
Leadchanges Leadchanges is all about dogs, dog/human psychology and exploring the connection between them. Kennels, day sits & behaviour modification. Fully insured. It did.

Tamasine Smith worked with horses for over twenty years and taught and studied horsemanship for around half that time. For a number of years she was also a teacher and trainer of horsemanship at her own centre, around South Africa and other countries. Often those coming to the centre would meet the resident Ridgebacks and ask if she also trained dogs – to which the answer would be “no, only horses

”. However, over time, it became clear that although horses are considered prey animals and dogs predators, they actually both need the same thing when it comes to the humans in their lives – leadership and consistency given with calmness, confidence and compassion. She discovered that what she taught in horsemanship lessons: that it’s about “who we need to be more than a method of training” – also applied to dogs. This led to her taking up studies in dog behaviour and starting on a training programme for dogs. After working with a friend and colleague to create a self-development course called Inner Game (after W. Timothy Gallwey’s books) initially using horses as the teachers, it seemed that it might work just as well with dogs. And so Leadchanges was born. Tamasine continues her studies, also attending workshops and gaining inspiration from others. One such group was DogsandAll in South Africa who prepare dogs for protection work and sniffer dog work including drug and bomb detection. Leadchanges is now based in Norfolk and in addition to the original workshops, has grown to encompass Tamasine’s own work and work with rescue groups such as Lab Rescue, Ridgeback Rescue (South Africa), Axarquia Animal Rescue and Alhama Street Animal Protection (Spain). This work involves fostering, rehoming, home checks and rehabilitation. Tamasine in particular loves helping with shy and fearful dogs, people and dogs who do best with individual one on one training and who do not thrive in group classes and confidence building both people and dogs - often those who have stopped enjoying going out and about because of the challenges they face. Tamasine studied for her Diploma in Dog Behaviour with the British College of Canine Studies in the UK and passed with Distinction. She also took her First Aid and Dog Law Certificate with the BCCS, also passed with Distinction. She continues with her CPD attending veterinary behaviour conferences, canine welfare conferences and has studied various behaviour, body language and other courses through Sarah Whitehead’s on line school. She is registered with the ITD (I Train Dogs) and is currently studying for her L6 in advanced dog behaviour with the ISCP (International School for Canine Psychology and Behaviour). She is a Friend member of INTODogs and member of ICAN (International Companion Animal Network)

An excellent explanation about why we see various behaviours in dogs from See Spot Learn

An excellent explanation about why we see various behaviours in dogs from See Spot Learn

Dogs behave the way they do for many reasons. They do NOT do things deliberately to be stubborn or ‘naughty’, nor do they aim to assert control. Outdated mythologies and training methods have detrimental effects on well-being and strain the relationship between a dog and their caregiver.

🧬A dog's breed and genetic makeup can play a significant role in determining certain behavioural traits. Dogs have genetic predispositions and breed-specific tendencies that contribute to their behaviour.
Some breeds are predisposed to specific behaviours, such as herding, hunting, or guarding.

The environment in which a dog is raised and lives can profoundly impact their behaviour. Early socialisation, which involves exposing a puppy to a wide range of people, animals, and environments during their critical developmental period, is crucial for building confidence and shaping a dog's social behaviour to reduce fear or aggression.

Overstimulation can cause all kinds of unwanted behaviours as it overwhelms their senses and can lead to hyperactivity or erratic responses. For example, if a dog is exposed to loud noises, multiple people, and various stimuli all at once, or on a daily basis, they might exhibit excessive excitable behaviour, poor impulse control, become agitated and exhibit behaviours like jumping, barking, or pulling on the leash, as their senses are overwhelmed by the excessive input.

Previous experiences and learning consequences can influence a dog's behaviour. Traumatic experiences, in particular, can lead to fear, anxiety, or aggression.

How a dog is trained and educated by their caregiver or handler can significantly affect their behaviour. Consistent, positive reinforcement-based training can lead to desired behaviours, while harsh or inconsistent methods can result in confusion or fear.

A dog's health, including their physical and mental well-being, can influence their behaviour. Illness, pain, or discomfort can lead to changes in behaviour.

