⭐️ Meet Molly ⭐️
Molly is a 15year old Border Collie and is attending hydrotherapy to help manage arthritis in her hips. Molly started her hydrotherapy journey in July and is coming once a week 🐾
As we can see in the video Molly’s range of motion is much greater in the water than on land. This is due to the buoyancy in the water taking all her weight off her joints which then enables her to fully extend each limb.
Keep up the good work Molly 🐾😁
#caninearthritismanagement #bordercollie #caninerehabilitation #caninehydrotherapy #watertherapy #watertherapyfordogs
During these hot days mental stimulation is just as important as going for a walk and keeps your dog active without going out in the heat ☀️
Here is a simple enrichment idea you can do with your dog 🐾
1️⃣ Get a towel or blanket, spread it out and spread their kibble or some treats on it
2️⃣ Roll it up (can also put a knot in it, to make it more challenging)
3️⃣ Give to your dog and allow them to work it out and watch them enjoy
You can also do this enrichment if your dog is older and not able to walk as far, recovering from surgery or is a puppy 🐾☺️
#canineenrichment #snufflemats #SunnyDays #caninehydrotherapy #canine #therapy #CanineTherapy