Can you see how much fur is flying arround when drying this young lady. #doggroomingnorthampton #Desborough #desborough #marketharborough #husky #huskylove #deshedsing #desheddingtreatment
Has Christmas arrived early??????
#doggroomingnorthampton #Desborough #desborough #marketharborough #husky #germanshepherd
After having our floor replaced we have made some changes and there are more to come. Our customers and their owners are so important to us and we want to make everyone feel welcome and that their owners can ask us anything we have years of experience and knowledge between us all. #Desborough #desborough #desboroughlocal #marketharborough #doggrooming #doggroomingnorthamptonshire #doggroomingnorthampton
Say Hi to Ruby ot was her 1st visit with us
Mum was worried as Ruby had a bad experience at a groomers before but Ruby did extremely well. Ruby has a wash ,dry, deshed and her claws trimmed. #Desborough #desborough #desboroughlocal #marketharborough #doggrooming #jackrussellterrier
This young lady is 16 weeks in for her free puppy groom. I think you will agree she has done really well
This week we've been really busy and I thought we would have a week of videos drying our customers dogs. This is for most only the second part of the grooming process. This Luna having a groom before her holiday.
Please join me in wishing Elly and Nathan all the best with the next chapter of their lives together. Elly and Nathan get married tomorrow, so the salon won't be open as we are going to the wedding.
#Desborough #desborough #desboroughlocal #marketharborough #desboroughbusiness #marketharboroughliving #marketharboroughsmallbusiness
Do you have large dog we sell collars for dogs all shapes and sizes. The collars in our video have cushioned inner, safety ring so if the collar comes unclipped the collar will not just fall off. They are fully adjustable. The collars are Limited stock at £15.99 each but don't forget they have 50% off the marked price
Don't Forget our Fantastic Sale 50% off all marked prices (Poo bags not included) pop and have a little look round!!!
This is Max from earlier today, his Dad mentioned that he caught Max scratching. So while we were drying max we could see where he was red and sore. We video it to show his dad and now his dad is going see a vet to get a diagnosis.
We can help with you dogs health just give us a call. 07795 285658
Molly is a show cocker, isn’t she just beautiful🐾💓