A dog's emotional state, including fear, anxiety, and excitement, can affect their behaviour. For example, a fearful dog may display unpredictable defensive reactive behaviours or might avoid any encounters and run away trying to hide. While a confident dog may exhibit playfulness and a relaxed demeanour.

A dog can become frustrated and destructive if their mental and physical needs are not met. This dog, full of pent-up energy and boredom, may become frustrated and exhibit poor impulse control. In their frustration, they might resort to destructive behaviours, such as chewing furniture, digging up the garden, or incessant barking. This destructive behaviour is often an expression of their frustration and an attempt to alleviate their built-up energy and mental stress.

The type of diet a dog receives can significantly influence their behaviour, with high-quality nutrition promoting better energy levels, mood, and overall well-being, while poor diet choices can lead to issues like irritability, hyperactivity, or digestive problems.

As dogs age, they may experience canine cognitive decline, which can manifest as changes in memory, learning, and behaviour. This condition can lead to increased confusion, disorientation, and altered social interactions in older dogs.

It is really important to understand that each dog is unique, and their behaviour can vary widely, even within the same breed. Dogs use body language, vocalizations, and other forms of communication to express their needs, emotions, and intentions. Understanding a dog's communication cues is essential for interpreting their behaviour.

Anyone want to head over to Paws 4 Training for Parkour. Great opportunity to work on mind and body balance.

Anyone want to head over to Paws 4 Training for Parkour. Great opportunity to work on mind and body balance.

We have a couple of spaces available on our Parkour workshop this Saturday at 11am - 12 noon

£15 per dog

No previous experience necessary

Email [email protected]

Visit our website for further information https://paws4training.net/mind-body-balance-activities/

Workshop is suitable for dogs up to any age from 14 weeks


We are looking forward to our new puppy teenage terror workshop on Saturday 9th March 9.30am - 1pm

This workshop is for anyone who has just taken on a new dog or is thinking of getting one of any age from puppy to adult dog, Adolescent dog to a senior dog.

In this workshop we will teach you what you need to know about building a confident canine.

We will tell you about what behaviours to look out for, how to prevent problems, how to choose or select your new dog, and how to build confidence and resilience in your new dog and help them become a great family member.

Using a combination of slide shows, discussions, demos and practical hands-on work, we will guide you in what to do to develop the best relationship with your dog.

Facilitators: Tamasine Smith from Leadchanges Dog Behaviour and Naomi Farrow Paws 4 Training.

£25 per person. Refreshments will be provided
This workshop is for humans only. There will be dogs present for you to work with

To book email [email protected]

Got a terrier? Look no further!

Got a terrier? Look no further!

After becoming the proud owner of a beautiful intelligent Jack Russell just over 2 years ago and having worked with many different types of small terriers over the years, we are now specialising in working with small terrier puppies.

A Terrier's training can often be overlooked and I have found from personal experience that the majority of people expect small terriers to be yappy reactive/aggressive dogs. They can be small dogs with a big attitude. They are very intelligent dogs and love to work.

They do have huge personalities but if you start things correctly right from the offset - even before you get your puppy a terrier doesn't have to be this way.

We can help you teach your terrier puppy to be calm and relaxed in the home and whilst you are out and about. Once we get the foundations in place we can keep progressing your dog's training further. Some of the activities we can offer as well as puppy and adolescent training include distance training, trick training, parkour, canine hoopers, scent training and agility training.

We can start working with you from when you first bring your terrier puppy home at 8 weeks of age.

Training is available in person and via video.

Click on this link to be directed to our website where you can find out more and book a discovery call.



We are looking forward to our new puppy, teenage terror workshop which we are running on Saturday 9th March, 9.30am - 1pm.

Whether you are new to owning a puppy or teenage terror, rescue dog or are thinking about getting any of the above, come and join us for a morning of education with like-minded people. Tamasine Smith Leadchanges Dog Behaviour Modification will teach you many things about dog behaviour that will help you to understand more about your canine companion.

Live demonstrations and the opportunity for you to have a go working with one of our dogs on some of the activities that we offer here at Paws 4 Training.

