Hi, just a little warning to everyone that ticks appear to be about and active in the area.
This week I had a pup in who had been on a great adventure in the morning, before his groom, in Brampton around the fields near Brampton hut/ behind West end. During his groom that afternoon I ended going through the coat finding around 30 ticks, most were very very small but some had gotten larger feasting away. Now we think he must have gotten into something as they were on his face chest and feet mainly but as a caution just remember to check your pets and that they are up to date on treatments if they go off rummaging or you walk in wooded and grassy areas. Ticks can cause your pet to become quite poorly, can find their way onto us and are just generally unpleasant little critters.
Usually we see this as more of a summer problem but, possibly due to the mild winter/early spring, they are active and as this week has shown me they can find their way onto our pets in great numbers, so keep an eye out! 👀
Here's a link with some advice from the Blue Cross if you want more tick info - https://www.bluecross.org.uk/advice/dog/health-and-injuries/ticks-on-dogs