Having rescued Felix from the LA County Pound with only 2 hours to save his life, we knew very little about him. It was always going to be a case of trying him here with mine and hoping they all got on and if not then finding him the perfect home.
Felix has very sadly decided that I’m not the long term home that he really wants. He would much prefer a home being the only dog or potentially time to get used to one other smaller dog. All of mine are so much bigger than him and sadly he’s incredibly threatened by larger dogs. Because of this he’s very sad here but I’m determined that I can find him the perfect home. He’s such a wonderful dog who is going to be somebody’s best friend. He will always have a home here if he needs it but I feel that he deserves to be the happiest he can be which I know will be with a family of his own.
⭐️3yo, neutered, Malinois
⭐️very sweet natured
⭐️adores children
⭐️loves everyone
⭐️will give toys, food, bones etc back with no issues at all
⭐️loves the car
⭐️loves going on walks
⭐️super affectionate with everyone
⭐️microchipped, wormed and fully vaccinated
He would make the most wonderful family pet and is desperately waiting to be somebody’s best friend.