Dog training with Barbara Sykes MCFBA & TLC Thinking Like Canines

Dog training with Barbara Sykes MCFBA  & TLC Thinking Like Canines Training & behaviour for all breeds with the TLC – Thinking Like Canines technique developed by Barbara Sykes MCFBA MBPDT & Vicki Sykes TLC consultant

Our method of understanding and training dogs is without the use of check chains, titbits, haltis and toys. It helps people to gain their dog’s love, affection and good manners through natural body language and canine communication. Pulling on a lead is one of the most consistent problems presented to us but with correct communication it can be simple to train. More information can be found on


When will people actually put their hands up and say, ‘d’you know what? I’m partly to blame and money shouldn’t come first’!!!!
There is always the argument that if someone has a problem with their dog then maybe they shouldn’t have got that breed. But everyone has to start somewhere, and sensible research plus sensible experienced advice can help to put an owner and a dog on the road to happiness.
When a dog, bought as a pup, has bitten five times – and all face nips! It would make sense not to let the dog near anyone’s face or to bend over it!
Shame on the dog trainers who welcome a dog, take the money and do nothing when the dog changes from feeling fear to being aggressive to other dogs!!
Shame on the dog walker who finally confessed that a dog was getting picked on and was nervous, then started retaliating when it was in the back of her vehicle with five other dogs!!
Shame on the breeder who doesn’t interview, help or assess people buying their pups!
Shame on ‘experienced’ people who give advice based on having had one dog and it worked for them.
Shame on the ‘behaviourist’ who says ‘sit the scared dog by the busy road and keep feeding it’!!
All these people are responsible not only for dogs filling up rescue spaces, but for the death of dogs that don’t get that far.
They are responsible for giving the sensible people in their professions a bad name.
People who care, no matter what their profession, will always put the welfare of the dog before money.
This post is not to criticise the ones who care, and no doubt the ones who don’t care – won’t!
Your thoughts, opinions, and where the heck does the care of dogs in this country go to from here, are very welcome and please feel free to share.

A learning curve for Jake. He's nervous around traffic and someone had forced him to 'face his fears' by making him walk...

A learning curve for Jake. He's nervous around traffic and someone had forced him to 'face his fears' by making him walk on a road with moving vehicles.
We drove to the moors where there is a quiet car park used by dog walkers, near the road but not too near. We left the van door open and let him stand near it so he could see his little 'bit of home and safety'. Jen spent some time letting him settle and relax and then we waited for the cars, as you can see a white car is passing on the road and Jake is standing quite calm and trusting Jen to look after him. There is no rush, in Jake's case slow will speedier than rushing and upsetting him. we may repeat this several times before we feel his is confident enought to move that bit nearer to the road.
Watch this space, Jake's on a learning curve.

Our latest FOSTBC podcast centres on dogs and children. Please feel free to share if you think it can get a message out ...

Our latest FOSTBC podcast centres on dogs and children. Please feel free to share if you think it can get a message out to save at least one dog.

Good morning!
Poppy here to tell you that episode 4 of our podcast is now up!
This week we touch on something quite important which is a dog’s relationship with children. If you have kids or even just a dog and want to know more about the do’s and don’t’s of having children around our 4 legged friends, give the podcast a listen.
I’ll also be posting a visual in a couple of days to go with it so keep an eye out for that post too!!

Enjoy & as always, let us know your thoughts and experiences!

Bea 🐾

Our first podcast for the rescue, hoping to cover all sorts of different things with our future ones

Our first podcast for the rescue, hoping to cover all sorts of different things with our future ones

Listen to Dog and Donuts with FOSTBC on Spotify. Welcome to our podcast! The Freedom of Spirit Trust for Border Collies is a small rescue dedicated to the future of the breed. We are hoping to talk all things dog and the current issues within the canine world. Join us for fun, informative and someti...

We have recently filmed a short documentary with the lovely Ellie and co from the University of Bradford! 🐾We go into de...

We have recently filmed a short documentary with the lovely Ellie and co from the University of Bradford! 🐾
We go into detail about who we are and what we do best giving an insight into what life is really like at the FOSTBC!

An honest look into the world of Border Collie rescue. The success stories, the heartbreak, the laughter, and the trusts dedication to the future and welfare...

Sorry but been out of action for a while as had a bad fall in early Feb and been battling to do everyday stuff. But back...

Sorry but been out of action for a while as had a bad fall in early Feb and been battling to do everyday stuff. But back now and cheesed off. I've just put this post on our rescue site. Please feel free to voice your thoughts on the state of rescue today.

