These 3 girls are providing plenty of distractions to passing motorists!
The twins continue to thrive, they are an absolute delight, and Lily is just awesome too!
Looking forward to the time they can go out together, at the moment the twins are still coming in at night, as Lowri needs the rest and as much food as she can possibly consume in any given period of time! (She does quite well in that aspect!)
Still pinching myself….
Poppy and Daisy’s tea party!
Feed time is their favourite time of day!
The twins are now 3 weeks and one day old….delighted with their progress, and Lily is looking awesome! I’m gutted to be working every weekend until the end of September, it would have been lovely to have taken them out to the odd pony party.
The terrors!
The twins are now 16 days old and going from strength to strength!
What a week! This time last week we were gawping at Lily, delighted with how she was developing, then on Sunday our entire universe was turned upside down when the “is she isn’t she” question of whether Lowri had proved our theory that she was infertile incorrect, was answered when she produced not one, but two tiny but perfect filly foals, who are called Daisy and Poppy.
Poppy needed some help from us all and a tube feed of 400mls of colostrum given by our lovely vet that I managed to milk off a very tolerant and somewhat shell shocked Lowri, but once she’d had that she bounced back and they’ve gone from strength to strength.
The odds of getting a live birth from a twin pregnancy in horses is 1 in 10 000, the chances of both foals being born healthy and both surviving the first 48 hours and not having any issues is much smaller, so we haven’t had much sleep this week!
However the twins have amazed us all, they both had amazing IgG results (well done Lowri!)
They do zoomies around an increasingly bemused Lowri, and all being well tomorrow they will go out for a short period in the paddock next to Lily and Maisie (eventually they will go in together.)
They are getting quite a large fan club already!
Keith Country Show trophy presentation night....Emma being presented with Thumper’s (Merrick Debonair) by Tymor Pele out of Basford Annabel 2 trophies.....wondering why we only got one last year when both are engraved with my name....also wondering why it’s not the ponies names on these trophies as it’s them who win the classes!🤣
Blame Cal! My resurrected love of Arab horses was fulfilled last week by a surprise LTF Sasaki C who has joined the team (some would say mad house!) and will hopefully make his ridden showing debut next season...and in hand (if I can find anyone fit enough to keep up with those paces!)
That moment when you daren’t watch but can’t resist either-lovely flying changes coming towards the fence....