thank goodness Mum took over, we are a poor substitute. Here they are nearly eight weeks old, having great fun in there foster home.
BIN BAG GANG - Alfs Hand Rears
All four are enjoying breakfast this morning, last one at Alfs HQ, moving to foster family later today. Four little bundles of joy. Thank you to the Foster Family for opening your home and hearts to these babies.
This Gang of Four are just scrumptious, dumped in a black bin bag in London, sadly one died within 24 hours, just look at them now, nearly six weeks old, lazy ones are just starting to wean, under protest, they love the bottle. Your donations make this possible. Thank You. The gang will be moving to a foster family in the next few days. Our supplies of Royal Canine Baby Milk and RC Weaning Mouse are almost gone. This is Alfs fifth family of hand rears, one after the other. or BACS
Alfs Herts Sort 55 50 44 Account 72569522
Every ££££ goes to the animals, no expenses are ever taken, all volunteers.
BIN BAG GANG - Alfs Hand Rears - UPDATE
Just look at them now, thankfully the Bin bag is a distant memory, nothing but a life of love and full tummies for these four. They are all using the litter tray and toileting on their own, but they still love the syringe feeding. Six weeks old this coming Wednesday. They have gone from cold, wet, flea ridden and abscess covered to this. Thank you to each and everyone of you that supports Alfs, you saved yet another family. Thank You. Once fully weaned they will move to a foster family.
Thus is Mummy and one of her daughters, need neutering urgently, she looks pregnant again.
Money is needed please £££ it costs £16 around to neuter a cat, plus we need to vaccinate which is around £6. We also need to send £££ so Valentina can feed all the cats and dogs she comes across, they are everywhere. or BACS
Alfs Herts Sort 55 50 44 Acct 72569522
Please donate if you can, winter is coming, and it can reach minus twenty. We also need to buy some straw so the street dogs can survive.
Thank You Valentina under constant daily bombing you still take care of the animals.
Valentina and Anya are working tirelessly, Alfs £££ that we raised for neutering and food has now run out. We have Mummy plus five kittens and another Mummy plus two that need doing now before it gets to cold.
Please donate if you can, let’s get these poor cats neutered. There are also two dogs that need doing.
Now that we are no longer sending the lorry we need to send £££ so animal food can be bought.
We need to raise as much as we can to support other areas with food as well. Chernihiv is desperate for animal food as well. or BACS
Alfsherts Sort 55 50 44 Account 72569522
The cost is approx £40 Dog £16 Cat £6 vaccine
£6 Taxi to vets plus £££ for food.