Stiff upper back and shoulders
Sore, stiff upper back and shoulders affecting your riding? Try these…Horse care and yard jobs can be tough on our bodies and so many of us carry tension in our upper back and our shoulders. The problem for riders is that this tension passes down the reins and means our horses are also going to be tense which isn’t what we’re going for.If your aim is a more supple, free moving horse (which I really hope it is) then use these mobility exercises to ease that tension, remove the stiffness and allow your contact to be elastic, soft and supple so you create lightness in your aids. A combination of stretching, mobilisation and strength work is vital for you to become the best rider you can be, the rider who performs well for their horse and therefore their horse can perform for them. Hit follow if you’re looking for more hints and tips to improve your performance and become the rider your horse deserves. #equestrianfitness #riderfitness #horse #eventing #showjumping #horseriding #horse rider
I wish I’d taken care of myself better
If you feel like you’re holding your horse back then now is the time to do something about it! 50% of the team is made up of you so it’s time to take care of yourself as well as you take care of your horse. What’s one thing you’re currently doing off horse to make sure you’re performing at your best for your horse and being the rider your horse deserves.
George jumping
George spam alert.It’s been a very long process. He’s definitely the most reactive horse I’ve ever worked with and teaching him to process and relax again has been seriously challenging (once he’d decided something was scary it was game over for going anywhere near).This feels like a massive milestone. My goal is to have him a jumping round a little course at home before Christmas. It actually feels like that could be a reality now 😱. #horse #horsesofinstagram #younghorse #homebred #showjumper #showjumping
George. Taking his first (very small)steps towards becoming a showjumper
More George spam!😍 I can call that his first jump can’t I?😂 #showjumper #futureshowjumper #younghorse #stillgotit #horserider #horseriding
George spam. Backing and producing a young horse
George spam including his second ever canter under saddle. Nothing better than a young horse to make you feel like a total beginner.Finally feel like we’re making proper progress with him. Just need to keep the consistency through the winter. #horse #horsesofinstagram #showjumper #futureshowjumper #horserider #horseriding #younghorse
Are riders athletes or do they just sit there? Honestly I think it varies but I also think that all horses deserve to have an athlete on their back (especially if they are competing). It helps them perform better, keeps them sounder and makes life a lot easier for them. For a rider to be an athlete they have to train like one. What’s missing from your off horse training? Are you genuinely the easiest load for your horse to carry? Are you straight and symmetrical, strong and balanced? If you want help becoming an athlete then don’t forget to follow to find out how. #showjumping #eventing #equestrianfitness #riderfitness
How good is your balance and stability in the saddle over a jump? (Grids are a great place to really test this).
Does your horse find you easy to carry or do they have to work harder than necessary because you’re not as still as you could be?
While there is so much technique and skill required when riding horses, if you find you’re not making as much progress now as you were even though you’re having regular lessons, then skill may not be the limiting factor at the moment. You may be limited by what your body is physically capable of, strength, balance, coordination and endurance wise.
The best way to build those things up? Do some strength training.
As a rider you probably have limited time and energy. I work with my clients to make sure that we’re not wasting time. After assessments I plan your sessions to work on exactly what you need to improve your riding performance and become the rider your horse deserves.
How good is your balance and stability in the saddle over a jump? (Grids are a great place to really test this). Does your horse find you easy to carry or do they have to work harder than necessary because you’re not as still as you could be?While there is so much technique and skill required when riding horses, if you find you’re not making as much progress now as you were even though you’re having regular lessons, then skill may not be the limiting factor at the moment. You may be limited by what your body is physically capable of, strength, balance, coordination and endurance wise. The best way to build those things up? Do some strength training.As a rider you probably have limited time and energy. I work with my clients to make sure that we’re not wasting time. After assessments I plan your sessions to work on exactly what you need to improve your riding performance and become the rider your horse deserves.
Missing piece
Looking back on my competition days, one thing I’d do differently is add strength training.Even though I was riding 6-10 horses a day, dancing, doing Pilates, and playing basketball, I know a proper strength routine would have made a big difference.Here’s why: 1. Balance comes from strength. Those quick corrections in the saddle rely on strong core and leg muscles. I can think of a few run outs that could’ve been avoided if I’d been stronger and sharper. 2. Control comes from power. Riding is all about technique, but more strength gives you better control over your body, refining your communication with the horse. It’s those tiny missteps in dressage or jumping that cost you marks—or much more! 3. Strength makes you resilient. Riding is tough on the body. Strength training helps prevent injury, builds bone density, and keeps you moving better as you get older—something I appreciate even more now with a family.Is strength training the missing piece for you too?#eventing #showjumping #dressage #equestrianfitness #riderfitness
If you find yourself often losing focus while riding and struggle to concentrate it might be worth checking how much you’re drinking. Hydration affects your brain’s ability to function optimally and we all know how vital making the right decisions when riding can be to make sure you and your horse stay safe. Sometimes it really can be the small, simple things that make the biggest difference to your performance. #equestrianfitness #riderfitness #horseriding #showjumping #dressage #eventing #horse #horsesofinstagram
Canter exercises
6 Exercises to help your strength and mobility for canter transitions.
Most common issues I see that either block the transition or send the horse onto their forehand are…
Riders unable to move their hips and pelvis with their horse Riders getting behind the movement
Rider tipping forward in front of the movementRiders unable to allow enough with the contact, or with a very tight inside rein.
Riders absorbing the movement either through driving with their seat or their upper body moving rather than their pelvis moving.
These exercises will help you stay on top of your horse in the middle with stable upper body and legs, a soft elastic contact and a mobile pelvis that allows the horse to move
Half kneel pelvic tilts for mobility - there is no point in the canter that the horses’s pelvis isn’t moving and therefore yours should always be moving with them!
Glute bridge abduction and banded marches for hip stability - the only way you’ll be able to maintain a mobile pelvis without losing balance or ending moving too much is by having strong muscles around the pelvis that can work together.
Plank hip dips for a strong dynamic core - if you get stuck in a “braced” position your pelvis can’t move and neither can your horse’s. Plus you’ll have to absorb the movement somewhere else (usually the upper body becoming mobile).
Rows to help stabilise your upper back and shoulders. Your upper body should be still and your shoulders and elbows able to move with the horses head movement into the canter.
Kneeling chest press - you must be able to allow with your hand without dropping your upper body forward.Give them a try or save to have a go later. #riderfitness #canter #dressage #equestrianfitness #personaltrainer #equestriancoach