Another amazing session from Sebbi!
Sebbi is one of my reactive clients that we do a hands free session. Whilst I have been working fear free with Sebbi for a couple of months now he is still not quite comfortable with me touching him.
Due to this me and his owners decided to conduct a hands free session. This means I don’t touch Sebbi unless in an emergency, luckily Sebbi likes swimming so it has been easier to coax him in the pool.
As I cannot touch him his owners do make the effort to assist when needed. (All under my supervision) I am in the pool at all times with Sebbi.
Despite being reactive Sebbi has not shown any aggression towards me and enjoys a carrot from my hand.
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The centre had a good old scrub today just in time to be open again on Monday. New year clean start.
I’m super excited to see all my lovely clients again after this break 🐩
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Day 7 of dog advent was the gorgeous Thor 🐾
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Day 6 of dog advent: the wonderful Hugo 🐾
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As I wasn’t here for Day 3, Tiffy the Wiffy got munch on it today to catch up. 😋
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As the 1st was yesterday on my day off we obviously had to let Kizzy get us back to speed.
Day 2 of the Christmas dog advent calendar 🐾
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Day 1 of the advent Christmas calendar. Today was the lovely Chester! 🐾
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Lovely kisses from Bruce! 🥰
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Rory's last mobility session! Rory has officially completed his 6 week mobility course and will now move onto hydrotherapy.
To make this session a bit more fun we decided to create an obstacle course.
Heres what we did:
Forelimbs on step, hind limbs on wobble cushion
Obstacle course - over pole on first hole, sit to stands, over pole on first hole, forelimbs up on block
At the end since he was doing so well we decided to do forelimbs on step and hind limbs on wobble cushion with wobble cushion being moved around to add more instability.
Rory done amazing with this and his improvement is just amazing.
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Have to pay the swim tax!
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Monday morning feeling! 🌞
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Meet Sebbi! Sebbi is a reactive German shepherd who has unfortunately been diagnosed with hip dysplasia.
Sebbi has been coming to me for some victory visit sessions to help him get used to being around me and building a relationship with me.
Well today he went for a swim! This was sebbi's first swimming session with me.
Despite being reactive he does take treats off me and is comfortable being in the pool with me.
The use of the lead in the pool is not usual practice for me but is being used for both mine and Sebbi's safety.
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