Bunny 🐰
Bunny was with me and breaking livery for 4 weeks and went home yesterday,
She was a complete blank canvas and went home yesterday
She is now looking for a new postcode via her owner.
Pm for details
Dante 🐴
Dante came to us on breaking livery.
He had actually already been broken in and professionally schooled previously but was very nervous and resulted in a freak accident with his owner at the mounting block causing her to break her ankle.
His owner had somebody in to ride him whilst she was out of action but they where unable to get on him.
The “ before” part of this video is actually after 45 minutes of trying to get the block anywhere near him and being able to stand on it with out him bolting.
He now stands at the block with no issues and his owner is back riding him again after her recovery.
We did notice that he was unable to turn his head to the right when he had a rider on so we had a chiropractor come and check him and it appears that his pelvis has been twisted for years as well as his poll and he was very honest to let a rider on him in the first place!
His owner is now happily hacking him out at home and is taking thinks slow whilst she builds her confidence up.
( excuse the dogs in the video,they were not supposed to be in there 😂 )
Nelly is going home this week!
Nelly has been with us for 5 weeks and has been with her owner since 6 months old so was well handled.
Since being with us she has learnt to lunge,long rein,stand at the mounting block to be mounted,hack out independently,walk,trot,canter& jump a course of fences,
These videos were done a week ago and since then she has been schooled each day,the
Vet has been to check her over and do her teeth as we noticed she was quite unsettled with mounting and displaying a high head carriage and just generally not happy in her mouth which wasn’t the issue at the start of her training,
Her teeth were extremely sharp with some ulceration so that has now been sorted and her owner has been to ride her 🐴
Last nights transport job collecting from an Irish transporter at the services and delivering to Cumbria 🇬🇧
Mustang Equine Transport-Horsebox Hire
Bryn went home today!
When Bryn arrived he was slightly nervous of life but then sometimes became bolshy,
When we started him we thought he was going to be extremely sharp and possibly not what the owner was hoping for,
Fast forward 4.5 weeks and he couldn’t be anymore perfect for his owner,
He has learnt walk,trot,canter,hacking out,standing at the mounting block,and has gotten over the fear of the hose pipe,
He has also attempted a course of fences with success but due to having to have a physio appointment mid way through his education after having a few problems with him it was decided it was best that he purely just
hacks for the rest of the year,
He is actually now extremely lazy and has gone from being this sharp/Nervous/bolshy Section D to a little too chilled with life,
His owner has been to see him ridden,Ridden in the arena her self along with her daughter and then came back to hack him out 🐎
He can now spent the rest of the year lightly hacking whilst he fills out and matures
Harley left for home after spending just under 5 weeks with us.
She had previously done a lot of ground work with her owners.
Lunging,longreining and had tack on.
Whilst being with us she learnt walk,trot,canter,small course of cross poles and lots of hacking out!
Her owner who hadn’t ridden for over a year came to hack her out before taking her home.
We advised that Harley see a physio when she went home due to having a growth spurt whilst with us, becoming very bum high and increasingly stiff behind and down one side of her body.
The physio has been and sorted Harley out and her owner is enjoying doing some light work with Harley whilst she continues her growing and development.
Northumberland today!
Trying a horse for a client of mine who was viewing to buy 🐴
Me & Lolly our breaking livery out on an adventure 🐴
Nimbus was ridden for a solid 2 hours today due to having a temper tantrum in the arena and napping!
Nimbus wouldn’t give up the napping and I refused to give up pushing him through it!
2 hours later the napping stopped and he was that defeated I managed to hose this not so nervous horse anymore,down!
Today I even had to ride him with a long whip which didn’t particularly bother him but that is something I never thought I would need to do considering he was so nervous when he arrived 3 and a half weeks ago!
Today nimbus and I went out hacking and then came back and managed to come off the lead rein and have our first trot!
Nimbus went on his first hack today!
He was brilliant and not as spooky as he was when I walked him out In hand at the begging of the week.
Today he was understanding leg and hand aids much better.
Keeping him on lead rein for now whilst he’s building his confidence up.
My plan is to keep hacking him for the next week ideally out with other horses also before taking him in the school 🏫
His trot bounces me all over the place 😂
Riding in a breaking saddle doesn’t help!
DJ was much better today and worked his socks off! He didn’t even hesitate going over a pole compared to the first time it took him an hour to get over one with out being terrified!
Much more forwards and I think he’s actually enjoying it!
By the end his nose was literally touching the floor his head was that low ( in walk )
Still struggling to see where I’m going in trot but that will come with time and maturity 🤞
Third time ridden for DJ today.
He was much more forwards today.
After being ridden in the lunge pen we then went for a walk around in the big arena which he found very scary walking passed a course of jumps and needed constant reassurance but he eventually settled.🐴
Today Ari was lunged with tack on for the first time and sat on for the first time and is already off the lead rein hacking up and down the drive almost understanding leg and hand commands.
She understands go more than she understands stop! 🛑 but nothing nasty or naughty I think she quite enjoyed it!