Handling a long line is…. Interesting in the wind! And today is a bit of a wild one! 💨💨🦮
You might have seen videos of my dog before where she is offlead which begs the question ‘why the long line today…? Why not just let her run around?’
The answer is that dogs can get disoriented by wind due to ‘swirling scents!’ and can become spooked, disoriented or overwhelmed easily… I know my dog has a good recall but she is also a sensitive little soul when it comes to wind so… am I willing to risk her getting spooked and bolting…? Absolutely not! Hence the long line and me asking her to ‘check-in’ with me often so that I can see that she is coping 😊🐶
If your dog is a little sensitive too then please think of safety first and keep them on lead, check in with them and if going out in strong winds is too much for them… please don’t make them do it, their walks should be enjoyable for them 🥰🐶
#dogtraining #dog #dogsafety
Just for fun! 🐶🎾
It’s been a while… so here’s a video of me ‘working’ with my dog… it’s all in the name of play really! This takes out all of the repetitive ball throwing and the over arousal that comes with it…. Plus… I got to have fun with my own dog in the process! 👏🏻🐶😊
🦮🐾 Walking nice! I remember when she pulled like a train and hyper-scanned everywhere… from that to this… the power of positive training!! Those auto check-ins 😍👏🏻🐶🦮⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
#dog #dogtraining #dogtrainer #positivetraining #looseleashwalking
Off lead heel, clever pup! This is a relatively new behaviour for her and this is her first time doing it outside! 👏🏻🐶🐾⭐️ #DogTraining #dog #dogtrainer #clickertraining #cleverdog #positivetraining
Practicing impulse control and Stop! While also having a great time getting the ball, rewards don’t always have to be food, they can be other things which your dog enjoys, such as games/toys or praise 😊🐶
#dog #dogtraining #dogtrainer #dogs #impulsecontrol #dogsofinstagram
When it rains…. we trains! Practicing a bit of impulse control with her favourite toy…. Ball! 🥎 🐾🌧️🐶#dog #rainydayplay #dogtraining #colliecross #ballislife
STOP!! From having no interest in me or learning or pretty much anything really to being able to stop on cue… and when she was desperate to get her ball I might add 😂 Well done to this good girl 🐾🐶👏🏻⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Check ins are the best! 🐾👀🐶🐕
#dog #dogtraining #dogwalk #gooddogs #lurcher #germanshepherd #collie #husky
Walking backwards is fun too! 🐕🐾
#dogtraining #dogsofinstagram #dog #walkingbackwards #dogtricks #dogtrainer #happydog
1, 2, 3…. SNUFFLE!! It’s important for dogs to get mental stimulation as well as physical exercise! Snuffle mats are great! Using her nose and engaging her brain to get the food!! 👏🏻🐾🐶
#dogtraining #dog #dogfeeding #snufflemat #mentalstimulationfordogs #hungrydog
Ball obsessed - leave it, get it! 🎾🐶👏🏻
#dog #dogtraining #leaveit #dogsofinstagram #ballobsessed #getit #gooddog
Ruby hard at work with her hooman learning to STOP!! 🐶🐾
#bassedoodle #dogtraining #dog