When you haven't done a high find for a while.....
Poor Paddy was super confused for a moment
You could literally see the confusion on his face 🤔🤣
June Scent Classes start next week!
If you haven't already booked we only have a couple of spaces remaining !!
Don't forget the price goes up this month (I am going to hold off the increase til after the bank holiday!!) so don't hang about 😊
Lenny hasn't done any scentwork in ages!!!
This is exactly how long it took him to remember his job!!
He had the whole yard to search, but the wind was coming in just the right direction so it was super easy for him!!
I didn't want to make it too hard as he probably hasn't done any searching in about a year, but I actually didn't need to worry
What can be achieved when you put your mind to it?!?!?
I am sure if you follow our page you know the story of Katie & Paddy!!
Paddy can be reactive, he barks and lunges and generally looks like a raving loony if he feels something is scary or out of place!!
Katie has worked VERY hard with Paddy to help him become so much better about coping with the world around him!!
This little clip is absolutely not perfect mantrailing, he could have been given more line (Katie keeps hold as she knows what can happen - but we are working on that) he stops and is 'distracted' by people, noises and the trains in the environment (but he didn't react, again this is MASSIVE progress and possibly with more time this won't happen either).
However, I am not sharing this video to critique the trailing, it is basically to share a little more of this Teams journey!!
What a great achievement to be able to complete a 700m trail, ending with the misper being found INSIDE the train station, with tanoys going off, people everywhere and trains coming and going with a dog that would have 2yrs ago been in total melt down and the handler would have been an anxious quivering wreck!!
Anything is possible, with a little grit and determination!!! 💕😍