"It is very frustrating to hear from people that their pet is stiff and slowing down just due to age and that there is no way they are in pain. To this I say that age in itself isn't a disease and that there is a reason any animal, or person for that matter, is stiff, limping or slow to get up. PAIN!
It's not just getting slow or stiff. Becoming more lazy, grumpy or antisocial, starting to put on weight or no longer being bothered jumping into the car are also really common signs that there is actually something wrong. Living with your pet every day can make these changes easy to miss or dismiss as they can develop slowly over months or even years. Being aware of the challenges your pet may face as they get older will help you address issues early and so keep them as comfortable and healthy as possible, allowing them to age with dignity."
- A very important message from Our Pets Health Dr Alex Avery and one we think needs to be SHARED to to get the message about arthritis out there!