We're gutted here today!! Every day (not every week, every day) we receive requests to take dogs in to rescue. We have to sort out if we have room, and if we have room to prioritise which dogs we can take in.
A little bitch, had three homes already and clearly not wanted. We did our bit, sorted out a space and one day after the application came in we rang to say bring her in. The reply was 'we are just back from dropping her off at another rescue'. So she's safe, that's good news. Then I see that just 24 hours after they have taken her in she is on the internet ready for a new home. From the info given to us we know she is not neutered! How can anyone tell what kind of home and person a dog needs in 24 hours?!
Statistics, number crunching? Is it not better to home fewer dogs and know they are in the right home, than home large numbers and have them passed on, taken back, sold or pts?
Sadly we can't save them all but those we can take in deserve to be in the best place ever for them, and not just become a statistic.

your thoughts are welcome. Should rescues take in and rehome dogs without health checks, neutering (and not all adopters will keep the promise to neuter) and assessments. Or should they be assessed and have any necessary vet procedures done before being rehomed? Incidently the bitch in question did not have a reduced adoption fee.

ps the dog in the photo is not the dog in question, he's one or our Sanctuary dogs.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to  everyone from Barbara and Vicki

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone from Barbara and Vicki

I remember as a child bonfire night was something we kids looked forward to. Sparklers and catherine wheels etc. Now its...

I remember as a child bonfire night was something we kids looked forward to. Sparklers and catherine wheels etc. Now its a nightmare and to be honest I don't think a lot of kids like the big bangs either! We all know that animals suffer with the noise so here's some suggestions for our sensitive four legged best friends.
Try not to anticipate or dread the night, as your dogs will pick up on your anxiety. Provide them with a safe place and one without a lot of light - in the wild they would dig a hole and go to ground. Try to resist the temptation to fuss or cuddle as this can confirm to them that there is something to be scared of. Try to act as you normally would. put the tv up loud or some nice music on. Sit with them through the night if needed but just try and be there rather than make too much of it. Think small child who is scared, the calmer and less worried you are the safer the child will feel.
Vets can and will provide medication but it doesn't always work, special collars, sprays and plugins can work but don't always. Thunder jackets can work but again not always and not on every dog. If you find something that works stick with it, don't keep trying different things.
Try to prevent anxiety by not taking your dog out when the noise is at its worst, if this means staying in doors and going out for the last wee at 2 or 3am so be it. If the weather is fine go for a long walk during the day so your dog is more relaxed and tired. don't try to give treats or toys etc to distract your dog, if he is distracted that's fine but if he's not don't try and force him. If your dog sits in a corner and says 'leave me alone' then respect that. You may want to go and give him a hug but he may not want it. We've all had that moment when we're worried about something and some well meaning person starts trying distract us or give us a hug and really we just want them to leave us alone. Try to read what your dog wants and above all just be there for them.
Hopefully some of the above will help. Please feel free to share this post as far too many dogs suffer because of a tradition that has gone sadly wrong.


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Nominate a charity for a Movement for Good award now.

A supporter of our rescue has just sent us this link. If you could nominate  us it would be great, its a chance to get s...

A supporter of our rescue has just sent us this link. If you could nominate us it would be great, its a chance to get some more funding for our dogs. It might take a lot of nominations but if we share it a lot we could be in with a chance. Our charity number is 1121598 or if you put in the full title be sure to put the word 'the' before the word freedom. It's really quick and easy to do the nomination and if you can share as well that would be great
Thank you, Barbara

Nominate a charity for a Movement for Good award now.

Is it just me? Do I just seem to attract people who have no patience, ethics, loyalty etc. - could do a long list! Or is...

Is it just me? Do I just seem to attract people who have no patience, ethics, loyalty etc. - could do a long list! Or is it a general trend. Our rescue is full, we have a lont waiting list and, although not short of potential adopters a lot of them don't have a clue about the commitment needed to have a dog.
Reasons for wanting a space: its always chased my kids round but now its biting them; I want rid of it; it pulls on a lead and is spoiling our holidays; it needs a training; can't get it to behave; its causing stress in the family. I can go on and fill a page but you can get the gist of it.
wanting to adopt we get: have always wanted one, they're fun; I work full time but it can go to a creche and when I want to go away someone in the family will probably have it; I just want one that is black and white and house trained and good on a lead; it must be a red one; I want a dog that is good with other dogs and people and house trained and doesn't pull; I know you are trainers at your rescue so I understand it will be a good dog and I won't need to do anything with it as it will be trained.
Go to toys are us and get a teddy bear - oh how I'd like to say that to them.
We have requests come for spaces for dogs that need to come in and we need spaces for those dogs. We don't need them taken up by people that can't be bothered, but what happens to the ones from those irresponsible dog owners if we don't take them? And where can the genuine cases go because rescues everywhere are full?
We have some great adopters and there are loads more out there but finding them is not easy as most of them already have a dog.
Would welcome your thoughts on this for as far as I can see it's not going to get better in a hurry. We've never been as full and never had such a massive waiting list before.

Another pic of Star, crazy dog, almost impossible to home because she has quirks, hates people around when she's eating ...

