🐶🐾 Meet one brave little pup, Sully! 🐾🐶
This sweet Shih-Tzu was born with a dermoid on his eye 👁️
A dermoid is a type of benign (non-cancerous) lump that forms from tissues that are supposed to develop in a different area during foetal growth. These cysts are made up of hair follicles, sebaceous glands, sweat glands, and sometimes even bits of bone or cartilage. In Sully's case the dermoid had hairs which were rubbing onto his cornea, causing irritation, ulceration and discomfort 🐶💉
Despite knowing Sully was going to have some complications, his dedicated owner still chose to take him home and was determined to ensure he had the best chance of keeping his eye. Sully's owner came to see Vet Louise, a Certificated Veterinary Ophthalmologist 👩🏼⚕👁️
Louise noted that not only did Sully have a dermoid, but the chronic ulceration caused by the hairs had lead to an extremely fragile cyst like structure on his cornea. This was causing his iris to become mis-shapen and Sully was at huge risk of his eye rupturing 😮
A two-stage procedure was performed. Louise performed microsurgery on Sully's eye here at TKV to remove the dermoid and prevent any further irritation from the hairs. Whilst this healed, Sully visited Focus, an eye referral hospital where Louise sees practice, to perform a second surgery to remove the cyst and graft the fragile cornea and ensure his vision was saved! 😷
3 weeks later and Sully's eye is looking great. He's happy, visual and most importantly, comfortable! Whilst the grafting sites will take some time to heal and fade, he will make a full recovery 💖
We are so proud of how strong he’s been through it all. Well done Sully!💪💖