£25 per person, Refreshments and cake will be provided.

Email [email protected] to book. (Limited availability) This workshop is for humans only

Exactly this!  The graphic says it all. Credit - the German website to the left of the picture (hundeschule-potsdam)

Exactly this! The graphic says it all.

Credit - the German website to the left of the picture (hundeschule-potsdam)


Titre testing Catton

Sally Talbot’s sessions are fun and her special events days are brilliant for dogs and humans alike. Sadly many miss out...

Sally Talbot’s sessions are fun and her special events days are brilliant for dogs and humans alike. Sadly many miss out because they haven’t got the basics and it’s so important to work supportively and interactively with your dog. I really recommend the benefits of Talking Dogs Scentwork training for dogs of all ages and it will open up so many more events for dog/human partnerships to participate in Sally’s fun workshops and events.

If you like the sound of our scentwork events but haven't yet taught your dog the foundations, why not book a private session?

Sessions can be in person or online. Drop me a message for more information.

Interesting and useful post! Good one to learn from.

Interesting and useful post! Good one to learn from.

Had a client book a consult last month. Her dogs bloods were a bit wrong. See attached (pic 1). Red bits are always a bit alarming. The vet concluded it was because he was raw-fed (obviously, I wonder how many times, over hundreds and hundreds of readings like it, or worse, the same vet pointed the finger at dry food...), said the dog had chronic kidney disease and recommended a low ("no higher than 20%") protein diet.

OK, first, all the studies we have show otherwise healthy dogs in early stage kidney disease (stages 1 - 3) do BETTER the MORE protein you feed them. Not less. We've known that for years. It's only relevant if the patient is exhibiting proteinuria, where protein is building in the blood and poisoning them, end-stage kidney disease stuff. Not a single study I am aware of indicates the opposite. So that particular bit of advice is wrong. Full stop. Completely wrong. As is DRY food for kidney health (cats), but that's another post.

This didn't look like early-stage kidney disease to me, a non-vet it must be noted. I saw only very slightly elevated protein readings which we raw-feeders know is common in raw-fed dogs (there's little chance this conventionally-trained vet would know that, which in itself is dangerous as it may lead them down the road of incorrect kidney disease treatments).

Together with the elevated albumin I was lead to ask - were these bloods well fasted?!

Your dog needs to skip his brekkie minimum to get accurate blood results that day.

No. The dog was fed 4 eggs and a meaty treat for his birthday a few hours before the bloods.

This immediately explains the higher protein in the blood.

But why the elevated liver readings? They're not normal.

Seeing as the vet missed the fasting bit, I probed some more.

Give him any meds that morning?

Yep, Gabapentin.

While gabapentin isn't processed by the liver there are some case studies of it causing liver damage.

OK, before we panic, let's get these bloods done again. Fast properly and don't give Gabapentin first thing in the morning!

And presto. Dog no longer has kidney or liver disease.

While we all hope the vet was flabbergasted and greatly intrigued by my achievements, a lowly-non-vet mouthy blogger, how many of you really understand your blood readings?!

Time to take a little control here too, folks.

Don't miss RPM tonight - how to interpret blood results, common issues, what high this or low that means, and when to panic.

7pm GMT over on the RawPetMedics page.


🐾 Scentwork Handling Skills🐾Kenninghall, Norfolk, Weds 14th Feb, 10:30am - 12:45pm.The partnership between you and your ...

🐾 Scentwork Handling Skills🐾
Kenninghall, Norfolk, Weds 14th Feb, 10:30am - 12:45pm.

The partnership between you and your dog is one of THE most important elements of scentwork.

If you haven't learned how best to work together, and how to navigate your way around different search areas it can put a huge amount of pressure on your dog. This can result in a loss of confidence, an increase in anxiety and a lack of trust in you.

It's vital you know how to support your dog physically and emotionally to ensure confidence and success in your searches.

We NEVER leave our dogs to do all of the work by themselves.

The cost is £60 and there will be a maximum 4 handlers meaning lots of personal tuition.

If you'd like to join me, sign up below. Just 2 spaces left.