Another pic of Star, crazy dog, almost impossible to home because she has quirks, hates people around when she's eating and has a mad sense of fun - she's a collie!
Everyone has their own thoughts and feeling on training but to me its a huge worry that the general trend is that without treats or toys a dog can't be trained. What makes me feel this way? The fact that young collies are coming into rescue so fixated on treats etc that they don't listen and they don't do anything unless there is a bribe on hand. Sadly they don't know about massage, lazy little chats on the lawn, and special bonds. Vicki does a lot of consultations and she says exactly the same, the dogs come into the room behaving like hooligans and barking until they get a treat, then they sit down and are quiet for a moment then kick off again.
I'm not against treats and fun but I don't use them as a bribe and to be honest all my dogs love it when I say tell them they have done well and that I'm proud of them - even Digby who is deaf, his face lights up when I give him a thumbs up.
your thoughts and feelings welcome

It never fails to baffle me when some people come to the rescue wanting to adopt a dog and one of the first questions is...

It never fails to baffle me when some people come to the rescue wanting to adopt a dog and one of the first questions is, 'will it fetch a ball back'! Really, is throwing a ball away so important that unless a dog won't bring it back it can't be adopted? We do behavioural consultations for all breeds at Mainline, and one of the things that people get really frustrated about is, 'he/she won't play with toys'. So what? Spend time talking to your dog. Then we get, 'how can I teach my dog to come back when it doesn't take treats'. Maybe not let the dog off lose and spend time with it so it doesn't want to go away. It's a bit of a moan I know but a decade ago questions like those were few and far between but now they are an everyday occurence
Your thoughts welcome.

Happy Easter everyone

Happy Easter everyone

Raising funds for our rescue dogs at FOSTBC

Raising funds for our rescue dogs at FOSTBC

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New YearFrom Barbara and Vicki

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year
From Barbara and Vicki


It’s time for our Christmas fair next weekend. Lots of wonderful stalls so you can do some Christmas shopping from the comfort of your home.

It’s happening all day on 19th and 20th November and some of the stall will start setting up soon so do join the group to see. All stall holders will be supporting us so please support them.

We do have space for a few more stalls so please message if you would like details, we try not to have stalls that will directly conflict so please let us know what you sell when you message.

Thank you

Click below link to join the group.


Do you remember this young lady? She came in to FOSTBC almost a year ago with a badly damaged front leg which had to be amputated. She carried on afterwards as if she'd always had 3 legs and never had 4. She was adopted six months ago and is such a happy little girl. This is her at a gathering with her family. She is loved by all and we're made up that she has such a happy life ahead of her and filled with so much love.

Christmas cards and Calendars are ready now. Fab photos of dogs and on every page of the calendar

Christmas cards and Calendars are ready now. Fab photos of dogs and on every page of the calendar


Who are we going to be seeing this weekend at the English National Sheep Dog trials?

The full address is Wrangham Farm, Lowick, Berwick upon Tweed, TD15 2UN it’s not far north of Wooler.

We’d love to see some of you there any day Friday-Sunday

Packed and ready for the off. Victoria Allison is ready for running an ultra marathon (32miles!) this weekend at the Gor...

Packed and ready for the off. Victoria Allison is ready for running an ultra marathon (32miles!) this weekend at the Goring Gap Run. She is raising funds for FOSTBC for the rescue dogs and our project expansion. Please support her and help her to help us by sharing this post, the more people it reaches the more chance there is of her getting more sponsorship, and also of reaching people who may be at the venue because she has a bar code on her back so people can donate there and then, how cool is that.
Thank you for sharing and for supporting Victoria and FOSTBC
For more information and sponsoring

Tonights the night of THE FOSTBC GREAT KENNEL SLEEPOVER.Fred's a real happy chappie, he loves the look of his bedroom, c...

Fred's a real happy chappie, he loves the look of his bedroom, can't say the same for the 3 musketeers but its all in a good cause. While they're snuggled up there with Fred they can be visualising new kennels and indoor training areas.
Don't forget that Sarah will be doing live video and please share so others can join in the fun.
Or you can send a donation directly to fostbc and don’t forget our gift aid forms if you haven’t completed one already

Three of the ten. the two boys are still a bit shy but mister Tan is quite confident, expecially if he thinks there's so...

Three of the ten. the two boys are still a bit shy but mister Tan is quite confident, expecially if he thinks there's something in it for him. Nice boys, but still four girls and three more boys to come out of their shell and let us take pics of them

six in a van plus four more round the corner, all arrived two days ago in our rescue. A massive thank you to the Dogs Tr...

six in a van plus four more round the corner, all arrived two days ago in our rescue. A massive thank you to the Dogs Trust who transported them for us in their huge van. It was a 5 hour journey and would have meant two trips for us in our van. We love it when charities can work together like this for the safety of the dogs. All 10 are still settling in but are going great


FOSTBC rescue

Full time or part time kennel position available
Days to include some weekends and bank holidays

Going forward with our expansion plans (details to follow, watch this space) we are looking for someone to join our team in the kennels. Previous work in a rescue kennels or a kennel environment is an advantage, but enthusiasm, determination, a good sense of humour and a very realistic approach to rescue is essential. If you have a passion for the breed, can work outside in all weathers, are prepared to take the rough with the smooth and want to help us achieve our dreams please send your CV to [email protected] or for more information ring 01274566250
Please feel free to share




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