Testing the water, having had many lesson with these in my riding career and always seeing a difference. I'd like to offer lessons with the Franklin Ball system and if it would be of interest to people . Beneficial for flatwork and jumping .
Have a read and see if you could benefit from them
Franklin Ball system have You Tried Them yet?
Do you struggle with tipping forwards when you ride? Do you find your lower leg is not always effective or struggle to keep your heel down? Do you struggle to get your horse to work on the bit or is it lacking engagement?The Franklin method may be the transformation your riding needs. Often without realising we are blocking our horse, often causing the horse to misbehave or become stiff and tight over its back. Your coach often has to use multiple words to ask you to change your position, our brain often forgets what was said in the lesson, so we then have to start from scratch each time. By placing the Franklin Ball’s in different areas of the riders body, ie under the seat, helps create a memory in the brain regarding the feeling of the Ball. So instead of using lots of words, I would just need to say think of the “peanut” .