Pop In Pet Play

Pop In Pet Play Pop In Pet Play is run by Lisa Keys, TCSD Scent Detection Handler, Instructor and Ambassador

A must watch for anyone who has a dog 👌

A must watch for anyone who has a dog 👌

Well done The Well Heeled Hound ♥️

Well done The Well Heeled Hound ♥️


If you are looking for a lovely, secure field close to Ipswich I would highly recommend The Suffolk Meadow near Capel St Mary.

I took 3 Dots and a Dash there before heading off to Latitude yesterday and as you can see they had the best time. 🥰

There really is no place for the prong collar in modern day dog training and walking. I always advise a good fitting har...

There really is no place for the prong collar in modern day dog training and walking.

I always advise a good fitting harness for clients.

You never know if you are going to suddenly have to pull a dog away from a dangerous situation in an emergency so imagine the impact a prong collar would have.

To give an example…. when I first started walking a lively German Shepherd, her lovely guardians brought her a perfect fit harness and thank goodness they did as one day I was walking her on a narrow path alongside a river. She decided to relieve herself and as I bent down to pick it up she jumped into the river!!! She was on a normal length lead and I wasn’t expecting this so I’m surprised I didn’t go in with her!!! Anyway, she started to turn and swim away from me so I was able to easily pull her back to the bank, it was very steep, and pull her up using the lead as obviously attached to the harness!!! Now imagine if she had been wearing a prong collar or noose 🤔 (although I wouldn’t walk any dog wearing these) I would have had two choices 1. to pull and the collar/noose, which would have tightened around her neck and possibly she would have panicked at the discomfort and struggled to breath, then pull her heavy body up, which could have literally choked her…. or 2. let go so not to harm her and hope she eventually swam to a point she could get up the bank by herself!!! Her recall was not good at this point so either situation would not have been good.

Wearing a harness enabled me to pull her out safely with no harm done, she had a big shake off and we carried on. I did of course inform her guardians who found the funny side in it. 😊

** oh and of course risk assessment was updated 👍 **

Do you and your dog walk together on a lovely loose lead, gently strolling alongside each other, your dog casually sniffing their environment and you taking in the scenery? Do you lovingly gaze at each other in that ‘we make a great team’ way? Or does it feel like you’re on opposing teams?
Does you dog walk with you because you have taken the time to understand them and their emotions and show them there is a value in being there? Or have you resorted to one of the many quick fix pieces of equipment to instantly stop pulling and your dog walks tentatively with you to avoid the pain the equipment inflicts should they ‘step out of line’. The looks aren’t loving gazes but one of quick glances and appeasement lip licks and still on opposing teams!
Loose lead walking is team work, it’s about learning to walk together. It’s a skill both ends of the lead need to learn - ask my students!
Have you ever asked yourself ‘why does my dog pull?’ There can be many reasons from how they feel emotionally to pain like hip dysplasia!
I can assure you if anything on the market or your dog trainer or walker says it stops your dog pulling just by putting it on them - there will be pain and discomfort involved it’s how they work. It can range from prong collars, to garot style slip leads to harnesses designed to tighten.
As a dog trainer I am aware that occasionally circumstances can be difficult, having a dog pulling you can be painful or even dangerous and having to use this type of equipment helps you manage your dog.
I have resorted to (dogmatic) head collars in the past and will still occasionally look at it as an option with my clients if I felt there was a safety issue, but it’s always with the view it is a short term use and generally people haven’t used it because they didn’t need to and because the dog hated it!
If you would like a better understanding of how you can work towards working as a team with your dog why not book a block of lessons?
Use the link below.



Boy did these lovely dogs sniff their hearts out last night on their final week of our scenario based odour detection class (they had a very important job to do for Suffolk Constabulary 😁)

A very condensed video of them doing some amazing searching….. still a long video I know but just listen to their olfactory systems working!!! Not only did they find all their hides but they searched rooms thoroughly that they had never been in before, which is great for building their confidence in a novel environment 👍

They all passed their Constable level with flying colours and their handlers did a super job supporting them. Thankyou for your hard work and commitment….. So proud of you all 👏



Dog training really isn’t just about the canine end of the lead but the human end too.
I may need to build a guardians confidence, help them understand how to communicate with their dog and support both ends of the lead as they learn together.
I was so proud of my students this morning as I saw the connection develop and the handler’s confidence grow.

