An Essential Guide for Pet Owners: Fireworks Night
* Understand the Stress:
Many animals have acute hearing, which means the loud bangs and whistles from fireworks can be distressing. Recognise that their fear is real and it's our responsibility to make them feel safe.
* Safe Space:
Create a quiet, secure, and comforting environment for your pet. This could be a favorite room, under the dining table, a special bed, or even a blanket fort. Familiar scents and toys can make this space even more comforting.
* Distraction:
Use toys, treats, or playtime to divert their attention from the noise. Keeping the TV or radio on can also help mask the sounds.
* Stay Calm:
Animals are very intuitive and can pick up on our emotions. If you're calm and relaxed, it can help them feel safer.
* Secure Them:
Ensure that all windows, doors, and gates are closed to prevent your pets from running away in a panic. It's not uncommon for pets to escape during fireworks.
* Identification:
Ensure your pet has a collar with an ID tag and, if possible, a microchip. This makes it easier to reunite with them if they do get lost.
* Desensitisation:
Ahead of fireworks night, try playing recorded firework noises at a low volume, gradually increasing the volume over several days. This can help desensitise them to the sounds.
* Seek Professional Advice:
If your pet has severe anxiety, it might be worthwhile to consult a vet. They can provide advice and might even prescribe temporary anti-anxiety medication.
* Stay Indoors:
It's best to keep pets indoors during fireworks. If they need to go out, ensure it's on a leash or in a secure area. And if you have a dog, take them out for a long walk that finishes well before dusk to tire them out, and to minimise the chances of them being spooked by early fireworks.
* After the Fireworks:
Once the fireworks have ended, check your garden for any firework debris before letting your pets out. Some remnants can be harmful if ingested.
Remember, every pet is unique. What works for one might not work for another. It's essential to know your pet and adjust strategies accordingly.
And finally, to state the obvious, don’t leave your pets on their own.
Always prioritise their safety and well-being.