Hope you’ll join us to find out more.

Hope you’ll join us to find out more.

Coming up in February!

Our separation-related behaviour talk - what it is and what it isn’t? With Tamasine Smith, Leadchanges dog behaviour modification.

Saturday 17th February 10am - 12 noon

Come and join us at Paws 4 Training Dog Training Centre, near Hempnall, NR15 2NQ for a 2-hour talk.

This workshop is suitable for anyone who believes their dog is suffering from separation-related problems or if you are interested in learning more about the subject.

£20 per person, refreshments and homemade cake will be provided. Limited availability.

Email [email protected] to book

Pay what it takes to have a great teacher.   You only get one crack at this life thing, don't scrimp. Learn from the bes...

Pay what it takes to have a great teacher. You only get one crack at this life thing, don't scrimp. Learn from the best you can (Kate Sandel)

We study hard and do many hours of CPD to get where we are. We invest thousands of pounds to educate ourselves. We have have done the above in order to bring our students the best and hope that those students will now realise that worth. We want our students to succeed beyond their expectations - the reward is what they achieve, but it’s nice to be paid what we deserve too, so that we can continue to invest in our own education.
Sally Talbot. Naomi Farrow. Dawn Seago. Veronika Bühn. Catherine Bradley.

Happy Christmas everyone. Thank you so much for all your support this year it has been a pleasure to help so many of you...

Happy Christmas everyone. Thank you so much for all your support this year it has been a pleasure to help so many of you and your dogs. We learn so much from all of you.

Thank you too to all those who have come to our various talks and workshops - there are lots more planned for 2024.

Inner Game, puppy/adolescents/rescue dogs and separation workshops have been well supported and next year we will be adding talks on aggression.
Thank you too to Sally Talbot and Naomi Farrow - it wouldn’t have been possible without you.

If you’re a dog you don’t get much better than a Sniffmas day out - well the humans have a LOT of fun too - finding clue...

If you’re a dog you don’t get much better than a Sniffmas day out - well the humans have a LOT of fun too - finding clues, eating cake and trying to be the winning team! Looove these events. Such great people to be around too. It’s lovely to catch up, laugh, share stories and thoughts and observations on dogs. If you have a dog - get yourself learning about Talking Dogs Scentwork ASAP! Put it on your 2024 to do list.

Had to share this The Cheeky Chihuahua Dog Training, Behaviour and Mantrailing

Had to share this The Cheeky Chihuahua Dog Training, Behaviour and Mantrailing

Ok, I'm obviously a dog geek. This wild fox has stolen some underlay and made a bed on our garage roof. He's also stolen my trainer as a chew toy. I'm torn between treating him as the savage wild beast that he is, or training him to pass the IMDT Partnership Grade level 1

Sharing again as this is such an important and helpful talk.

Sharing again as this is such an important and helpful talk.

"I was at the seminar when Sally first did her presentation - answered many of the questions you were too scared to ask, and dealt with a very emotive subject with empathy, humour and respect".

🌈 Saying Goodbye 🌈
Online Webinar.
11th December, 7pm via Zoom.
Replay available for 7 days.

Your choices, your options, taking care of yourself, and your dog.

A topic we all need to address, which is much easier when our pets are young and/or healthy.

As a Yoga teacher specialising in nurturing the soul, as well as a dog trainer, I bring this presentation to you with practicality, honesty and compassion.

There are some things we have never thought of (and never want to), but knowing the facts, your options for before, during and after your dog's death can make for a much more peaceful ending.

The session will be approx 60 minutes. If you join live there will be an opportunity for Q&A.
Book a space below 👇🏻

Great day at Paws 4 Training giving the Puppy/New Dog/teenage tearaway workshop. Thank you so much to Naomi Farrow - it ...

Great day at Paws 4 Training giving the Puppy/New Dog/teenage tearaway workshop.

Thank you so much to Naomi Farrow - it was a great morning and hosted brilliantly. I was very impressed with the dedicated attendees! We all wanted a Pumpkin hot water bottle! That was a coooooold one!! 🥶🥶☃️❄️❄️




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