You don’t become a dog trainer just because you love dogs you become one because you like humans too and I really enjoyed working with the human end of the lead this morning.

I feel it’s worth noting, confidence comes from the guardian handling their own dog - I all too often see ‘social media’ trainers handling the dog and I feel this can knock the guardians confidence - it’s basically saying look what I can do with your dog and you can’t’.


I was telling my trainer friends just this morning how fortunate I am to have trained with The College of Scentdogs. Their knowledge, training style and continuous support is unparalleled in my opinion. 🌎


Don’t I know it!!!! Wouldn’t have her any other way though 💕

My adorable pop in pets say; ‘it’s coming home’ 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

My adorable pop in pets say; ‘it’s coming home’ 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿

Check out The Big Sniff@pop in pet play’s video.


What a fab job these dogs and handlers did last night on week 5 of our scent detection course. Each week the dogs have been searching different pieces of equipment so we put them all together and hid tins containing a cigarette filter with the odour of gun oil on and not only did they focus and search beautifully, indicate to their handlers when they located it but have become so much more relaxed working in a new environment around other dogs 🤗

Well done teams. You have all worked so hard, showing that practicing between sessions really pays off 👊

Well said The Well Heeled Hound 👍

Well said The Well Heeled Hound 👍

As ‘humans’ are we selfish to want a ‘pet’ dog?
What drives our desire to invite a dog, an animal to live with us (in our modern homes).
In the past that desire would’ve been a ‘need’ for a dog, a need for a dog to do a job and that need would have been genetically bred for and honed. A need to keep vermin down would’ve been met with a terrier!
Now it’s more about ‘I want’ a dog and that ‘want’ is usually based on an aesthetic decision, sometimes there are a few other considerations but what I have personally found is that people rarely research the breed they choose fully. This includes researching the dog’s original purpose or if it’s a cross breed, the purposes! This is when the problems arise. Those once highly desirable traits don’t fit in with our modern idea of a ‘pet’ dog living in a family home with the expectations we put on them.
As a dog trainer I see this all the time, I actually marvel at how well dogs cope and mange to live with humans as well as they do (I’m human and I struggle with it).
What saddens me more is with all the expectations when a dog doesn’t ‘behave’ as we want them to they are perceived as ‘badly behaved’ and it’s a problem to be ‘fixed’.
It may take a bit longer to do the correct research, to talk to a canine professional, to find the ethical breeder or the right rescue but taking that time could be a valuable emotional investment.

This is obviously a huge topic; from dogs being expected to live in inappropriate environments to being poorly designed with health issues.
I’ve only skimmed the subject but if I can get one message across ‘love is not all they need’ it’s much more than that and love will not meet all of a dogs need.
My thoughts on this topic have been prompted through reading Kim Brophey’s book Meet Your Dog.


🆘I know this is distressing to watch so don’t if you can’t🆘

But this is a reality and must stop 🛑

We live in a country of so called animal lovers yet turn a blind eye to the thousands of puppies and other young animals taken from their mums at 6 weeks, raised in disgusting conditions, never seeing daylight until they get a short glimpse whilst crammed in crates and transferred into a van. Then they are on to their final destination of torture. 😖

There are other ways to test products, this is outdated and barbaric. 😡

Our current government has done very little for animal welfare and has failed to deliver many promises 😢

On July 4th I will be voting with my heart as there is only one party who pledges a ban…. others say they want a reduction or phase out where not absolutely necessary but for me this really isn’t good enough. 😢

When it’s too hot to walk….. set up a sniff gym to wear your pooches out 👍

When it’s too hot to walk….. set up a sniff gym to wear your pooches out 👍

Check out The Big Sniff@pop in pet play’s video.

Pinks keeping an eye on the neighbours 🥰

Pinks keeping an eye on the neighbours 🥰


If you know, you know 😂

Last night was session 2 of our Scent Detection Class for beginners and what super stars they all were. 🌟It’s hard work ...

Last night was session 2 of our Scent Detection Class for beginners and what super stars they all were. 🌟

It’s hard work learning a new skill in a new environment, for the dogs and their humans, but I honestly couldn’t have felt prouder of how well they all did. Looking forward to watching them progress through the course 🥰

What’s your dog’s favourite play activity?Lara’s is rough and tumble with her bestie 🥰

What’s your dog’s favourite play activity?

