Dogsee Chew - The Journey
Founder Bhupendra Khanal or Bhupi as he is widely known is a hardcore techie with an undying love for food and dogs. It was while on a trek in Elam, a small district in Nepal, he found local stray dogs with shining furs, perfect teeth & overall with a great amount of energy. When he interacted with the villagers, they revealed that these dogs often chew on ‘Churpi’ that villagers sometimes throw out or don’t use. This came as quite a surprise to Bhupi as Churpi or Hardened Yak Milk Cheese is something that he has known and ate all his life but never thought of as dog food. A little more research later, ‘Dogsee Chew’ was born!
Dogsee Chew sources its products from the best of manufacturers and suppliers of the Himalayan range – Nepal and Darjeeling. The products are made, as they have always been traditionally made, un-tampered by any modern intervention. The Yak and Cows are free-range, they graze in natural Himalayan pastures and drink the sweet waters that the mountains have to offer. On an average, 8 to 10 litres of milk results in 1 Kg of Dogsee Chew Bars.
When it comes to Dogsee Chew, you’re holding not just another bag of dog treats, but also a promise to your pets, that you’ll always give them nothing but the best; it is an Epitome of commitment and care for your beloved pet friend.