Lara’s is rough and tumble with her bestie 🥰


It’s grass seed season! A timely reminder to check your dog thoroughly after their walks; check them all over but pay attention to feet and ears especially those with fluffy, long type coats and spaniel type ears! They can even get sniffed up their noses (I know because I had this happen to Herbert).
These pesky grass seeds burrow their way under the skin and keep travelling.
The attached Blue Cross article has some great information on how to spot if your dog has an embedded grass seed and how to prevent it from happening.



❤️ UPDATE - reunited ❤️

Missing from CHANTRY PARK IPSWICH IP2 0BS since 15/06/2024

Please DO NOT shout, chase, or grab. Report sightings immediately by calling 0330 124 2004.

DO NOT post sightings on here.

Remember, the owners of the missing animal read your posts. Please be kind, positive, and show empathy.


Jerry says;

‘Dont throw away all your old toilet roll tubes….line them up and pop a tastey treat inside one and let your dog sniff it out’ 🤙

This week we took some Dominoes pizza boxes out on the road and watched the dogs have some olfactory fun and problem sol...

This week we took some Dominoes pizza boxes out on the road and watched the dogs have some olfactory fun and problem solve 👍

Check out The Big Sniff@pop in pet play’s video.

Encourage the insects people 🦋🐝🐞🦟🦗🐜🪰🕷️

Encourage the insects people 🦋🐝🐞🦟🦗🐜🪰🕷️

The frightening reality of the modern world


I like this guy 👍

⭐️ 1 space left ⭐️Would you like to learn the skills to becomea Scent Detection Handler and train your dog to be a Scent...

⭐️ 1 space left ⭐️

Would you like to learn the skills to become
a Scent Detection Handler and train your dog to be a Scent Detective, hunting down gun oil in the environment?🕵️‍♀️

Then why not come and learn in a fun and relaxed atmosphere?
Only 4 dogs per class
(contact me if your dog is fearful of other dogs to discuss if they could cope in a class environment and if special adjustments need to be made)

Some of the many benefits of Scentwork for dogs:

💜 Activates and fulfills their seeking system
💜 They use their nose for what it is designed for
💜 Has a calming effect (very beneficial for anxious
💜 Confidence building
💜 Improves concentration, focus, self-control and overall
behaviour (beneficial for reactive dogs)
💜 Provides mental stimulation
💜 Gives them a job to do while working at their
own pace
💜 enables decision making
💜 Builds a stronger bond between dog and
💜 Suitable activity for all dogs
💜 Mindful activity for both dog and their guardian

Class dates:
12th, 19th 26th June
3rd, 10th,17th July

Venue: Burlington Baptist Church
London Road


Message Lisa on page or call 07411443094




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About Me

Hi my name is Lisa Keys and from a very young age I have been passionate about caring for animals. I was the little girl who rescued baby birds that had been abandoned by their mother and attempted to hand rear them. My parents bought me and my sisters a gorgeous chocolate brown hamster named whiskers who, due to receiving lots of love and attention, became the most affectionate and charismatic hamster I have ever known to this day.

My next pet was a rabbit named Pipkin, who I adored as equally. Then came the guinea pigs Oscar and Amy and finally my parents caved into the constant pleas for a dog. After much research into the best breed for our family my Mother decided that a Dalmatian was the dog for us and we welcomed a spotty bundle of mischievousness into our home. That day changed my life forever, for I learned about the unique bond that is formed between human and dog and how special the unconditional love shared between them could be.

At the ripe old age of nearly fifty and many years of owning dogs, cats and other animals, too many to name, I have learned so much about our furry friends along the way. I have used different training methods over the years, following some good advice but sometimes some poor. I have completed courses in Positive Reinforcement Training methods, Pet First Aid, become a Canine body language instructor with The Dog Training college and a Bronze level UK sniffer dog instructor.

I was determined that my children should all love and respect animals too so together we have shared some amazing times with a house full of animals. Our biggest accomplishment to date is finding the most wonderful female Dalmatian named Anya and helping her to rear five very healthy, well grounded puppies. This was an experience that resulted in me gaining so much love for Anya but it also taught me so much more about Canine behaviour. This has led me to wanting to work with dogs and help owners wherever I can to nurture a special bond that is based on love and respect.